Check out the Arreat Summit

The only thing from these leaked 1.10 lists that I could see myself resorting to eBay for if I can't find/trade for one after a few months is this:

Champion Axe
Str Req: 167
Dex Req: 59
Clvl Req: 84
Two-Hand Damage: 59 To 94 (76.5 Avg)
Durability: 50
Weapon Speed: [-10]
250-300% Damage To Demons (varies)
Adds 200-420 Cold Damage
100% Chance of Crushing Blow
+3 To All Skill Levels
15% Life Stolen Per Hit
+65% Increased Attack Speed
Freezes Target
Cold Absorb 65%
Socketed (4)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

That would be one hell of a 4 frame attack werebear weapon with 4 shaels in it (might need even less).


Wolfhowl: This can be used to turn the Barbarian into a wolf and use some Druid skills!

QUOTE (Wolfhowl Fury Helm)

Defense: 233.2-377.5 (varies)(Base Defense: 105-150)
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 129
Durability: 35
(Barbarian Only)
+120-150% Enhanced Defense (varies)
+2-3 To Warcries (Barbarian Only) (varies)
+3-6 To Feral Rage (varies)
+3-6 To Lycanthropy (varies)
+3-6 To Werewolf (varies)
+8-15 To Strength (varies)
+8-15 To Dexterity (varies)
+8-15 To Vitality (varies)
Level 15 Summon Dire Wolf (18 Charges)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

So from that note and those stats it looks like those straight +skills on the other items will work with any class now, at least on class specific

Hmmmm.... A frenzied, feral raging wolf with masteries?? FUN FUN FUN!!!
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
My slow little brain Finally understands what is gonna happen when you have full Trangs set on. You turn into a vampire...The monster class!! That's why it grants the skills it does. Vampire class monsters use those skills. I think this basically means hardcore PKs have a new usefull tool to slay arcane runners with....
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
I have a feeling darn near everybody will be able to get one...that's why it's so powerful...
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
Jugalator,May 9 2003, 02:12 PM Wrote:hehe...

I checked GFraizer's site:

... and he has been at the dentist today.

He might have an alibi!  :lol:

Nah, it was probably some other web guy who didn't know/think about that GFraizer had started editing AS for 1.10 in his offline AS folder, and copied it over to a new web server (Blizz is upgrading web servers today - coincidence?)... or something silly like that
Alibi or not, the accuracy of a website and (unless another individual(s) have been designated specifically for the task) its security rests solely on the shoulders of the webmaster and their team (If applicable). If innacurate information was posted on the AS, then it's Fraizer's responsibilty. If confidential information was leaked inadvertantly or otherwise, the it's Fraizer's responsibility. If security had been comprimised, while that is not Fraizer's responsibility, the retraction of such information as soon as possible is.

As far as blunders go, this one is pretty spectacular. I have seen webmasters fired for much less than this, and generally the job of a professional webmaster is such that, if you've been fired once, don't count on a good recomendation in your next interview. If Geoff is brought to book for this, then his employers would have to be utterly nuts to let him off with a warning.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Oh for heaven's sake

It was an embarassing goof sure and it puts extra stress on the hard-working people trying to get the thing finalised and released but the bottom line for the company is that it excited a huge amount of extra interest in their game

Have a little mercy on the poor chap - if ever someone had the Thank God It's Friday feeling it must be him!
I think people (I mean Americans mostly) are entirely too interested in relieving other people of their jobs at this point. I mean, check out all those howls that Bob Ryan (the reporter for the Boston Globe) ought to be fired. I, for one, don't agree with it.

Maybe I've been influenced too much by movies, but I've always been turned off by people who demand that others lose their jobs. There are some occasions where a bit of bloodthirstiness is warranted (Enron anyone?), but that's the exception I think. Just my couple o' pennies.
Yeah, actually I think that'd hit a 3 frame attack with 4 shaels... I discussed this a bit on the Druid forum. I'd assume that weapons like this will not see the light of day in the final release unless they have plans to change Wereform attack speeds (at which point I'm done with D2. :) ).
I think it'd be funny to change my Barbarian into a Flayer... B)
hi all

seems bliz rollbacked thier website :o
You could certainly pretend to be a Druid. Use the ring with charges of Poison Creeper and the other ring with charges of the different spirits and change into a werewolf

The Barb looks the same as a merc in the party screen so people might not make the connection. Besides some people leave the party screen off (the little pictures at the top left)

If........ (perhaps a big If) those items make it into the final version I offer a magnificent prize of a free cracked complete cracked set to any crackpot crackers enough to keep it going over 30 minutes without one of the others catching on :lol:
...that most of that crap got leaked. And, that while alot of it was accurate, at least some of it was from an old, outdated build. Or so the Bucket seems to think.

