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greatings all lurkers!
I have been offline for a while and not even playing D2 either, :unsure:
But something I keeps going back too is thinking off what i want from a possible Diablo 3
So In following post I list my 10 topics. And I invite you to discuss them and list your own as well.
(At least It gives something to do while being numb in the wait for the evading 1.10)
with regards
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10 things I like to see improved in Diablo3.
1) Vulnabilitys instead of resistance on monsters
Imagine on every monster that you want to find out what kind off attack did really hurt it. Instead of mindless using one attack form until a immunity force you to use another as in D2! Yes I am aware that the resistance system now could be used for vulnability effect!
But imagine if this was used(with game / time area or whatever wass fun) so the exploration of how to beat thesse monsters most efficient was a continuing part off the game!
Even imagine that attack forms did matter aswell! Areaeffect, missile attack, melllee lvl 30 or lvl 6 bonus/ or skilltree bonuses. Creating situations where the observant player do as much damage with a low lvl firebolt than a high lvl fireball. Ofcause this has to be implemented so it makes sense and does not spoil the game either!
Then imagine if thesse vulnabilitys where not static but even changing from game to game, or in time or as part of storyline, in some way, so learning a new efficient way to beat monsters where part of the game every time you played it!
2) Impliment Arreat summit website information in the game!
let Cain hold the informations on Arreat Summit and let every Character learn it through the game. Let Runewords , crafted reciepes being known by cain and over time learned by the character.
This would be an improvement for singleplayergames and especial for those who doesnât use arreat summit or simellar sources for information!
3) Reward people playing the whole game!
A simple tool to this is the quests , when game is finished reset all quest and let them could be redone! Offcause chosing the rewards so they make sense ! improved drops and imbues are good ones, ( learning new runewords / reciepes would be cooll! ). Also this would mean that hardcore multiplayer would be tempted to play the whole game to get a new round at quest rewards)
Another tool would be to have cain (or another) asking you to clean a certain random area (for twice exp) and with that players are again rewarded for playing the whole game especial if no new task is given before the last is completed!.
This instead off nerf powergaming (exp and item farming) in varius patches then reward and encourous people for playing the whole game! And let the powergame be as it is!
4) encourage specialization for teamplay, not single play!
If you balance the game in a way so all skills is not only usefull but also needed, a jack off all tricks character could be more resourcfull in singleplayer , but in teamplayer specialisation has it uses! ( if combined with the vulnability setup for monsters a party would (maybe) have much more to offer each other as it is now whereas immunity are the biggest factor encourages team play!
Also let all auras have ½ effect or less on party. Teamplay to become stronger together not to powerfull!
5) a real challange for Blizzard would be to make skill trees that could be freely mixed! Instead of 5 (7 ) basic characters then have a multitude of combination choices! This is basicly the effect of having races and characterclasses from Role playing games. This is one of my personal favorite things to see. But to be honest its not that important as compared to the effort of balance the posibilitys there is in skilltrees already! But to do it succesful would give us nearly endless character combination. And thats something giving the game a long lifespawn!
6) Do alot to improve mellee fight!
Here a lot of things could be done. Some to balance the strength of mellee as compared to ranged combat! And some to make mellee more varied!
I would like to see that the AI didnât shoot through allied combat, so simply put a meelle fighter where in cover from ranged attack when enemies where engaged.
Also I would like to see different types of physical attack damage , as like from blunt, slashing and piercing attacks . doing different ammount of damage based on creatures resistance against it simply to be an counterpart to different magic ones!
7) get rid off crap items !
The game is floated with useless junk! A feature to get rid off normal items would make a lot off sense, or just a balance to drop less useless stuff. Let character level make normal white items drop less!
Another crap item to get rid off is the + to all skill item! An severe mistake , replace them with items giving + to specific skills. + skill items limits the combinations on equipment that character use! + to variated skills increase the combinations! And the more interesting combinations the longer a lifespan the game have! Make the rare yellow item potential more powerfull than uniques,again to give more interesting combinations! Back to D2 classic here
8) get rid off player 8 system and maybe also difficult levels. And make a much more straigth forward way to make the game more difficult! Instead of player 8 only increasing Hp an increase of monsters movement speed would make for a much more interesting game. Or simply make the game more difficult each time its compleated! (increasing monsterspeed , swingspeed, damage and health a little each time would do a lot more than player 8 and difficult lvls.
9) Use stat system and the effects in the game more balanced!
