Diablo 3
Ace 777,Mar 20 2003, 06:46 PM Wrote:The setting would change depending on the Class you chose. For example, if you chose the Paladin, your quests would revolve around the Zackarum Temple-type theme. If you chose the Amazon, your quests would revolve around that...

This would ensure a completely different playing experience depending on the class you chose, instead of playing the same acts with different characters.
That sounds really neat...

Maybe that'll happen for the first few acts and then all characters will play a common final act.

Ooh ooh...maybe it can go something like this:

Some new evil has been unleashed and is wreaking havoc on all parts of the world. Each character starts out as a young apprentice who spends the first few acts ridding his homeland of evil. After that, the elders send him/her to go after the evil itself (the common act).

That's neat...
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
That thing about the beginning different acts and then the common acts reminds of a another game I played.
I think it was called "Nox" or something.

Anyway, like AtomicKitKat said, each character should have a special, unique way of getting around. Example: Paladin- "Deliverance of the Holy Light" (Sounds stupid I know, but i couldn't think of a good name) :blink:

Aside from the stuff I said earlier, I'm just hoping that they'll MAKE a Diablo 2. Shooting games are getting alot of the credit now, and if Blizzard makes a Diablo 3, WHAM! Diablo's top notch again.

(Demonic Chant)....
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!Wink
AtomicKitKat,Mar 21 2003, 08:18 AM Wrote:Act 1: Roamny gypsy-style theme, caravans all over, wise old woman, etc.
Act 2: Middle Eastern. Old-school Perisan style.
Act 3: Indian. No doubt about it. From the gungy Ganges river-clone to the temple-like structure in the middle of town(near Ormus) to Alkor's stereotypical Indian accent(Damnit, I vish you people vould leave me aloone!)
Act 5: No idea. Nomadic tribes come to mind.
Act 3. Indian and yet not quite. It seems to me this jungle region also incorporates some South American elements, so I'd be inclined to call it a fusion of ideas.

Act 5. Seems to borrow from various old European cultures. The Franks were axe throwers, Picts and Celts had the face paint etc. etc.

Quote:I just wish(among other changes, like jet-propulsion Infernos) that all classes had the option of dual-wielding(at least for one-handed swords) Especially when you consider that the artwork in the manual shows the assassin with 2 swords in scabbards around her waist(mmm, dual sword samurai clone... :P)

Bah! Shield usage is dual wielding - Such a pity that only one class ever uses them for attack. :(
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
$pringh33led_J@<k,Mar 20 2003, 09:18 PM' Wrote:I'm just hoping that they'll MAKE a Diablo 2.
Me too =P

The European idea with the Franks and the Celts sound really cool.

Maybe a Viking area...
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
They already pretty much ruled that out when they smashed Norse and Greek mythology together (badly) in the form of the Amazon. The other thing is that any Norsemen in the World of Sanctuary would likely be inhabiting coastline on the Weatern edge of Barbarian territory.

It's hard to say what's what in this fantasy world though, without pouring over every bit of official and semi-official text. I've read the game booklets and two of the novels, but there's so much more left untold.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
They need a tree of skills that dont' involve combat... like cooking, hunting, camping, fletchign and stuff... the main problem I have with d2 areas is... well you're never far from town and games that do involve being far from town don't have a skill system (like diablos) that would help this. Just a tree that you get points into every so often, like non weapon proficiences in D&D... and the expanded space/time/effects to accomidate them.
Pete,Mar 19 2003, 10:58 AM Wrote:Your concept for D3 seems to have almost none -- just the wish list of a kid that wants all his favorite things in one game.&nbsp; I suspect that any game that tries to combine all those conflicting elements would not be worth the cost of a blank CD.
Fortunately, Nethack costs nothing. Except time. Lots of it. :P

Unification of form makes for a convincing setting. This doesen't necessarily have anything to do with unification of gameplay mechanics, however, which I find to be far more important. Not that hardly anyone in the thread has even brought up that topic. :rolleyes: Most of the stuff that's been listed is just the window dressing...
WarBlade,Mar 21 2003, 02:14 AM Wrote:
AtomicKitKat,Mar 21 2003, 08:18 AM Wrote:Act 1: Roamny gypsy-style theme, caravans all over, wise old woman, etc.
Act 2: Middle Eastern. Old-school Perisan style.
Act 3: Indian. No doubt about it. From the gungy Ganges river-clone to the temple-like structure in the middle of town(near Ormus) to Alkor's stereotypical Indian accent(Damnit, I vish you people vould leave me aloone!)
Act 5: No idea. Nomadic tribes come to mind.
Act 3. Indian and yet not quite. It seems to me this jungle region also incorporates some South American elements, so I'd be inclined to call it a fusion of ideas.

