The unique jewel
Uhm, level 47 chain lightning when dieing???

I wouldn't want to be playing in a party in HC :(
Ah well, at least I have Sirians posts in the MOO3 forum to read.
If you're in the party it won't bounce around and fry you... (I hope, I've not actually used chain lightning before, with most of my gaming done on a comp that simply couldn't handle it, I had to stay away from sorcs)

Personally I reckon it's for aiding people with item recovery, if you get swamped and killed, the CL blasts off, kills all the stuff that killed you, easy recovery :D

have you ever tried drawing ~8 cave leapers away from your corpse in NM with a naked barbarian?
Well if you are in a party then none of your spells will do any damage to your party members. This is including that 47 chain lighting effect on the jewel. Unless it was a PK then it would kil him too. But if you are in a party with alot of people then i'll just kill the swarm of monsters that killed you.
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
A whole new take on the "Martyr" variant: "Order of the Rainbow Cleft".

"Come on... hit me!"

One wonders if you could progress to Patriarch/Matriarch simply by dying alot. :blink:
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
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I suppose it'd be a good defence against PKers. Socket a 6-socketed shield with a couple of those, and anyone who take you out end up dead beside you.. yes -you- die, but so will the bastard who killed you..
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
You could make a rather perverse PK team with this in hardcore.

The sacrifice goes in and hostiles a high lvl. Eventually a high lvl decides to whipe him.

A friend come in and gets the gear.

Of course you hve to lvl up to 49 each time you kill someone.
I really don't see the big deal. On anything but a sorc level 47 chain lightning is just 1-686 lightning damage (assuming it doesn't get well pumped in 1.10) . Granted it has that minus resistance and +lightning damage thing but that would hardly put it over 700. It's only if you put this on a sorceress that it would be any kind of pk deturrent.

Chippy's sight is so useful. B)
hey whybish which MOO3 forums does Sirian post to?
Signatures suck
This must be the second jewel thread. I'm guessing the first is buried somewhere within that gargantuan v1.1 thread in Atma's Tavern. I've made it a point to never read a thread exceeding two or three pages, simply because it's a pain in the arse to read it all, so I know I missed that one, assuming it's there...

Hmm. Shouldn't this post be in Atma's Tavern instead of The Lounge? It's not exactly OT.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
The original Heavy Metal Cow™. USDA inspected, FDA approved.
The bugs and suggestions. Note you can click on search and search by username (Sirian).

Some other searches there that bring up useful info are searches by username:
QSI Programming (Stuff they plan on fixing, and how some stuff works)
Tom Hughes (The economics 101 thread)
Visage (All you need to know about how combat works and how the 'AI' decides what to put on ships)
Im not impressed at all...IMO its junk, and I dont mind saying it. (obviously) I guess they felt the need to make it junky to thwart the dupers from going to work on it as soon as its found. As it is now Id probly laugh and toss it on the ground...
Artega,May 4 2003, 07:46 AM Wrote:This must be the second jewel thread.

1.10 and Cain by Waypoint are the others.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Sir_Die_alot,May 3 2003, 04:38 AM Wrote:I really don't see the big deal. On anything but a sorc level 47 chain lightning is just 1-686 lightning damage (assuming it doesn't get well pumped in 1.10) . Granted it has that minus resistance and +lightning damage thing but that would hardly put it over 700. It's only if you put this on a sorceress that it would be any kind of pk deturrent.

Chippy's sight is so useful.  B)
But wouldn't it stack? If you had, say 6, wouldn't it do more damage?
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
6 is a lot of socketing space to simply get a revenge kill.
[wcip Wrote:Angel,May 3 2003, 08:21 PM] But wouldn't it stack? If you had, say 6, wouldn't it do more damage?
That will depend on what the actual stats are on two different jewels. If bothe the jewels have the same skill at the same level of use then only the percent chance of going off will be stacking.

Example of 2 of the same jewel shown in the picture socketed into items. You would get (100%+100%=) 200% chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning shen you die. Since it was already an automatic success to go off, there is not really much benefit to doubling an automatic chance (but you will be get +6% to damage, -6% to enemy resists).

Now if the jewels do not have fixed level of skill use when they spawn (where the skill level is determined by the items ilvl as it is in cases like the Light Sabres), then you could be getting multiple attacks by different skill level Chain Lightnings going off all at once. Then there is the matter of having other types of Rainbow Facets that may have different skills on them.
Sir_Die_alot,May 2 2003, 11:38 PM Wrote:Chippy's sight is so useful.
. .. because it allows Chippy to see. :P
I don't know about how junky it is... As I play HC, it wouldn't help my character much. However, on a merc, it could be quite helpful.

Then again, what happens when the merc is slain by a Lightning immune MSLEB?

Call HCGoodbye(gl,hf,dd)
dahak_i,May 4 2003, 07:54 PM Wrote:Then again, what happens when the merc is slain by a Lightning immune MSLEB?
Well, assuming that the unique jewels correspond to the rainbow (hence the name), you socket your merc with one another of the damage types (fire, cold, etc).

But like I mentioned in one of the other threads, are we certain that it works for mercs? It would be cool if it did, but I'm not sure that it would. We'll know for sure when we play, right? ;)
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dahak_i,May 5 2003, 01:54 PM Wrote:I don't know about how junky it is... As I play HC, it wouldn't help my character much.  However, on a merc, it could be quite helpful.

Then again, what happens when the merc is slain by a Lightning immune MSLEB?

Yay, someone got it.

merc or party members.

Not so bad if there is only one enemy (the MSLE) there, but if there is one more (any type) enemy there for the CL to rickochet off...
[Image: azurewrath.jpg]

Ugh. I can feel the Wendy's I just ate bubbling back to the surface already. Excuse me.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

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