Make Energy and health requred for use of some items! Make Fast cast, Important again, get rid of timers! (lousy solution) Fix poison . Its fast becoming and long and sad song!
But most important fix damage so the gab between base monsters and special monsters is less! Back to d1 there
10) story line ! Enough said!
Looking forward to replys
With regards
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jondifool,Feb 21 2003, 09:45 AM Wrote:Looking forward to replys
With regards
Jondifool I believe this might be a momentary sentiment. :unsure:
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First, I'd say that this post would probably have been better on the Lounge. Indeed, it would have been best in the thread that already exists on this topic.
But, looking at what you've said, I'd have to say you are thinking too small. Everything you say is in terms of the present D2 and not a new D3. Your suggestions are OK for an expansion, maybe even for a patch (perhaps even the fabled 1.10 ;) ) If D3 is ever released and if your comments apply to that game, then I'd guess there would be much bigger problems -- like no progress in the 5 plus years that will have passed since the release of D2.
Oh, and by the way, you've used up your quota of "!'s" for '03 and '04 -- don't use any more till '05 at the soonest ;)
Now, let's look at your suggestions:
1) Vulnabilitys instead of resistance on monsters
I really don't see the difference. In your explanation you don't really make a point for vulnerabilities as much as you do for breaking this up into finer detail. But what reasonable logic would make a monster more vulnerable to a lesser fire spell than to a greater one?
Sorry, but this looks like a poorly thought out "gee whiz" suggestion.
2) Impliment Arreat summit website information in the game!
Hmm. Alt-Tab mean anything to you?
3) Reward people playing the whole game!
You mean like implementing "normal", "nightmare", "hell" and requiring that one be finished before going on to the next? Great idea, I'm sure Buzzard will think of it eventually. Or eliminating side quest so the last little bit of non-linearity can be stamped out?
4) encourage specialization for teamplay, not single play!
Supposedly that was already done. You know, "no one will be able to solo Act 4 hell". Yeah, sure.
5) a real challange for Blizzard would be to make skill trees that could be freely mixed!
Right. As if there wasn't enough power builds now. Let's let all characters have the best of all skill trees.
6) Do alot to improve mellee fight!
Do you actually play the game? Do you have any knowledge of how the game works? Because your suggestions seem to have been implemented. Strength of melee as opposed to ranged? For what class and build? Damage based on blunts, etc. Already in to some extent. Could it be better? Yes. But nothing new in your suggestion.
7) get rid off crap items !
Why? If you mean to replace them with better items, there's already too much good stuff dropping. If you mean get rid of them entirely, OK, but why? Can you not look at what's on the ground and simply ignore the trash?
Now, had you said tie the drops to the monsters, I'd see some merit. Archers dropping bows, mages dropping staffs and wands, etc. But most of the items should still be vanilla. What makes good items good is their rarity. If they are common, then they are average, not good.
8) get rid off player 8 system and maybe also difficult levels.
Hmm? Get rid of the systems to make the game more difficult but put in the systems to make the game more difficult? I don't understand what you are saying. The difficulty levels are just that, levels that get more difficult each time you complete the game. So, difficulty levels are what you want them to replace difficulty levels with?
As to the "player 8", that goes back to the difficulty of the game. It should be impossible for even the best players to solo a game at any difficulty greater than the number of players. But that would require skill and that, in turn, would eliminate 98% of Buzzard's customers (and sales).
9) Use stat system and the effects in the game more balanced!
Strictly a D2 set of problems, nothing to do with D3.
10) story line ! Enough said!
Why? Have you read all that is in the manual? Have you listened to every NPCs comments on every topic? If you have, you are unusual. People don't get this game for the story line. They get it for the kill monsters, get items mindless clicking. For a story line to matter, it would have to be actually *used*. You know, elements of role playing and *gasp* even adventure games. You know, thinking and all that. Again, not the Buzzard client base.
You know, maybe WarBlade was right.
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I was thinking about having D3 get monster vulnerabilities, but still keep immunities (it makes sense for a fire elemental in hell to be immune to fire). In response to what is the logic, a tree creature, for example, should take extra damage from fire, while a water creature should take less (lightning would be more potent against them...) :rolleyes:
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Greetings Pete.
I remember you from long time back, a little grumpy or what? I have to ask as I find your stand focusing nearlly sole on critism, Looking to me as newbeebashing! And if I have been a newcommer it would proberly have stopped me from further posting! But as and old returning regular I simply hope for a little more from replys!
