Poll: Which of the followin are the fastest, easiest way to gain experience.
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Hell cow runs
9 52.94%
Hell Diablo runs
1 5.88%
Hell Baal runs
0 0%
Hell Mephisto runs
0 0%
Other(Please specify by replying)
7 41.18%
Total 17 vote(s) 100%
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Best way for fast experience.
I'm kinda on a low level and I would like to know which of the followin would be the best way for my assassin the level. :D
Fastest levelling is a product of how quickly a character can deal with monster build & monster density multiplied by comparative monster experience IMO.

Assassins make moderate mob hunters, but your question is still dead air because Assassins have so many damage options that picking a particular area is invalid without first knowing the build. <_<
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
I prefer Hell Ancient's Way and its ice caves. 2 main reasons:

1) no physical immunes (moot point for sorcs)
2) relatively safe...well...unless you count those extra fast, extra strong, fanaticism enchanted Moon Lords from the urn :ph34r:

Cows are pretty good in experience too if you don't mind losing your mind after the 1,000,000th continous run :P
What's the best way to annoy the Lurker regs?

(a) Post lots of unnecessary polls
(B) Troll the fora
(d) |33 2 1337~~~~~~~!!!!!!!11
(e) Demand more SoJz wiv bad spell n grammr.

Disclaimer: the poor humour of this poster in no way reflects the opinions of others, not least the opinions of the site owner(s). Any similarity between this post and actual events or people are purely coincidental, so don't sue me for making a movie about your life: how the hell was I supposed to know someone actually was born a monkey, shaves ever day, was abducted by aliens and given superior intelligence, then found Atlantis. Seriously, don't the papers tell us ANY of the USEFUL news?...
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
LMAO Elric. Actually, I've found WS2 Waypoint to be a pretty good spot to level(about 2k per monster at level 35+) For level 30s, do Bloody Runs starting from the Frigid Highlands Waypoint, go up to kill Eldritch and his pack, then back down to kill Shenk(and if you want to do the rest of the BFH, kill Dac Farren as well) This usually nets me about 3-7 gems of various grades as well. I think the Traps-sin might have a LITTLE trouble there, but a Mind Blast-sin can make good use of all the altitude differences to her advantage.
Elric of Grans,Mar 16 2003, 12:13 AM Wrote:What's the best way to annoy the Lurker regs?
(B) Troll the fora
(f) Forget that the forum software auto-formats certain things :P
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

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OK fine fine fine...I'm very sorry for all the polls I've been making and the annoying questions that I ask. ok? I'm sorry! I had no idea ok? I'm new... :(
I voted other

I think the best way to get experience is to have fun. Try to meet a nice gang of people interested in playing through the quests and you tend to level up before you know it

Grind through Cows dodging PKs - well, I think the game might end up going back to the shop
Well if you're low level, then you won't be able to do any of the listed runs. Unless, of course, you don't plan on doing the actual killing.

Here's what I do -

I'll level my character up while questing through the acts. Upon getting decently mired into act 5 (~level 37 for Normal, ~58 for NM, and the sky's the limit for Hell), I will enter a large public "gogo act 1" or cow game. Upon entering, I do not party, and mute/squelch everyone in the game. Then, I'll pop into the Halls of Pain and clear it.

Why Halls of Pain, you ask? The monsters there have only Lightning and Poison resistance (iirc), but more importantly, it's not a dangerous area. There are no frenzytaurs, there is only one Evil Urn, and the experience isn't horribly bad. Sure, Baal runs and Ancient's Way runs are much better for exp (I do the latter quite a bit too, depending on the character I'm playing), but then again, they're much more dangerous in Hell. And I play Hardcore only.


edit: Hi, Brista! :P
The fastest way to level is without a doubt (at least in d2x) to leech hell difficulty games... The fastest of these is probably getting 7 sorcs to clear hell difficulty bloodies for you, the second fastest is just joining a good string of cow killers.
Doing it yourself? Just sorta play with a big group that's not rushing, you'll gain plenty of levels just playing throuh, going from act 1-5 can easily put you to level 30 if you're in a fairly sizeable game. Otherwise, just pop ancients at level 20 to jump to level 25 and then exp wherever your ar or the monster level is closest to you... by about 33 or so, the bloody hills become a viable option.
Just playing through nets you a ton of exp if you stop to kill at least the required areas of travel... as well as giving you a chance to find items close to your level reqs.
Nightmare is pretty much the same idea, except I'd sorta avoid places past act 1 with tons of skeletons, they're always much lower in level then other monsters in the area, and don't provide any leech possibilities. You can easily hang out in nightmare to almost level70 if you start running the worldstone keep once you get near level ~60(upwards of 30k exp per kill vs the 5-10 provided in a bloody).
Leveling in hell is a challenge due to the variety of immunities that become prevelant (most noteably physical immune unless you're a trapper or caster, and then the elemental ones get ya anyways). So many people just get a rush to cows and sorta ignore this and just let the sorc deal with the PI cow... but cows get incredibly boring, and aren't particularly challenging due to the fact that if it's slow it can be killed with minimal threat provided you go about it right.
Also, Death sentry helps a lot in cows, and many other places due to the high damage potential it has... I feel it's worth a few points to any pvm assassin.

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