More Recount Problems
Recount is the addon I love to hate. Any other addon that was as problematic as Recount I would have ditched years ago. But yet, when it works, the information is so useful I don't want to do without it.

Sometimes Recount does not reset the information at the start of a raid, and sometimes it does reset, and then decides not to collect any data. What is new tonight is that in a Wintergrasp raid Recount reset and collected data, but it did not collect data for me, the enemies I killed, or (I'm pretty sure) those that attacked me. My rogue did not appear in any of the data sets at all. Of the data that was collected and shown, time stamps were reasonable and people's names matched people that really were in the raid.

All I can think of that might cause the problem is an addon, Rat Patrol, that I just started using. From what I've seen Rat Patrol works exactly right: it keeps a record of my killing blows. But it could somehow be causing a problem for Recount. This is unlikely, as I see the correct information in my combat log.

Has anyone seen a similar problem with Recount or has anyone else tried running Recount and Rat Patrol at the same time?
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
I became so frustrated with Recount not collecting information, and deciding that it wasn't going to work in cross realm affairs (dungeons and BG) that I stopped using it and went with Skada.

I'm a very very happy gamer for making the switch.
nobody ever slaughtered an entire school with a smart phone and a twitter account – they have, however, toppled governments. - Jim Wright
(11-13-2010, 12:45 PM)shoju Wrote: I became so frustrated with Recount not collecting information, and deciding that it wasn't going to work in cross realm affairs (dungeons and BG) that I stopped using it and went with Skada.

I'm a very very happy gamer for making the switch.

I downloaded Skada and have been playing with it. So far the numbers match recount, which I guess is a good thing.

How do you configure Skada to tell it what players/pets to include in the data collection and display?


I took both Skada and Recount into Wintergrasp with my druid, and the damage numbers matched. However I still can't get Skada configured as I'd like it.

One problem is that Skada shows no enemy damage done, nor enemy damage taken. The amouts are just listed as zero. I'd like to know how to turn this on.

Secondly, on the death report Skada just shows me someone has died. In my case I knew that already so the information was not particularly helpful. There is no cause of death. In addition there are no enemies showing up on the death report, probably because Skada does not know they have taken any damage.

Unless I can get these issues figured out I will probably not be using Skada. I also can't figure out how to make the Skada window open and close when I want it to.

Edit 2:

I went into Wintergrasp again for another battle. This time Recount credited me with about 5k more damage than Skada.

Edit 3:

Nevermind, by default Skada was not showing me total damage. The total damage numbers for my druid matched.

Also the command "/skada toggle" opens and closes the Skada window.

I still cannot make enemy damage or deaths show up in Skada, if anyone can help with this.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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