You might be right that the post did not belong in atmas but as I have been having a long break, and when I looked at the topics the lounge didn't look like the place. But as for taking of from D2 I stated that it was things I keept coming back to you would like to see! And you a certainly right that they have not developed away from D2, yet. But whats wrong with that (exsept that my intial post get misunderstood!) as I state in my exsample that is what I would like to see Improved!
And as for creating a new topic, isn't there only like a few topics In this New forum? And would an invitation to everyone to come with theirs wishes not be a fair reason to have topic. And the invitation still stands for you. As you claim my thinking to be to small I invite you to prove it by showing your visions! And this actual because I would love to be proved wrong , not by critics but by visions!
As for your comments.
1) Vulnabilitys instead of resistance on monsters
the reasonable logic there could make a monster more vulnerable to a lesser fire spell than to a greater one?
is the one working with area of effeckt attacks ( splash damage) as something different to resist as a bolt!
This could make sence for beasts with hide as oppesed to ones with metal armour and would make room for a lesser fireskill sometimes gives more damage than a bigger!
But the main thing about more varity in resistance by using vulnabilitys is the exploration of what attack would hurt most making the game more interesting in my oppinion than a forced use of a back up atttack from encountering immunitys! Simply creating another way off playing the game than mindless clicking!
To be honest I think its a strong point I make here!
2) Impliment Arreat summit website information in the game!
As answer to if Alt-Tab mean anything to me? Hmm not all are online , not all are on battlenet. Not all playes the game the same ways or reading others guides. I simply think the game would win from having a knowledge resource in town! And I certainly think that this could be interesting if some off it was linked with progress in game, as an achievment from doing quests.
3) Reward people playing the whole game!
The reward thinking is as opposed to Nerf thinking. 9 patches from blizzard have nerfed and nerfed skills and builds and acchived very little in terms off making the whole game played! So no Blizzard might not get to it eventually.
Instead of fighting power game build exp farming and item farming, simply put in some more rewards for playing the whole game. This would simply making the replayability even better and it would do it for single player games as well as partys! And it does not force anyone to drop farming if they find it fun!
4) encourage specialization for teamplay, not single play!
as an answer to that supposely whats was already done. "You know, "no one will be able to solo Act 4 hell". Yeah, sure."
And does the irony in that comment not exsactly prove that its a valid area to wish for Improvement in D3 as its didn't manage to happend in D2!
5) a real challange for Blizzard would be to make skill trees that could be freely mixed!
"Right. As if there wasn't enough power builds now. Let's let all characters have the best of all skill trees."
That why its a real challange. But the more ways to mix characters the more builds possible! And thats for me some off the best playability in diablo! I like to see more off that! And I love experimenting with new play styles! So Its on my wishlist.
But to explain, if Lightning skill tree should be availlble for all characters, it off cause still should be restricted in what other trees it could be combined with or what effect it have when it was combined should be modified, so its a big challange!
6) Do alot to improve mellee fight!
now you ask if I actual play the game and now anything about the game! Please stay on Topic?
But as out off topic answer I inform you off 2000+ hours off play, a guide on lurkers in D2classick, inventor of the mageazon name and loads off post on lurkers, amazon bassin and even on small obscure forums even though its a long time since! I more expect a wellcome back than this!
No mellee fight have not been improved! Not at all to the lvl I wish for! Blunt weapons damage is actual such a minor thing as compared to a system with different attacktypes and resistance for different physical attacks
Now the Bowazon is called the ultimate Glasscanon by some. Please count the differnent attacks a ranged character have availible, Bovazon and sorceress as compared to the few barbarian and pally ways off swinging a weapon!
7) get rid off crap items !
is there already to much good thing dropping ? Not for a single player character playing the whole game! Defently not unless somekind off powergaming is involved! But actual I don't mind if the good items are difficult to get!
But I think the feeling of the game simply loose from al that junk items! I certainly liked the atmosphere in D1 better there! (As for the satisfying feeling it was to actual find the ring you heard fall somewhere!). I like your idea of linking drops to monsters , but find it dangerous aswell as it open up for more farming. But then again it could be solved with a fair mix of monsters. So yes for me this is an important point!
8) get rid off player 8 system and maybe also difficult levels.
I should have added as it is now! Is the rest then clear?
9) Use stat system and the effects in the game more balanced!
Strictly a D2 set of problems, nothing to do with D3.
