WARNING: New Crash Bug!
Hail Lurkers,

I was playing a quick game with a few of others early this morning, and came across a nasty little bug. Remember the crash bugs in the past (eg with Druids and Barbarians)? I've been hit with the Barbarian one a few times in 1.08, but anywho, there is a new one to watch for. It is rather surprising too I must say, as it related to Assassins with Swords! I found this one out while using my Mystic Knight. With her, I charge up using punches, then release the charges with a sword.

The build does not allow the stacking of different charges, but I wanted to do it simply to see the pretty lights and make a nice little screenie. At any rate, this did not have the effect I expected: when I did it, and released the charges with the sword, everyone else seemed to freeze up - they told me over ICQ that they crashed out of the game.

Curious, I tried it again when they finally returned (I made them wait until their characters dropped from the game - I was not sure what would happen otherwise). Sure enough, I charged up, zapped a critter, and everyone in the same area as myself went silent - someone still in town was alright though. I am not sure exactly what is doing it, but I am stacking up the three single-element spells with a three-two-one ratio. I currently have a Palague Bearer, and a lot of Poison Charms too, so it's a lovely four damage classes (if only I had Open Wounds, Crushing Blow and Magic Damage too!).

Just wanted to warn everyone about this! Ph33r t3h 1337 sw0rd Assassin!
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
And you haven't mentioned anything about describing the bug to Blizzrd via emil when they are in the process of doing bug checking for the new patch leading me to the conclusion you may not have done so.

Instead you describe it in full detail on a public forum . . .


Yeah um. *cough* Was that a smart plan? <_<
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Hail WarBlade,

*checks the clock* My time's almost up, so I have to say this now...

"Yeah um. *cough* Was that a smart plan?"

Aye, it was: look at your calendar ;) (note to non-Aussies/New Zealanders: I'm several hours ahead of you all).
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Ack! I hate it when that happens.
I get passed mid-day and stop thinking about April fools day pranks, not thinking the rest of the world is hours behind ( I posted at 12:39 PM :P ).

The American ones are worse in that respect. It's already April 2 by the time they start up. :(
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

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