I suppose everyone has their own take on the Buriza.

Mine is that it's bizarre that it can be used as a melee weapon by were-creatures. Perhaps not so much a bug as an oversight on Blizzard's part.

But ... if they put a stop to that and restricted were-creatures to melee weapons (or made them rely on stat-based inherent damage, which would seem to make more sense - what is a wolf doing with an axe after all?) then the Buriza would be:

a) a very powerful bowazon weapon - though not (imho) the best, even excluding WF
b) a balanced and useful weapon in the hands of sorceresses, assassins, barbs, paladins, elemental druids - any non-professional bow-user.

In fact, I think perhaps Blizzard missed a trick by not restricting bowazons to non-crossbows to begin with. That would have left the field clear to create crossbows that were _quite_ powerful in the hands of non-amazons (Buriza is no more than that, if we also exclude were-druids), but not unbalancing because amazons wouldn't be able to use them.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not just a question of the weapon, but the fact that you can use multishot, fury etc with it as a skill.

Meanwhile, on the subject of the original post ... how is it that the dullest part of the game, the cow level, is replayed over and over, while the most interesting (Act 3, in my strongly-held opinion) is the subject of active dislike? I read a couple of years ago that Blizzard were particularly proud of Act 3 and said that the atmosphere in it was exactly what they were aiming for. They must despair of their customers.
- Cartimandua
. . . hit your 'glutes' on the way out.

Quote:"buriza duped??? what kind of moron would dupe a gay ass weapon like that "

You seem to have made a wrong turn, you'll want the forums. People there seem to speak your language.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
No! No sacrificing lambs! :blink:

A plague of exploding high-fives.
>"buriza duped??? what kind of moron would dupe a gay ass weapon like that "<

Watch your language, I beg you, especially offensive statements like gay-bashing, this is a private forum, speak up to the standard or dont speak at all.......

Second of all, as you propably dont know, the Buriza isnt that bad choise of a weapon, just bother to read the posts before yours and you'll get me.....
"It burns because its burning!"
Cartimandua,Mar 10 2003, 04:20 PM Wrote:Meanwhile, on the subject of the original post ... how is it that the dullest part of the game, the cow level, is replayed over and over, while the most interesting (Act 3, in my strongly-held opinion) is the subject of active dislike? I read a couple of years ago that Blizzard were particularly proud of Act 3 and said that the atmosphere in it was exactly what they were aiming for. They must despair of their customers.
I have mixed feelings about Act 3.

I loathe questing there, as I am directionally challenged (Ok....forget the politically correct talk - I hate solving mazes). I wander like a lost soul, somehow missing the exits every time.

However, as a place to just play, for pure enjoyment and/or leveling, I would agree that it is the most interesting of all.

And, no question, the cow level is boring beyond words.
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

Well, while Buriza is definitely overpowered for the character level requirement, it does frequently drop, and quite commonly as far as a Unique common drop would go. Compare a Buriza's drop rate to a Windforce's drop rate, the only more powerful unique bow. If Buriza wasn't as powerful as it is, it would be an extremely difficult game for many people who would like to enjoy the Amazon class. The idea of any game is to make it beatable, not impossible. Blizz makes the rules, we didn't. Saying a Buriza is a cheap way to go is like calling a Windforce a cheap killing bow, only the latter is damn near impossible to locate. Both are very powerful indeed, but that's the idea! Better than any stupid Ith bow out there...

As for cow levels, same opinion. If you play softcore, it's by far the place to go. Otherwise you would play Hardcore for maximum intensity in your leveling experience. Boring? Meh, yeah, I'd agree. But most popular. Ever notice that there are 3 channels that say Cow Normal, Nightmare, and Hell? They aren't saying Bloody Foothills Normal, Nightmare, and Hell. Battle.Net encourages the play of cows.

Further, Occhidiangela, LOL. Agreed! Someone put an age restrict on this forum!

God Bless our American Troops!
A better way to pay for the War than Oil
Really I said the the hellslayer is faster in the hands of a WW.
if i have to be technical i will....
I never said HS faster than BDK in hands of WW
i just said its faster.


EDIT: i had to add the HEHE
and remove stupidity

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