But certainly something to wish for being improved in D3 or What?
As it is now nearly every character have no reason to spend points in energy. I like to see that in D3!
There is a lot of improvements possible ! And this a wish list!
10) story line ! Enough said!
Why? Have you read all that is in the manual? Have you listened to every NPCs comments on every topic? If you have, you are unusual. People don't get this game for the story line. They get it for the kill monsters, get items mindless clicking. For a story line to matter, it would have to be actually *used*. You know, elements of role playing and *gasp* even adventure games. You know, thinking and all that. Again, not the Buzzard client base.
In many hours off play I have been through most if not all! But I think a more extended storyline would be possible without either insultin blizzard or players! And I would enjoy it! Would You Pete?
And with that I invite you again to come with your visions as I find it interesting to know what you want after your efforts to comment every one of mine!
with regards
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Your post is almost impossible to read. You apparently can't be bothered to distinguish between quoted material and your replies in spite of the fact that all it would take is clicking on the quote button. That is either rudeness or stupidity.
You might be right that the post did not belong in atmas but as I have been having a long break, and when I looked at the topics the lounge didn't look like the place.
Look at the description of Atma's: "General Diablo II discussion forum - anything not covered by the other Diablo II forums goes here." Notice the II. That should be a dead giveaway that Diablo III topics don't belong there.
I'm sorry, but trying to follow your post is impossible. Or at least not worth the effort.
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02-21-2003, 05:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-21-2003, 05:54 PM by kandrathe.)
I'm thinking that for DIII, if it were ever to be created, Blizzard would first need to decide if they would extend the use of 3D orthogenal projection (only) or allow multiple camera angles including first person. I'm thinking that maybe Diablo was calling for an sequel, but this isn't FFX. Not all great games call for 20 similar games in a series. In Diablo and Diablo II, the "story" is incidental to the game, and so I wouldn't see a huge change toward FRP in a DIII, or World of Diablo.
So here are my 10 things I have learned from DII, that I would "wish for" in DIII.
I wish;
1. Blizzard makes it as fun as DII, maintains the easy interface, and game persona.
2. Getting to the highest difficulty levels requires things like intelligence, skill and strategy rather than time and bandwidth.
3. Difficulty level is integral to the game and based on character level (ie. no artificial jumps from Normal, to Nightmare, to Hell.) Rather there are areas with monsters appropriate for all skill levels, including monster AI that would make passive leeching impossible (the monsters I know would go out of their way to kill and eat the weak).
4. Items are non-persistent (ie. each repair reduces the max durability - and all items wear out.) This creates a "True" economy, as tradeable items will be consumed. Most items should be average in power, you know, follow a Gaussian Probability Distribution.
5. Massively more challenging quests, which are non-threaded, some which are repeatable, and optional, each with a particular chance for a good reward.
6. Optional persistent universe which respawns bosses, monsters, and quests periodically (so, including the game options we have now -- Single, Lan, Open, Realm, & World) The persistent world would be the place where you would appear when joining , duels could occur in arena's where non-combatant could watch in the stands, people could go to a special place to create (or teleport) to an alternate temporary game spaces (what we know as realm games now), trading, and shops could occur in the world environment, have gambling in the tavern, also with better "buddy list" management and maybe allow groups to organize and build their own building as a meeting place (guilds).
7. The game is designed to thwart and punish cheaters - (i'm tempted to repeat this one for 8-10.)
8. All illegal items exploited from bugs are purged daily, and other such "built in" realm management.
9. Multiplayer games allow more than 8 players (I don't know what the right number is, but 8 feels limited).
10. Don't build in features which can be used to disrupt the games of serious players.
Some of this might be in WOW. I hope it is and I'm excited to see what Blizzard does with it. Some people get satisfaction out of being first, being on the beta team, etc. Not me. I like a game to be balanced, established, and fun before I commit to it. I never like to be on the bleeding edge of new games, so I guess it is about time I looked into WIII.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.
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to kandrathe.
your number 4 items there is non persistent , thats a very good one. I manage to forget about that Idea. I really like it for exsactly the reason you state , creating a true economic!
to pete:
It seems like we agree that its doesn't make sense to continue the discussion so let us leave it there! I still wish you had taken the invitation and contributed with your wish list!
