nothing really special....
Okay, Hi all, first post I've made here....more to come soon I imagine.....anyways, I've been playing D2X for about a year or so, mostly offline SP since I got tired of all the greed, cheat's, understand the feelings I'm the majority of my interactive gaming has been a bit limited...

Anyways, short and to the point....if anyone would like to get together and do some gaming tcp/ip on a weekly basis (either once or twice a week on designated nights between monday and thursday) beginning around midnite-1 and running until? (we all know how you can lose track of time at this right?LOL) my time zone is central USA holler at me.

Brand new characters, we start off a new party together at level nothing, and to these characters only the equipment in our game can be used, no bringing in stuff from other characters you have and reserve playing this character for when we get together, no restrictions on characters other than that, build whatever you want, use what items you want (as long as they are either found or bought from a vendor in this game). But don't be greedy....think of the other players as your merc's and help outfit them.....they just don't follow quite as well and seem to have a mind of their own.....LOL (no hostiling!)

The only thing I would change with the game would be using playersX since my experience is that when you start ganging up, creatures are still a bit easy to take out even though they're a little stronger already, especially if you have a couple of people complimenting each other's play....haven't decided on how far to boost it and may depend on how other's feel and how many of us there are (if anyone's interested at all).

Well if you're still reading and interested and fit the time slot, let me know and let's have some fun!!


am kinda doing this with the thought in mind of finding a small group and getting used to each other's playing then depending on how much actualy changes with patch 1.10 taking a vote on creating a new party all over again, I figure we'll only have time to make it to about level 98 before it get's here anyways......
Okay, same deal....but my life just got an unexpected change and I'm now going to be around during the normal evening hours central time zone, so if anyones interested in getting together for some hackenslash let me know!

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