Either way, it all stinks to me. Whatever faith I had in Blizzard North (1.10 was there last chance; and even that was EXTREMELY slim, i.e. I expected SOME of this, but nowhere near to this level), it's gone now. Period. So sad... though I can't say that I'm surprised.

Just one more reason for me to stay off the Realms and keep to modding. :P Oh well. At least I have The Frozen Throne to look forward to. :P THAT is gonna be a GREAT game. :D
Roland *The Gunslinger*
Quote:Either way, it all stinks to me. Whatever faith I had in Blizzard North (1.10 was there last chance; and even that was EXTREMELY slim, i.e. I expected SOME of this, but nowhere near to this level), it's gone now. Period. So sad... though I can't say that I'm surprised.

Give me a break... you have no idea which of these items will actually be in the game, what will be their rarity and such.

You should keep in mind that without duping those elite uniques will be EXTREMELY hard to find and anyone who has ever found one was extremely lucky, I want you to count the people who have a windforce compared to the people who found a windforce.

Oh and one last thing, the "do something special" is for the Annihlus charm while Gheed's Fortune is Ladder Only, and both of them have a maximum amount of one, meaning you can't hoard them, neither mule them effectively (one character per charm, not to mention your finder character will have to be without those items)

P.S I also remember looking at an item from which is indestructible as well as ethereal, could it mean that indestructible weapons can spawn as ethereal too?
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
Quote:from Isolde
1) None of this was supposed to be released. (someone's gonna get a lot of flak tomorrow morning).
2) Quite a lot of it is wrong. WAY wrong.

I realize that the release of this info was in error, but perhaps Blizzard will read over the comments here and in other fora and take their reactions into consideration. I personally found most of the new items, mods, etc very interesting.

I'm looking forward to 1.10!
- Ace 777
Check Out: NJ DeMolay

[Image: knight_left.gif]
Amazing reaction for a 3 year-old-game, don't you think? ;)

Considering that Arreat Summit has been completely restored to its "original" state, I find this continued "bantering and blaspheming" to be HIGHLY amusing. Moreso for those among the posters who claim that it's an inferior product from inferior programmers and are basing their opinions on now-removed data. Fascinating. :blink:

I can certainly understand "excitement" and "enthusiasm" for a long-awaited event. But outrage, temper tantrums and bouts of High-Holy-Righteous Indignation? Please. <_<

Perhaps you all might consider calming down until the actual patch is released? Because, if you don't understand, THAT will become the game we play (or will "never play again", dependant on your pissy attitude levels) regardless of any time wasted with pointless bickering, postulation and general misinformation.

Sheesh, people.
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
I'm inclined to believe Isolde. If this stuff is true, excuse me one second. :blink:

Here, some "live" 1.10 item screenshots can be seen:
Hi Dee!

Your right, the site is pretty slow... By the time that I saw this, everything had been fixed. I tried to sift through the forums and that was quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever done. I could feel my IQ actually go LOWER the more I read the forums. Disgusting.

Either way, from what I've seen and heard... 1.10 looks interesting, though I don't think it'll effect me as much as it will most.
I am Baylan

Hardcore is the way to play!

You'll find me on US-East, on the account name Baylan (for now, I'll add more as I get my accounts up and hardcore-capable).
If you go way back to the old LL you could find the month that this word really took off. It had been around for as long as remember, but wasnt overly common. Then one week very common in reference to anything D2 of a superlative nature.
I'm amazed that people are getting so angry about this. All that time waiting, and now that it's finally almost here, all anyone can do is whine some more.

I agree that some of these items look pretty outrageous. And they would be, if they were inserted into the game we're playing now. But keep in mind that these items aren't the only changes - by a long shot. It's a whole new world we're gonna be playing in, and for all we know, these items will be perfectly balanced. I would definitely suggest that you reserve judgement until you've had a chance to play for yourself.

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