But One thing I don't like being adressed as posible rude or stupid. The case is pretty obvius based on a long break from this forum wich result in some relearning of funktions, and as the post show I catched up during writing! And as far as that I can call my self newbie again! But in no way the post is imposible to read and understand because off that. As I see it its bad defence of a topic to rely on dismissing it on technical issues.
with regards
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Unfortunatly, Pete was right about it being unreadable, but that is because of your incorrect use of grammar, punctuation, or any other forms of the english language. Now if your not from the United States or another country where english is a main language, then this is excusable. But if all of the problems with your text come soley from laziness or unwillingness to write out something legable, then you should either learn write correctly, or dont bother posting at all. Just my 2 coppers...
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."
He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!
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ten things k
1) more monsters
2) coller necromancer (even tho the necro is the best)
3) over 1000 levels
4) footprints and better weather
5) time limits and rooms
6) cooler hirelings
7) better music or ability to play music that you want ( dwnload and play in a folder)
8) more weapons close to our time (since diablo 1 was like 200 b.c d2 was 100 a.d.(around that time) ) like muskets as cannons at posts
9) view change the ability to change view so you can be next to them
10) keybord controling ability to controll charactor with keyboard in options
im torch not scorch
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the post for number 3 reward for beating game might mean new characters like funny hidden ones sutchas marine or grunt from other games or up 10 levels and more holding items/money and all sets you keep
im torch not scorch
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Quote:8) more weapons close to our time (since diablo 1 was like 200 b.c d2 was 100 a.d.(around that time) ) like muskets as cannons at posts
WHAT? First off, there has never been a real-life corralation between D1 or D2 and the world's time frame. Second, for the weapons in D1 or D2 to exist, not to mention the housings and travel abilities that show up in game, it would be more around 1000AD for d1 and 1005 for D2 (since in the storyline the hero from tristram was the one who was possesed by Diablo)
Now about muskets, those were in wide use during the 1500s, so even by your own scale they didnt exist back then. Second, its a FANTASY GAME so what the heck would be the fun if you were going against legions of the undead using machine guns? Were not playing Vampire: the Masquerade, its Diablo, where hero's kick butt with blade and boot.
Now from your top 10 I like 4: the music idea, dosent seem like it would be too bad because I know some people get tired of the same music over and over again and the more monsters idea, I assume that your reffering to more monster types rather than just changing the outward appearance of the same monster base and giveing them better stats, the better weather and footprints option would be nice, but the footprints would probally slow the game down alot on slower machines, and finally the ability to customize your characters appearance would be nice as well, adding a little personal flavor to a game mostly geard to finding similar Uber equipment.
But your other requests are just...inane. Over 1000 Levels? for what? the character or the game? either way it would be so diffacult to get through either one that no one would bother, so that would be useless. Time limits and rooms? Time limits on what? possibly to finish a quest or something, but other than that its not needed. And there already are rooms and dungeons in the game, so why would you have to add them? Cooler Hirelings? how so? unless you want hirelings that are totally uber and have 300 different abilities or something, the ones that are out now are good. Ive already gone over why there wouldnt be (even by your own admission) ranged projectile weapons other than bows and crossbows, so we finally come down to point number 9, which I cant understand at all so Ill just say "Huh?"
In conclusion id advise you to please type a bit more legibly and to think and plan a little before you decide to write up something like this, or at least explain why you believe the changes would be good for the game. Just my two coppers...
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."
He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!
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Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
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Diablo II patch 1.11 or some possible Diablo III?
Quote:1) Vulnabilitys instead of resistance on monsters Imagine on every monster that you want to find out what kind off attack did really hurt it. Instead of mindless using one attack form until a immunity force you to use another as in D2! Yes I am aware that the resistance system now could be used for vulnability effect! But imagine if this was used(with game / time area or whatever wass fun) so the exploration of how to beat thesse monsters most efficient was a continuing part off the game! Even imagine that attack forms did matter aswell! Area effect, missile attack, melllee lvl 30 or lvl 6 bonus/ or skilltree bonuses. Creating situations where the observant player do as much damage with a low lvl firebolt than a high lvl fireball. Ofcause this has to be implemented so it makes sense and does not spoil the game either! Then imagine if thesse vulnabilitys where not static but even changing from game to game, or in time or as part of storyline, in some way, so learning a new efficient way to beat monsters where part of the game every time you played it
This already occurs for those who do not read forums or guides. In Diablo I, once you had defeated X number of a monster, you would start to see what its immunities or odd attributes were. Now, finding out that Diablo I was vulnerable to Holy Bolt? I found that out completely by accident. If that is what you are referring to, only about the first three to five months of the new game would allow for this sort of discovery, but then, anyone who reads a decent forum would know all of the tricks, some of which amount to cheese.
