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10-18-2010, 08:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-18-2010, 08:40 PM by LavCat.)
My feral druid was using the following Mangle macro prior to 4.0.1:
#showtooltip Mangle (Cat)
/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:3] Cat Form
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] !Prowl
/cast [stealth] Pounce
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,combat] Mangle (Cat)
/cast [stance:1] Mangle (Bear)
I changed the spell names in the macro to the new 4.0.1 names:
#showtooltip Mangle(Cat Form)
/stopmacro [flying]
/cast [nostance:1,nostance:3] Cat Form
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] !Prowl
/cast [stealth] Pounce
/cast [stance:3,nostealth,combat] Mangle(Cat Form)
/cast [stance:1] Mangle(Bear Form)
But the macro is still not working. The first press shifts the druid to cat form (as intended), but the second press shifts the druid back to caster form, rather than casting Prowl. I suspect druid stances may have been renumbered but I haven't yet found information.
Can anyone help me fix my macro?
Edit: Never mind, the problem seems fixed and the macro appears to be working. What caused the macro not to work was 4.0.1 caused the druid to unlearn her bear form (why, Blizzard??) so of course the stance numbers were messed up.
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(10-18-2010, 08:27 PM)LavCat Wrote: What caused the macro not to work was 4.0.1 caused the druid to unlearn her bear form (why, Blizzard??) so of course the stance numbers were messed up.
Because Bear Form and Dire Bear Form became one...
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(10-18-2010, 08:59 PM)Mavfin Wrote: (10-18-2010, 08:27 PM)LavCat Wrote: What caused the macro not to work was 4.0.1 caused the druid to unlearn her bear form (why, Blizzard??) so of course the stance numbers were messed up.
Because Bear Form and Dire Bear Form became one...
That almost makes sense but why not just change the name of the form for anyone who has done the bear quest rather than having to go to a trainer for it? Anyhow I'm glad the problem is fixed. One down and 4,768,973 to go.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
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11-03-2010, 08:46 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-04-2010, 11:56 PM by LavCat.)
I have modified my druid button mashing macro for better targeting. Here is the current version:
/targetenemyplayer [flying][stealth]
/stopmacro [flying]
/use [noform:1/3]Cat Form
/use [form:3,nostealth,nocombat]!Prowl
/stopmacro [noharm,stealth]
/use [stealth]Pounce
/use [form:3,nostealth,combat]Mangle(Cat Form)
/use [form:1]Mangle(Bear Form)
Note, I had to change "cast" to "use" and "stance" to "form" to save space. The macro is 248 characters, and I can't see any way to shorten it further. For the first line I would like to to able to add:
/cleartarget [flying][stealth]
But there is no room. Does anyone see a way to make the macro shorter without changing the function?
I could just drop the last line and use a different macro for bear form, but it's nice to be able to use the same macro in any stance.
Edit: I got rid of the bear stuff. Here is where I am now (254 characters):
/cleartarget [flying][stealth][noharm]
/targetenemyplayer [flying][stealth]
/stopmacro [flying]
/use [noform:3]Cat Form
/use [form:3,nostealth,nocombat]!Prowl
/stopmacro [noharm,stealth]
/use [stealth]Pounce
/use [form:3,nostealth,combat]Mangle(Cat Form)
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
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I use Dominos to automatically swap to a different bar when I go into cat form and also a separate one for bear form, so I don't have to worry about producing a button layout that combines cat and bear form abilities. That being said, I have combined some of the cat form abilities like you have, but I've done it a little differently.
Conceptually, shred and ravage seem similar to me, though because of the new talent [Stampede] I need to cast ravage while unstealthed, so I have something like this:
/cast [stealth] Ravage
/cast [modifier  hift] Ravage
/cast [nomodifier  hift, nostealth] Shred
Rake and Pounce seem similar in that they both put a dot on the target, one of them just happens to stun them as well. So that's where I put it.
/cast [stealth] Pounce
/cast [nostealth] Rake
prowl is on it's own button (I like being able to stop prowling easily), but your use of mixing into mangle is interesting and I will consider it.
I do have a macro to cancel flight form, but i just put it on my cat and bear macros, but I don't remember it's precise setup (and I can't log in and check right now because wow is down for maintenance atm).
With the addition of several new cat abilities or mechanics, the button bar is getting rather crowded so coming up with more ways to reduce the button count like this is essential.
Frostburn / Dawnstrider
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As long as you're casting the same spell, you can have different conditionals after one another instead of putting them on a new line. For instance, in your Ravage macro, the first two lines could be reduced to one:
/cast [stealth][modifier  hift] Ravage
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playing around with things more, I found that I like putting prowl and skull bash on the same key with the following macro
/cast [combat][modifier  hift] Skull Bash(Cat Form)
/cast [nocombat, nomodifier  hift] Prowl
Frostburn / Dawnstrider
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Eh. Might as well skip the modifiers, there -- when will you ever use Skull Bash outside of combat?
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if you are out of combat, but your tank is in combat and there's a spell to interrupt, you might need it (I've already used it this way a few times).
Frostburn / Dawnstrider
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(11-19-2010, 11:36 PM)dawnstrider Wrote: if you are out of combat, but your tank is in combat and there's a spell to interrupt, you might need it (I've already used it this way a few times).
You can simplify the statement as:
/cast [combat][modifier  hift] Skull Bash(Cat Form);Prowl
Since it's basically a fall-through.
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If you're out of combat and your tank is in combat, you should end up in combat by going close enough to hit the mob he's fighting... at least, that has been my experience.
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11-23-2010, 08:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-23-2010, 08:44 AM by dawnstrider.)
you can use skull bash from 13 yards away. I appreciate that you feel that the shift modifier is not needed, but I have found it necessary on a few occasions already.
Frostburn / Dawnstrider
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All right. I didn't realize it had that long of a range.
Earthen Ring-EU:
Taelas -- 60 Human Protection Warrior; Shaleen -- 52 Human Retribution Paladin; Raethal -- 51 Worgen Guardian Druid; Szar -- 50 Human Fire Mage; Caethan -- 60 Human Blood Death Knight; Danee -- 41 Human Outlaw Rogue; Ainsleigh -- 52 Dark Iron Dwarf Fury Warrior; Mihena -- 44 Void Elf Affliction Warlock; Chiyan -- 41 Pandaren Brewmaster Monk; Threkk -- 40 Orc Fury Warrior; Alliera -- 41 Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter;
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