An old problem I have not seen in many months has returned. Specifically this is on USEast, if it matters:

A character is selected from the character screen and character enters the chat screen. As soon as "join" is clicked however, the right hand pane shows "server down", followed by "lost connection to". Thereafter I cannot log in again for many minutes. The problem is repeatable.

I once had read that as a form of punishment blizzard will keep people from logging on if they are cheating in some fashion, but all I am trying to do is join my game. I do not know if this is the same sort of thing or not.

Has anyone had a similar experience or does anyone know what to do about it? It is a terrible inconvenience to say the least.
After Battle.Net gives you the boot, are you able to get to the screen where you are usually able to select your character? It says realm down, right?

This has happened to me, but usually because I forget to close Diablo 2 and it boots me for inactivity.

The way I get around this annoyance, is that I click the "Change Realm" button, select USEast and "Poof!",
problem solved. ;)
A plague of exploding high-fives.
#3 has tagged you and may resrict you to join games with other tagged people only. (Only for public, you can join any private game) still. The tagging system is very screwy, and can and will tag people who are innocent. After a day or two, it should wear off.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)

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