Act 5. Seems to borrow from various old European cultures. The Franks were axe throwers, Picts and Celts had the face paint etc. etc.
The temples with very steep stairs is definitely based on mesoamerican architecture. If I ever find my Precolumbian Art and Architecture textbook again (yes, I took crazy humanities classes in college) I'll try to look up similar buildings. The altars and faces in various places strongly resemble mesoamerican art; I don't think they would be found in India. Now I have two reasons to not be a scientist for a while and drag out my architecture books!
Scientist by Day
Sorceress by Night
Monster AI can be augmented a bit more too. They could try to surround you, ambush you, etc. Additionally, the little critters and big guys can work together too, with the big ones making you retreat, and the little ones picking you off as you go. This should work for only the "Advanced" evil dudes though.

Hey, just because you're spawned from hell doesn't mean ur a moron.

Just a thought-you can participate in battles that are already taking place, and decide the outcome. When you fail, you get yelled at and blamed, when you win, you get rewarded, etc. :D
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!Wink
A dark figure collects the shattered remains of the three soulstones.....A "sad" looking tyrael picks up a single shard of worldstone. Tyrael meets with Galadriel and the"dark figure" and create the ultra badass lord of terror/destruction/haet....

Who is the mysterious dark figure????? DECARD

Yeah ideas almost like this were posted on previous discussions, but I really really liked them.
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
Some time ago, maybe an age or two ago, and was not granted an entry visa into Sanctuary, last time I heard. I may not be up on current events, what with all the war news coverage I have watched in the past few days.

Did you mean perhaps that Tyrael meets with 'Hadriel' (the 'I stand around the entrance to the Chaos Sanctuary and salute all angels above my rank' maroon) and 'the dark and decrepit figure whose beard is full of pixips' AKA Cain?

On Hadriel, is it just me, or is anyone else even remotely puzzled by how he can stand around, an angel, in Hell, with hordes of demons behind him on the RoF, and hordes of demons in front of him in the RoF, and not one of them so much as nudges him?

What is he, some sort of United Otherworldly Realms Blue Helmeted observer?
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Every character should have one skill tree that is all masteries. Bow, sword, shield even, definatly staff attacking/blocking, (Robert Jordan's Matt kicks serious butt!) blocking with a two handed sword, polearms, axes should have some use..., maces, throwing things, (and picking them up after if they didn't "break") running longer and faster, elemental, (nerf it a bit) etc. This way, any character can have physical damage and makes the melee characters very customizable. Or, this could be a seperate tree, and you get two different sets of skill points, because, really, you get skill after training with something for a while.

For character classes, you should be able to pick your gender, with little differences. (Better with weapons that require dexterity/strength, better with certain elements, etc.)

Each character should have a primary type of attack such as swinging heavy objects, swinging light objects very fast, bows, one of the four elements, etc.

For the third skill tree, it should be all support skills like curses, auras and several different types of enchantment. (for the four characters whose primary is one of the elements)

I really liked finding books in Diablo 1, and think that it should be put back in as a secondary form of attack that nothing is immune to. No levels, just learn it once and you have a good but not great secondary form of attack that could scale with your level for balance. Also, any character could learn to identify items, (buh bye Cain!!!) teleport, cast a town portal, set up a mana shield or summon a golem. These could cost a lot of mana and only go up with your clevel so as not to overpower them.

Items shouldn't be that useful. There would be, say, a few types of each weapon, all of them equal, just different speeds, damage, one or two hands, with or without blocking. No magically enchanted items. It should be your characters skill points and your skill that determines whether you clean out hell, not your items. Sure, a few uniques that are better than the rest of the items, not too hard to find, or quest specific (I liked that about Diablo 1 single player as well) wouldn't be too bad.

I would also like that there not be Normal, Nightmare and Hell, just 15+ acts, instead of 5 acts over and over.

The game creator can toggle Hostile on or off when they make the game.

I had thought of more, but I can't remember at the moment. <_<
A plague of exploding high-fives.

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