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Isolde,May 9 2003, 08:33 PM Wrote:1) None of this was supposed to be released.  (someone's gonna get a lot of flak tomorrow morning).
2) Quite a lot of it is wrong.  WAY wrong.


Now that's the 1.10 news I want to read.

Which leaves the question: It sounds like some of that stuff is right (judging by Isolde's post), so I wonder which parts . . . :D
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
WarBlade,May 9 2003, 09:48 AM Wrote:Which leaves the question: It sounds like some of that stuff is right (judging by Isolde's post), so I wonder which parts . . . :D
We'll have to wait and see won't we? Quite clever if you ask me, release a lot of wrong info with a little bit of RIGHT stuff, and keep people in ashes wondering which parts are right and which ones are not :lol: OK, so I like silly conspiracy theories, sue me for having fun ;)

But my god, a charm with +1 to all. I hope it's sort of like the horadric cube, you cannot carry more than one at a time. (What happens if a second drops? Whoops, can't grab it! :D).
Isolde,May 9 2003, 08:33 AM Wrote:1) None of this was supposed to be released.  (someone's gonna get a lot of flak tomorrow morning).
2) Quite a lot of it is wrong.  WAY wrong.

Wow, that was confusing.

If it's WAY wrong, you guys better remove it ASAP. But it's probaly already too late since I've seen at least one mirror.
<span style="color:orange">Account: jugalator // <span style="color:orange">Realm: Europe // <span style="color:orange">Mode: Softcore (kinda inactive nowadays though)
Loyal Diablo fan since 1997 :-)
#44 know what....I want to hear a recording of the "flak" whoever put it up is gonna get :) - now THAT would be fun heh - much better than that Bill Roper recording even (although I like the comment about the "angry necromancer" being one myself)...*I thought somethin fishy was up with a dual Zod runeword lol.... - still fun to play around with ideas even though a majority of em are based off of "WAY wrong" information heh.
Chaos < Logic > Order
One who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be in danger in a hundred battles.
One who does not know the enemy but knows himself will sometimes win, sometimes lose.
One who does not know the enemy and does not know himself will be in danger in every battle.
- Sun Tzu "The Art of War"
Quote:Quite a lot of it is wrong. WAY wrong.

I agree. This is very wrong. :(
Hail Fragbait,

Uber was not coined by Blizzard: it was taken by Americans (and mistranslated) from the German language many years ago; it was around before I started using the Internet at least (and, now I think about it, even that was prettly long ago - I was only a little kid at the time!). It is used online (without the umlaut) to represent "super", "ultra", "mega", "butt kicking", ... you get the idea ;)

In Diablo, an Uber-item is basically the most overpowered POS around; an uberbuild is the ultimate cookie cutter build of the moment. Also taking from the German, Sirian (I believe) coined unterrare - Rare items that only gave you three mods.

As for hackers... what do hackers have to do with this? ;) There are many, many hackers in Germany, but there are everywhere. The first? I'd imagine America, but I've never really researched that one.
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
DralaFi,May 9 2003, 04:07 AM Wrote:Widowmaker
Ward Bow
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+150-200% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Ignore Target's Defense
33% Deadly Strike
+3-5 To Guided Arrow (varies)
Fires Magic Arrows
(Ladder Only)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)&nbsp;

Great for a speedazon. I see Windforce was left unchanged.
Great for a speedazon? A base 0 bow with no IAS?
DralaFi,May 9 2003, 05:59 AM Wrote:Annihilus*
Small Charm
Required Level: 62
+1 To All Skills
+10-20 To All Attributes (varies)
All Resistances +10-20 (varies)
+5-10% To Experience Gained (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

And you can have 40 of those things in your inventory? I suspected that the item fest might escalate once again with patch 1.10, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine something as crazy as this.


Nope. Can't stack them. :)

The challenge is getting a perfect one...
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
Ahh, I see. Thank god for that.

I still don't like it though. There's not much balance (read: none whatsoever) left in this game anymore, and now they're gonna throw something like this out there as well?

Well, I suppose it was to be expected. I'm just sad to see the game turn into even more of an item fest - as if it isn't already bad enough.

Well only one of them isn't bad, it helps a lot but you can't count on it because you 'need to do something special' to get it and all its mods are random. You may get an useless one. ('useless'...?)

I'm more concerned about that unique armor with +1 str per clvl and +68 vitality... that's almost as bad as 1.08 valor, dammit. And uniques (uniques!) with 8 affixes, cruel damage% and 5 sockets. But then again, anything is better than the same old Windforces, and if they're gonna wreck balance they better do so with new items.

Besides, the old ones may get nerfed... notice how the 1.09 unique shields, pal shields and bows were soo overpowered next to the new ones. (because on those unfinished and accidentally uploaded pages the 1.09 ones still had their old stats) So they will likely get toned down.