I think Holy Bolt Versus Diablo was very well known by forum dwellers long before I ever even played MP Diablo I. Am I correct when I guess that you object to the little damage bar over the head of DII monsters?
D III could go back to the D I style of not letting you know how much life the foe had left, but it seems that many games, including WoW, have the "know how hurt the enemey is" feature because . . . FANS want it.
Quote:2) Impliment Arreat summit website information in the game! let Cain hold the informations on Arreat Summit and let every Character learn it through the game. Let Runewords , crafted reciepes being known by cain and over time learned by the character. This would be an improvement for singleplayergames and especial for those who doesnât use arreat summit or simellar sources for information!
That info was discovered by the players, in many cases, or just read from the MPQ files. And it still has errors. :) You want bad info? Heck, we already have the Lying Character Screen, and I would hope that a L.C.S. would be gone from Diablo III, if it is ever made.
Quote:3) Reward people playing the whole game! A simple tool to this is the quests , when game is finished reset all quest and let them could be redone! Offcause chosing the rewards so they make sense ! improved drops and imbues are good ones, ( learning new runewords / reciepes would be cooll! ). Also this would mean that hardcore multiplayer would be tempted to play the whole game to get a new round at quest rewards) Another tool would be to have cain (or another) asking you to clean a certain random area (for twice exp) and with that players are again rewarded for playing the whole game especial if no new task is given before the last is completed!. This instead off nerf powergaming (exp and item farming) in varius patches then reward and encourous people for playing the whole game! And let the powergame be as it is!
Every game in this genre has quests. I am not sure what you are getting at, and I question why you think D III will have the same sort of structure as D II. They would be better off with trying something new, not just "more of the same." I would rather see more non linear adventuring, but that takes work. Plus, once through, with the skill system as it is, hardly scratches the replayability in DII. There are so many builds. I still have not one through'ed many builds, as there is not enough time.
D III, and any game that may have a story line, needs to consider replayability and variety. I would personally rather see anything that dilutes power acting be an integral feature in any DIII.
Quote:4) encourage specialization for teamplay, not single play! If you balance the game in a way so all skills is not only usefull but also needed, a jack off all tricks character could be more resourcfull in singleplayer , but in teamplayer specialisation has it uses! ( if combined with the vulnability setup for monsters a party would (maybe) have much more to offer each other as it is now whereas immunity are the biggest factor encourages team play! Also let all auras have ½ effect or less on party. Teamplay to become stronger together not to powerfull!
Team play is already encouraged, and you can see what the players have made of that. :) Blizzard knows that at some point, you can't force people to have fun your way, so most folks find fun in a variety of ways. D III . . . if team play is too forced, what then of SP?
Quote:5) a real challange for Blizzard would be to make skill trees that could be freely mixed! Instead of 5 (7 ) basic characters then have a multitude of combination choices! This is basicly the effect of having races and characterclasses from Role playing games. This is one of my personal favorite things to see. But to be honest its not that important as compared to the effort of balance the posibilitys there is in skilltrees already! But to do it succesful would give us nearly endless character combination. And thats something giving the game a long lifespawn!
You just contradicted yourself in 4 and 5. What is it you want: more specialization, or cross functional skills, which is what Diablo I had. Or maybe . . . D III will have a completely different model. (One can dream, eh?)
Quote:6) Do alot to improve mellee fight! Here a lot of things could be done. Some to balance the strength of mellee as compared to ranged combat! And some to make mellee more varied! I would like to see that the AI didnât shoot through allied combat, so simply put a meelle fighter where in cover from ranged attack when enemies where engaged. Also I would like to see different types of physical attack damage , as like from blunt, slashing and piercing attacks . doing different ammount of damage based on creatures resistance against it simply to be an counterpart to different magic ones!
