I made up this necromancer build, and wondering if it would work I called it lectermancer(reffering to hannibal lecter) because of the manipulative nature of this build. If this build has been made up earlier I'd like to see a guide from it. :)



F1:Con F2:At F3:Im F4:Lr F5:Ter F6:Re F7:Ba F8:Tp

The goal is simple, make the critters bash eachothers brains in.
I like to make my builds till around lv70 since these levels are easy to reach in hc usually,what I do after that I decide on my possible "strategy gaps".

This is how I plan to deal with certain situations.

Cocktail of Confuse,Ironmaiden I'll soften the mob up with poison nova and Lower resist, I'm thinking of immobelising mobs by lr/ter/pn the first wave and make them run against the second thus causing a sort of traffic jam. Revives will serve me by making a few revives to make sure the mob doesn't run to my direction and did not have use for corpses yet. :lol:

I have to make sure the boss is still well surrounded in "the about to be brainstormed mob" and then I cast Attract on the boss. I'll let my merc tank or I'll get a rogue and equip her with elemental damage to kill the boss when he's alone, then all my revives would be revived too.

-I have no idea how the curses Attract and Confuse will work out, since I never played with these before.
-Do Iron maiden and confuse stack ?
-Is attract enough to kill bosses ?

Any feedback would be welcome, I didn't want to take Ce don't get me wrong I love it but wanted to do something different. :)
I might be taking Bone Spirit for additional boss slaughter tool. Golem, dito as Ce...
I hope it works because I have the feeling this would look really funny. :D
Don't think an actual guide was made for it....but there have been other mentions....as for info about it...

Act Bosses
Small Groups of enemies
Last enemy of a group
AI curses are 1/4th duration in hell

Dealing with Swarms

This is actually a very commmon split of necromancer strength/weaknesses (only a few get Act Bosses and Smalll Groups on their strengths list...although it's more common to see "last enemy in group" in strengths)

Attract and Confuse don't effect:
Bosses, Superuniques, champions, possessed(no curse effects them), fanatics, etc.

Iron Maiden is weak vs. ranged enemies, but confuse will handle most of them except unique ones (IE DeSeis)

Confuse would be your best bet vs. small groups with a superunique (won't effect superunique, but your confused monsters may hit the enemy, just hope they win)

Confuse then Iron Maiden I think works (not necessarily stack....more like they just finish their current AI segment then switch back to normal)

Same with Attract and Iron Maiden.

You may want to invest in bone spirit or spear before Poison Nova (poison nova is notorious for being weak vs. what your main weaknesses are, but strong vs. what is already innately this build's power function)


The main thing you need to think about:
How will you kill Duriel, Mephisto, Diablo, the Ancients, or Baal with so few minions/attack skills?

The rest of them are just practice to get them to work effectively, and a lot of patience (if this in HC, you will need a LOT of patience or a LOT of luck)
Chaos < Logic > Order
One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles.
One who does not know the enemy but knows himself will sometimes win, sometimes lose.
One who does not know the enemy and does not know himself will be in danger in every battle.
- Sun Tzu "The Art of War"
Thanks for the info, I'll do Bone spirit first then and pump poison nova after my 70'ies I still think it's nice to use attract and confuse so I can adept to slightly different situations. And yes I only play hc. As for patience.... patience is my best friend. :)
It sounds very interesting indeed :)

I was toying with the idea of maxxing Confuse, IM and fast run/walk and running around creating vast hordes of Confused monsters with pockets of IM scattered amongst them

There has been a bit of discussion at the Amazon Basin some of which might be of interest. Some is probably archived now

Elric's guide to cursing is here:

Lastly Sirian's account of Skeletorr is inspirational reading. His clearing of the CS with Confuse is in my opinion the best single piece of D2 play I have ever heard of:

I hope you write it up for us!

It sounds fun, but personally I hate Poison Nova. If I were going to max Iron Maiden for use with attract and confuse, I would also max Bone Prison. A maxed bone prison is nice for containing dangerous foes, and while you wont get any experience points from Bone Prison + Iron Maiden, it *will* kill bosses.

In fact, Bone Prison would probably be just fine with 5 or 10 points.

Also, I hate, hate, hate, hate, despise Bone Spirit. I dont like the way it looks, I dont like the taste, and I dont like how weak and mana heavy it is. HOWEVER, with immunities to physical, you just about "have" to invest in it. Sure, you dont have to, but I have tried taking a necromancer through hell with all the physical immunes and no bone spirit and I just got sick of running away from Physical Immunes ... even more sick that I am of shooting a hell monster 10 times before it dies. I also dont like Poison Nova for similar reasons, and I dont like skeletal mages, and fire golems dont really do any significant fire damage. Grr.

So, if it were me I'd feel compelled to max Bone Spirit. *sigh*

I'd personally do Confuse 8, Attract 8, Bone Prison 8, Iron Maiden 20, Bone Spirit 20, Revive 1, Summon Resist 1, Lower Resist 1, Pre-reqs 15. That'd put you at level 71.

Actually since you want to take on crowds, and the bone prison + iron maiden can work against msot bosses, you could consider bone spear instead of bone spirit. Hmm.

aka *westcats, USWest, SC
aka *sevencats, *weirdcats, USEast, SC
Bone prison, it brings a smile to my face, I just started using it on a other necro of mine lv43 now.

Amplifydamage: 7
Lowerresists: 7
Summonskills: all 1 pt. (10)
Corpseexplosion: 15
BoneSpirit: 20
BonePrison: 1

That's how that nec is made, I found out that bone prison is the ultimate anti-LEB's system, just cast ten around a boss and all bolts will be absorbed by boneprison while I still fire off bonespirits(which go through prison) with lowres above their heads,since I started using it like that, I fell in love with that skill. :D
Lectermancer build will be :


This brings me to about lv74 and I'll max boneprison afterwards, I scrapped Poisonnova(I'm more a bony kinda guy) though but I might still put one point in it.
I bought a wand for 150k with +3 P&B skills and +1 revive but I'm still looking for a 3+bs and two other skills I'll use and make it a "white" wand. I also found a non-magic unraveller head with +3bs,+1rev,+1bp I'm gonna put "Rhyme" in it or 2 perf diamonds (don't have um runes). Along with a ammy with +2 P&B and +78 life. So bs will be (white not included) around lv30 (still think blizz should double the boneskill dmges though).

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