Thank god the real interesting things are not unbalanced, ie. the TO full set vampire bonus, Wolfhowl's werewolf effect... and these are unique enough that Blizzard will certainly keep them no matter what Isolde says about outdated pages.
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44
I can already feel the dupe wave. Joy.
Quote:Give me a break. A necromancer will supposedly turn into a "vampire"? I thought no character artists were working on the patch?

Just to mention, I tend to think that they mean a necro with the complete set will gain the appearance of the monster "vampire". You know, the meteor/firewall/fireball guys that you see in the Durance of Hate for example. Adding the sorc skills goes along with the theme. Quite amusing IMHO. I would love to have a vampire necro running around meteoring things. Unfortunately, the whole set is pretty damn hard to accumulate without trading, and near immpossible without twinking...

It would require no new art.

I would like to see some other appearance shifts, the game has soo many possibilities, it's a shame that many are only realized in mods. But, of course, such changes would not bring in any $, and would hardly be worth the time spent on them...
Logic_X,May 9 2003, 10:36 AM know what....I want to hear a recording of the "flak" whoever put it up is gonna get :)

I checked GFraizer's site:

... and he has been at the dentist today.

He might have an alibi! :lol:

Nah, it was probably some other web guy who didn't know/think about that GFraizer had started editing AS for 1.10 in his offline AS folder, and copied it over to a new web server (Blizz is upgrading web servers today - coincidence?)... or something silly like that
<span style="color:orange">Account: jugalator // <span style="color:orange">Realm: Europe // <span style="color:orange">Mode: Softcore (kinda inactive nowadays though)
Loyal Diablo fan since 1997 :-)
I personally think that these:

Small Charm
Required Level: 62
+1 To All Skills
+10-20 To All Attributes (varies)
All Resistances +10-20 (varies)
+5-10% To Experience Gained (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)

Annihilus charms will replace the Stone of Jordan as the the form of currency on Battle Net in 1.10.
"Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellem"
[Image: Ax.gif]
Brother Laz,May 9 2003, 01:01 PM Wrote:Read again: Wrote:ONLY ONE PER INVENTORY

Nope. Can't stack them. :)

The challenge is getting a perfect one...
That was for the Gheed charm. Not for this one. But I certainly hope it's for this one as well.
DralaFi,May 9 2003, 03:09 PM Wrote:I personally think that these:
Annihilus charms will replace the Stone of Jordan as the the form of currency on Battle Net in 1.10.
Don't bet on it. You're supposed to do something special in order to get them. And what if this special something includes a quest and therefore you can only get one of those charms per difficulty level?
And the SoJ was only the main currency since he used to be widely available before they nerfed gambling.
the Langolier,May 9 2003, 03:48 AM Wrote:Give me a break.&nbsp; A necromancer will supposedly turn into a "vampire"?&nbsp; I thought no character artists were working on the patch?
Isolde made this comment in the huuuge patch 1.10 modding thread:

Quote: anyway: states.txt is somewhere in the vincinity of 70 columns of editing fun and you can add your own (states, not columns). of course about half of the columns are simple flags (like 'does this state turn my attack red in my character sheet')

much more interesting are such such columns as 'gfxtype' and 'gfxclass' which control what monster or player a monster or player with the state looks like... so you can have your very own polymorpher class...

The werewolf graphics are technically a monster graphic, so I imagine this "polymorpher" stuff would apply similar wereform mechanics for any class to just about any monster. "Vampire" here being those "ghoul lord" monsters that like to drop meteors in the durance. I dunno if any items like this made it into final, but it seems that the code is implemented for doing such things.
I hope the Annihilus charm involves killing every monster in the game in a single hell difficulty game, including the wrong Tal Rasha's tombs, the 'hole' type mini-dungeons, the spider/flayer areas that aren't even needed for flail parts, etc... Total annihilation of every living (and undead) thing in the game, ending with Baal - and even then only have a 1/1000 chance of the charm dropping.

Then make it so a player can only hold one Annihilus charm at a time, and it may actually not be that bad. Hard to trade a 'currency' that you can't hold multiple instances of. Otherwise... what were they thinking?!? :blink:

edit: from an interview with an unspecified designer from the D2 team on's 1.10 summary page (link)
Quote:And there's no way I'd make a +1 to all skills charm (if I were to make one) and not have it be 1 per inv.

Getting the Annihilus charm involves going to and doing a search on 'anhilius' or 'anilus'. You'll be able to get 50 of them for $5. Unidentified, 100 of them. Anhilus jewels will go for $20 apiece, and tombreaver charms for $60 apiece. You may even find white charms, mang song charms (+5 sorceress skills) and quark facets (+255 sorceress skills) as well.
Nothing is impossible if you believe in it enough.

Median 2008 mod for Diablo II
<span style="color:gray">New skills, new AIs, new items, new challenges...
06.dec.2006: Median 2008 1.44

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