Is there anyway to stop people from killing you
I have run into a few a**holes that are running around and just killing people. They are low levels(27) and are able to kill higher levels so they must have hacked. Is the only way to avoid these people to just exit and then find another game? Or is there a trick that I can do to avoid them (besides making private games)?

Thanks for the help......

Stay away from hydra using Sorcs and Paladins using convert...
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you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
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-Leonardo da Vinci
Nope! Besides playing Single Player or Private Games, there's no way to escape these PKers (Player Killers). They are not "hacked", per say, but probably do have highly duped gear or some of the bugged items such as Iths and Whites. However, the Amazon Basin is a great place to play with a great lot of people. They use WeaselTech which is an excellent way to keep out PKers and general Trolls. You can find a link to the Amazon Basin in the Community section of the main site.
Thanks - I will do that. I have purchased two D2's so I can play in private game with my sons.
Quote:Is the only way to avoid these people to just exit and then find another game? Or is there a trick that I can do to avoid them (besides making private games)?

Basically the only sure way is to play alone, but that's not really what we're after if playing on the realms...

PKers can always ruin your game, but once you have alot of experience on the realms, you should be able to spot them a mile away. I tend to play alone first, and get a feel for the players in the game before I party with any of them. Also, when someone suspicious joins the party, I leave the party to avoid becoming a target.

I find it quite fun to play on open pubbie HC), but risk of PKers is not 100% avoidable.

Also, taunting PKs seem to make them go away if you have good taunts.
I often tell the other players in the game, "Gee, this guy must have read the PK handbook; PKs always say the same things."(or somesuch) There is not much rebuttal to such a taunt, because it's true.

Also, if ignored for a few minutes they almost always go away as well. Go get a drink or have a snack. When you get back, most of the time they'll be gone.
Sit in town and suround yourself with a ton of cracked sashes .... with a trail of cracked sashes leading out of town .... they will know you are insane and leave immediately :blink:
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
Now this is the best suggestion I have heard. To bad the taunt are not set for PK's.

I quess I could run in circles and maybe he/she will get dizzy.
Learning to defend yourself against the typical PK classes might help as well. Killing them tends to teach them a lesson.
Any level 20 barbarian can kill a level 50+ with the right gear doing well over 2k damage. Actualy, duped gear WILL NOT WORK because all the duped gear is for high leveled characters. It actually takes some skill to gather the gear for low level dueling. It's too bad these low levelers are taking this strategy to the PK'ing arena. Oh well.

One example was this 23 barbarian with some throwing weapons he called harpoons, but I thought harpoons has a clvl requirement of 34 or so.. anyways, I guess they had a high damage fom the magical affix (like Kings or something), and the maximum +damage on a jewel available for his level. He said his gear was filled with this type of gear and low level damge adding charms and I watched him duel a level 58 paladin and kill him in 1-2 hits (I'm not positive on how many hits, but it seemed to me like 1-2). I just assumed the paladin had low hit points but he assured me he was doing almost 5k damage. 5K damage!!! I'm still not sure I believe that from a level 23, but who knows.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
I think they may have been using hacked items...

5K is way too much for level 23. Unless he has lots of auras, amp, and top of the line gear for his level (and even then I am not sure) I don't think it is possible...
Quote: Learning to defend yourself against the typical PK classes might help as well. Killing them tends to teach them a lesson.

This type off advice is fine and dandy for softcore, but not really for hardcore. As mentioned below, even if you are a good dueler, expert PKers with tweaked(if not hacked) equipment can often kill you even if you are good.

In softcore though, I often try over and over again to kill the PK(unless it's obvious they have hacked gear). I have many fond memories of being killed countless times by a vastly superior equiment setup, but finally getting in that one kill. It's glorious to take someone down who considers themselves unbeatable, using better tactics, not better gear.
Step 1) Cast town portal.

Step 2) Use town portal. :)
I'm quite sure, you can one hit kill characters much higher than you if they are untwinked. They don't need to hack.

Heck just use a riphook o_0 (31) It will screw them up and give you time to run at least.

Fact is later on, 10-20 levels makes little diffrence.

Maybe not 5k... but someone with 400 or 500 hp will die in a few hits.
Heck, I could do it too, but I won't. Enough jerks will cause me to make a low level pkk though :P

Still don't believe me?
Best answer: Save&exit, and never hang around waypoints.
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