quest question
I ended up at the raceway ruins in thousand needles and the place is driving me insane. Goblins are truly a special breed of builders...

I'm doing, well trying to do the "pirate accuracy increasing" quest
When I finally found the fire-extinguising boat guy, I thought the hard part was over.
If only I could figure out how to get a view of the fires I'm supposed to extinguished... Does anyone here have goblin relatives or the secret manual on how to get the right prespective?
I can drag the view like anywhere else in the game, but when I let go of the mousebutton .... bam ... back to ocean view it is ...
Abandoning this quest sounds so very tempting.

On a not so related note, I was on my way to tanaris when I sucked in to goblinville. How do I get from the barrens to tanaris these days?

(03-10-2011, 11:49 AM)Jane Wrote: I ended up at the raceway ruins in thousand needles and the place is driving me insane. Goblins are truly a special breed of builders...

On a not so related note, I was on my way to tanaris when I sucked in to goblinville. How do I get from the barrens to tanaris these days?

If you are at the race barge, then swim south and the pass in the mountains to Tanaris is still there. But brace yourself for what you will see then...
How are you moving the view? If you are moving with the right mouse button (I believe) that will just turn your characters view point and it will reset to face forward during motion. If you move the view with the left mouse button that will effect the camera view and that shouldn't reset during motion.

The same scenario will occur if you set your character to auto-run and move the view with each corresponding mouse button. One effects your characters path, the other effects the camera path.

In other news, this was a relatively annoying quest. Even without your camera issues it's difficult to aim well and know if you will hit the fire. Very random a lot of the time if you get credit for a hit or not.
(03-10-2011, 10:54 PM)Chesspiece_face Wrote: How are you moving the view? If you are moving with the right mouse button (I believe) that will just turn your characters view point and it will reset to face forward during motion. If you move the view with the left mouse button that will effect the camera view and that shouldn't reset during motion.

The same scenario will occur if you set your character to auto-run and move the view with each corresponding mouse button. One effects your characters path, the other effects the camera path.

In other news, this was a relatively annoying quest. Even without your camera issues it's difficult to aim well and know if you will hit the fire. Very random a lot of the time if you get credit for a hit or not.

There are checkboxes under the camera settings (or there used to be), that affect how your camera reacts to character movement, etc. I think if you have those in the default settings you'll have issues turning to look at the fires (camera will keep snapping back to another viewpoint). Also, if you set it to allow you to zoom your camera out to the max (another slider in there), it'll be easier to see what's going on.

If you've done these things, then I don't have any other advice.
<span style="color:red">Terenas (PvE)
Xarhud: Lvl 80 Undead Priest
Meltok: Lvl 70 Undead Mage
Ishila: Lvl 31 Tauren Druid
Tynaria: Lvl 66 Blood Elf Rogue
Thank you for the good advice :-)

I agree this quest should have a "annoying" label on it.

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