I miss my old characters now
Thanks to Kharohz, who emailed me about the Ironrod thing, I now miss my old characters. I wonder if anyone here remembers them:

SaggyMorals: Vengeance Paladin who had, for a time, SaggyMoral's Hellslayer (Ethereal -- 12k damage vengeance), and also had the best diadem on bnet -- 8% life steal, +20 str, +50 mana, +19% res all, and 2 other mods both very good unsocketed that I crafted with 6 skulls.

SaggySpeed: My frenzy barb with dual silence berserker axes, 1.08 legit arreat face (I got it before the dupes, unsocketed), 2 5% bul kathos . . ahhhh. Damn he was fast.

NinjaPuss: Master of Ironrod, most badass of all minions on bnet. I made him out of a 4-skull paladin shield one time so that he would return thorns on a berserk, too :) Killed a barb who thought he would be clever hahaha.

ElectraShizam: Level 40 Static Field / Nova -- used for irritating people on the cow level by summoning the entire cow level to the red portal (ok it was an ass thing to do, but really really funny)

NinjaSauce: My failed assassin.

SaggyBreasteses: My uber Cold/Lightning sorc with all kinds of fun gear

And, Sadly, I do not remember the name of my Spearazon, but she had a Silence SUPERIOR Matriarchal Spear (+12% enhanced damage) -- it cost like 10k per point to repair durability hahaha. Also had +3 spear skills.

Finally, the ULTIMATE PVP CHARACTER: Ninja(cant remember): My ELEMENTAL DRUID. This bad boy had an incredibly high fissure and volcano. Screw armageddon it is for pansies :) Real Druids Use Fissure. It was powerful enough to kill cows on 8ppl hell -- haha I made him for dueling. I would do fissure and volcano locks on people with level 43+ elemental spells.

Who else, like me, had fun characters with at-the-time godly legit equipment, but now they are all dust?
My poor magic find druid bit the dust (I think, who knows one time I thought my mules were dead for the longest time, then magically one day they came back to life...) my mules are once again dead (They didn't have anything I cared about anyhow)

He had all my run/walk charms :(. And those really spiffy +1 shifting w/ 30+ life charms. Not to meantion all my MF gear (Not that I cared about MF, I would just steal items from Nebuul, hah, j/k) and an additional shako.

As for my other chars, my pride and joy, Ultra-Tank is still in existance, as are my original pvp zon, and poison asn. My stupid pally I never liked is still alive (He has godly gear I never use, including a 1.08 gerkes)
I think littlebart or whatever stole the Silence berserker (Heh, originally nebuuls), and he's missing his armor which is rather easy to replace (Not that I would play him).

God I wish 1.10 would just get here, because I refuse to play until it. BUT if Nebuul starts playing again, I start playing again ;)

(Oh, nebuul remember that really spiffy coronet that my retard pally had? The +2 pally skills, 8% life leech, 30% fast walk, and prismatic resist, it took me all until now to relize that is perfect for Ultra's merc, SCREW Tal's, lemme just socket a IAS jewel in it.)
I dont know if its relevant, but I still have the first character that I ever made. Darkwolf_WD (not the recent sucessor Darkwolf_WDII), the now lvl 67 half @$$ed paladin avenger still lives on, I could never delete him.

"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; and the pessimist fears this is true."
-- James Branch Cabell
Actually, I gave littlebart ALL my stuff :) I changed the PW to my accounts so he could loot all the characters. I wonder if he still plays / has any of it . . . hmmmm

Anyhow, yeah it would take a pretty impressive 1.10 to put me back into diablo.
Hrm, did you check if your chars are still alive yet? If you don't have DII installed just email the pass, and I'll check for you, maybe littlebart kept them alive... who knows.
He's a real life friend. I will check with him tomorrow . . . actually, nah. I dont even need to know until after 1.10 comes out anyway :)
But! Your account could be still alive and die within the week ;)

Quote:The forum is not the chatroom.
It happens from time to time - two to three posters are up late at night and just post away on a forum thread, with new posts every minute as they go back and forth. If you find yourself doing this, try the Chat room instead please.
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
First off, it was hardly "every minute", look at the time between post before making such a statement (or quote even @_@). But given it did look like chatting, so I don't blame you... well to much.

Second, I AM in the idle err.. chat room, if you actually joined the Lurkerlounge Chat room, you'll instantly relize that you might get a faster response time in the forums ;).

Ah, just messin' with ya.
my first chars sucked... hard.... although i miss my very first sword barb on patch 1.04 sp.... first executioner sword i ever found was kings executioner of quickness in chaos sanc nightmare :)
i finished with him around lvl 50.
*gasp* NinjaPuss! It WAS you! *bows down*
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
A d2 classic necro firegolem/bonespirit/im used to duel 1 vs 4 with this one back then....

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