Right. Different game engine, better AI. That is what everyone wants in every new game. :) Did you volunteer to code the new AI? :)
Quote:7) get rid off crap items ! The game is floated with useless junk! A feature to get rid off normal items would make a lot off sense, or just a balance to drop less useless stuff. Let character level make normal white items drop less! Another crap item to get rid off is the + to all skill item! An severe mistake , replace them with items giving + to specific skills. + skill items limits the combinations on equipment that character use! + to variated skills increase the combinations! And the more interesting combinations the longer a lifespan the game have! Make the rare yellow item potential more powerfull than uniques,again to give more interesting combinations! Back to D2 classic here
How about you quit referencing Diablo II at all in this thought train? How about you consider that Diabl III may need to completely re evaluate the items, and how much emphasis needs to be on items versus skills? They are still searching, based on how D I went toward D II etc. Oh, and by the way, 90% of everything is junk, that is what makes the good stuff so nice when you run into it. I am talking about Real Life here. :o
Quote:8) get rid off player 8 system and maybe also difficult levels. And make a much more straigth forward way to make the game more difficult! Instead of player 8 only increasing Hp an increase of monsters movement speed would make for a much more interesting game. Or simply make the game more difficult each time its compleated! (increasing monsterspeed , swingspeed, damage and health a little each time would do a lot more than player 8 and difficult lvls.
Play Seven Lances Mod. You might be surprised. :) And again, a new game . . . will hopefully have a new engine and a new structure. You just repeated a call for better monster AI, by the way. :o
Quote:9) Use stat system and the effects in the game more balanced! Make Energy and health requred for use of some items! Make Fast cast, Important again, get rid of timers! (lousy solution) Fix poison . Its fast becoming and long and sad song! But most important fix damage so the gab between base monsters and special monsters is less! Back to d1 there
Who says Diablo III has to have any of those affixes? Or even Energy as a stat? You are looking at a D II fix there.
Quote:10) story line ! Enough said! Looking forward to replys With regards Jondifool
Well, you said a lot about Diablo II changes, but you said precious little about ideas for Diablo III. Interesting wish list for patch 1.11 though. :D
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
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Though you, Occhi, are correct that most of these concerns address fixes to the many problems in D2, you must face the fact that what most people want is not a totally new game style, such as a WOWC type game in Diablo, but rather Diablos 1 and 2 with a graphics facelift, some new options for more variety, and most importantly lacing all the problems of D1 and D2. In a nutshell, I would like D2 to continue to be an overhead view game with the same basic gameplay of D but with much more options, and a requirement for something resembling thought to beat the game. I want a better balanced game where the focus is less on equipment and MUCH more on strategy and in MP... teamwork. I've already stated that I think Hell should be just that.......Let's say, if I could mae a mod to hell D2, in multyplayer games, double monster HP (double the current bonus), Give them all better rsists, but vulnerabilities at the same, make them faster, smarter (Fallen don't just run for a little then turn around, they go get help........), make them hit harder. and more.
I know this. Even without twinked characters, almost any build can survive Hell with out difficulty. (just patience) this should not be the case, period. Thin about it!
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First, I wasn't newbie bashing. I was bad idea bashing. I have no idea who is and who isn't a newbie with all the new accounts. Besides, I *never* newbie bash. Good ideas from a newbie get my respect. Stupid ideas from a reg get my scorn. Those with the intelligence to see and observe know this.
Second, while I didn't make a big point of it, the answer to "Also, why post this in the Lounge? It is related to Diablo... Though not Diablo 2" is pretty simple. Look at the description of Atma's Tavern: "General Diablo II discussion forum - anything not covered by the other Diablo II forums goes here." and of The Lounge: "The general discussion off-topic forum. Anything not related to the games covered on the Lurker Lounge belongs here.". Now, since both you and jondifool agree that this topic is not supposed to be about D 2, then what other excuses besides stupidity or illiteracy can he give for it being here? And what other excuses can you give for defending that it is here?
Now, to your other points:
For example, Pete said how stupid an idea "improving " melee damage is, because he assumed that "improve" means "make more powerful"
My response was "Do you actually play the game? Do you have any knowledge of how the game works? Because your suggestions seem to have been implemented. Strength of melee as opposed to ranged? For what class and build? Damage based on blunts, etc. Already in to some extent. Could it be better? Yes. But nothing new in your suggestion."
Where in there do you see "make more powerful"? Is it that you could not read and understand what I said? Or did you lie deliberately just to pick a fight? Either way, why should I cut you any slack?
As to the "Also, Pete, he didn't mean that all info found in the Arreat summit would be instaltny availabe in game, he meant, and blizz also thought up this idea, that this info would be DISCOVERED!" my short answer, which intelligent people could figure out, was a brief way of saying,
"Why the hell put all that crap into the game when (1) Buzzard has almost always given wrong information (the Lying Character Screen of both D1 and D2, the useless guides) so you wouldn't be able to trust it anyway and (2) shortly after the game comes out, people will figure out the truth and post it somewhere. Thus, you'll always need to get out of the game to get any information worth a damned anyway."
