Blade Fury assassin
I was going to start an Assassin that used Blade Fury as her main attack but didn't know where to start. Can anyone tell me if this would be a worthwhile build to try and give me some general tips on how to build this character.
Thanks in advance.
in my experience no... potentially variant material, but not really...
you can however, do some interesting things with blade shield (it gets knockback and crushing blow for example) but sadly the true ninja assassin's skills (the blade ones) are lacking in most areas such as duration, damage, and targeting (I can't hit critters with blade sentinel for anything).
I have maxed BF on my Trapsin, because i wanted to actively do something while letting the traps do their work. the low level, grenade type, trap skills seemed much too weak to me so i chose BF.
although the damage of a blade is near the one that a Sentry does (173 vs 230 at skill lvl 29), the actual effect is somewhat disappointing to me. oh, i can wear down a normal monster, and i can see a difference in the lifebar of champs and bosses when i add my blades to the traps fire (talking about 4-6 player games). it is just ... not enough :)
If u want to build an assassin around this skill, then i urge u to shop/gamble for 2 +traps +bf claws. and see to it, that u can get amplify damage from somewhere. that would surely help a lot.
AFAIK u can do nothing else with ur assassin to boost the blade damage.
while writing this, i wonder, if a might aura would increase the damage of the blades?
"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining, or testing your
code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."
I don't think Might would help

+ skills, careful placement and Amp (perhaps on a rogue's merc bow) would help if you were determined to make it as efficient as possible

Perhaps even using it as a support skill for a martial artist. It's easier to get the monsters just where you want them if you melee

It is quite interesting though to develop skills the rest of us don't know a great deal and write it up, provided that you're prepared for it not be very good. I did try once to develop a Holy Fire Paladin for Hell, but I conceded defeat halfway through Nightmare. On the other hand sometimes people find out fascinating stuff that the rest of us are very intrigued by.

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