War on Drugs has reached a new low
Be afraid, be very afraid. The powers that be have unleashed a force of incredible power and misery.

I just answered a call from someone who was looking for money so that some narcotics agency can fight the war on drugs.

Big Brother has hired telemarketers. Now there's a match made in hell.
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it."-Dogbert

"The truth is always greater that the words we use to describe it."

[Image: fun.jpg]
Oh, good lord, they called you too?

I think if they ever call again I'm going to try the 'brain fried stoner dude' act and see if the cops show up.
. . . some scam artist?

More details, please, if you have them. What did these rubes call themselves?
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Doh. I guess, someone has finally caught on to my operation :ph34r:
"One day, o-n-e day..."
She said that she was representing some sort of government agency. I didn't pay as much attention as I should have, sorry. I tend to have an out of body experience the minute I know it's a telemarketer. And they're all scam artists, Occhi. ;)
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it."-Dogbert

"The truth is always greater that the words we use to describe it."

[Image: fun.jpg]
But in all likelihood, the person on the other line is not a representative of a drug enforcement branch, nor has any intention of funneling money on the war against drugs. Very likely, 'twas a criminal themself on the line.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.

How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I didn't even realize the date. :blink: I'm on midnight shift this week and at the time I posted it was still the 31 st for me. Someone really did call asking for money to help fight the war on drugs. But then, maybe it was a joke at my expense. But that could have backfired since I was blasting telemarketers with an airhorn for awile. :)
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it."-Dogbert

"The truth is always greater that the words we use to describe it."

[Image: fun.jpg]
cheezz,Apr 2 2003, 08:03 AM Wrote:But that could have backfired since I was blasting telemarketers with an airhorn for awile. :)
Telemarketers are among the most poorly paid workers there are. I doubt that anybody 'chooses' to be a telemarketer. It is one of those jobs you take to pay the bills while you desperately search for something .......anything else.

So blasting the poor soul is definitely mean. :( And it certainly won't forestall future calls, because they don't control what numbers are dialed.

A quick 'No Thanks' followed by hanging up is the best solution.
And you may call it righteousness
When civility survives,
But I've had dinner with the Devil and
I know nice from right.

From Dinner with the Devil, by Big Rude Jake

I used to say 'I'm not interested' and hang up, but after one particualr call, I felt the need to annoy them back.

Almost a year ago, I was sleeping one afternoon,(midnight shift again) when the phone rang. Normally, I don't hear it, but this time I did, because the wife left the phone in the bathroom before she left the house. I am a slow riser and quite groggy when I wake up. I lay there half asleep, waiting for the answering machine to take the call so that I could go back to sleep. For some reason, it never did, and the phone wouldn't stop ringing.

I was still half asleep when in a huff, I threw back the covers and jumped out of bed to silence the dang phone. Next thing I know I'm sitting Indian style on the floor roaring in pain at the top of my lungs. It seems that I fell on my foot somehow. I did serious damage to my foot. The doctors told me that I would have been better off to have broken it. I sprained the foot, all the toes, damaged most of the tendons, broke a blood vessel, and still somehow managed to rip half the skin off of my big toe. My foot was swollen and deep purple for a month. To make matters worse, my place of employment has some safety rule saying that no employee can work on the maufacturing floor with any type of brace, cast, or crutches. For a long time, I had to stuff my swollen foot into an unlaced boot and hobble around on it for 12 hours a day.

When I first got back from the emergency room that day, I looked at the caller ID record to see who needed me so bad. It said 'out of area', which it only ever says when the telemarketers call. So I bought the airhorn a week later and probably blasted about two a week until the can ran out of air. My pain lasted much longer than the can did. Then I went back to hanging up, except now I tell them to F___ off.

There are probably thousands of telemarketers out there, if not tens of thousands. I don't really give a crap what they make. They made it their priority it annoy people. They probably assume that they can get away with it because they are out of reach of the folks they annoy. I make no apologies for my actions, as I feel that they were warranted.
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it."-Dogbert

"The truth is always greater that the words we use to describe it."

[Image: fun.jpg]

Depending on where you live, there might be laws restricting telemarketers. In some locals, there is a state wide "no-call" list. In others (such as Washington where I live) you can opt out on an individual basis. So, a simple, "Please take me off of your calling list, I'm not interested" has reduced the number of calls we get by about a factor of ten (from a couple a day to one every other week or so. I also heard something about a national law, but the details were vague and I haven't heard anything since.


How big was the aquarium in Noah's ark?

I've spent as long as 10 or 15 minutes on a single call. I just can't be rude. But boy, the things I'd LIKE to say. *evil grin* Ah well. Best that self-control gets the better of me. Least then I can still have my dignity and honor. ;)
Roland *The Gunslinger*
War on drugs is a silly thing,I always laugh my arse off when I see those cops in action (it's like mopping the floor while the water is still running).
Just look at Holland (where I live) a lot of people use xtc,coke,mushrooms,weed,pot,etc..(not on a regular basis).
It's a normal functioning society, also which is very funny, alcohol is more damaging for your health than weed,pot(thc enhances resistance against alzheimer,parkinson,enheritable blindnesses,braintumors,etc.
All outcomes of several researches pointed this out. )
Mushrooms are THE most harmless of them all (no consequences for health unless you do it each month).
The effect can be overwhelming but if someone can't take it he can just start drinking orange juice or eat sugar and the trip will be over within 10 minutes.

Xtc,coke are harddrugs which should be taken with caution,when it's legal people would be better informed about these drugs thus less risk for public health. People who want to do this things will do it anyways, legal or illegal, so you'd better inform them I'd say.

So ofcourse I think it's a pathetic and desperate thing to do, hire-ing telemarketers to raise money for this useless cause. :lol:

Just dumping info and sharing my opinion...
(Not willing to go into further discussion about my post ,about this "war on drugs" is good or wrong though,they make me tired .) ;)
The wife has been telling them to remove us from their lists for years now, but the calls keep coming. Yes, they are breaking the law and harrassing us by calling again. Frankly though, we don't have the time or energy to spend pursuing legal action. It was easier just to give 'em a blast. Made me feel better, too. :lol:

Those state lists interest me, but I won't get on one. As I see it, you are putting your name and address on a list that can be accessed by anyone for free. So the phone calls slack off while the junk mail picks up. Poo on that plan. I don't see those lists lasting too long, anyway. Those lists have been ruled unconstitutional in one state already, (don't recall which one) and will probably begin to get shot down in others. It seems that the lists violate scumbags rights to free speech. Oh well.

BTW, other people at work have confirmed that they too are being solicited for the war on drugs. Specifically, the Pennslyvania Narcotics Agency. One guy said that they have called him almost every day this week. The first time they called him, he said the person identified herself as a state trooper working with the PNA. He said it really freaked him out, considering he was smoking a joint at the time.
"I believe in karma. That means I can do bad things to people all day long and I assume they deserve it."-Dogbert

"The truth is always greater that the words we use to describe it."

[Image: fun.jpg]

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