It's just another case of not bothering to go into detail. Those that can understand will, those that can't won't get it if I wrote a volume.
So, my final word to you: Disagree with people all you want, but if you lack the ability to understand their ideas, then your replies to those ideas are totally worthless.
Oh, and BTW, get a spell checker.
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02-24-2003, 07:33 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2003, 07:50 PM by kandrathe.)
> see below < :( Somehow my mouse went crazy and I double posted...
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.
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02-24-2003, 07:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2003, 07:42 PM by kandrathe.)
Ah, but if it is in 1.11, and free, then why would I buy DIII? If DIII is just another DII, then I would stay with DII. In thinking about DIII, you need to be willing to abandon the DII we know for a vastly improved *New* game. The real question is "Does the world want another 'Moria' on steroids?" Esentially, the 3D othogonal projection dungeon crawl, or to quote Pete, "shoot, loot and scoot".
IMHO, DII in its current incarnation, has just enough monsters, that require too little strategy, and drop too much cheezy treasure.
Some things I don't like about D2;
1) Monster AI, these monsters need to be much more savage, aggressive, and generally faster. I think the casters and ranged weapons monsters need to be much more deadly.
2) The existence of Nightmare, and Hell difficulties and the disconnected transitions they impose on character leveling. I don't like repeating Act 1 - 5 three times, I would rather have had 15 acts in increasing difficulty. That would have offered more continuity and a deeper story.
3) The shops suck. I can buy a cruel colossus blade from Larzuk, but nowhere can I find a non-magic item in a store past Act 3 Normal. The stores should have inventory sections that sell almost every normal item, a selection of magical items based on your level, and a very limited selection of unid (gambling). The unid items have a small chance of being unique, but the store should only change inventory once per game.
4) Item drops.
:( too much cheese (esp. uniques, and some set items).
:( too much stuff drops making everything less valuable.
:( the way the items are built is stupid due to the lack of minimum
and maximum values and appropriate attributes on items. I would
change it to choose the iType, then iLvl, the attributes would then
appropriate for the item and be in ranges based on iLvl. Ergo, no
more rare wrymhide boots with +2 life, +10 mana and 10% faster RW.
:( it is stupid to have items (esp. Sets) that have a 1 in a billion chance of
dropping. I agree with the concept of treasure classes, and assigning
some of the best treasure classes to the hardest bosses in the game,
but if I kill Diablo, Mephisto, and Baal 1000 times in hell difficulty (as stupid
as that is) then I should have a pretty good chance of seeing most of the
best items in the game. Unfortunately, the game is weighted too much
toward powerful items. I would rather see items be secondary to skills
and strategy, rather than just twinking with powerful items which allow
you to saunter through Hell difficulty without a challenge.
5) Some boss drops are ridiculously generous (Mephisto), while others who are harder to get can be meager (Diablo, Baal). I would revisit all the logic for Boss drops. It is too random now, and that means the bosses usually drop useless items. #4 above makes this worse.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.
![[Image: yVR5oE.png]](
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Quote:- the existence of Nightmare, and Hell difficulties and the disconnected transitions they impose on character leveling. I don't like repeating Act 1 - 5 three times, I would rather have had 15 acts in increasing difficulty. That would have offered more continuity and a deeper story.
That would be so awesome. 15 acts. . .sweet ^^
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So, Pete, you say that in game info on recipes etc. should not be used because Blizz will screw them up, just like they did with the LCS etc. That would be addressing a D2 concern would it not? Hmmmmmm... Didn't you scold someone else for just that?
Seriously, If you had read this guys post carefully and made some attempt at understanding it, instead of reading the first couple sentences of each para, as is VERY plain that you did, you might have foundthat not only are many of his "wishes" quite original and sensible. And we still haven't heard any groundbreaking ideas from you.
As I said before, you can dissagree, but when you dissagree with somethingyou obviously made little attemt to consider or undestand, you just look like a grouch, and you also sound...well...the term escapes me but unreliable is pretty close.
Criticize, but criticize constructively. You managed to put down every single idea, yet did you once mae a suggestion on improvement of that idea? Not that I recall.
And one last small issue, always remember that the first to start name calling loses. I guess I am a liar for stating the blatantly obvious <_<
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