Check out the Arreat Summit
Quote:The Natalya's Odium fade ability turns the Assassin Ethereal in appearance once she has completed this set. This has no gameplay impact beyond looking very cool and making other players jealous.


If you complete this set the Necromancer will transform into a Vampire in appearance. He will also get skills such as Meteor, Fire Wall, and Fire Ball. This set is certainly allows for some fun with other players.

Wow... how odd is that? Maybe you should complete a full set :P
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
DralaFi,May 9 2003, 04:27 PM Wrote:I'm at this stage quite disappointed.
I have mixed feelings.

On one hand, the equipment has pulled another badly thought out 'rich get richer' stunt in the cookie cutter Sorceress builds (which we didn't need), the Barbarian can go Werewolf (gain more multipliers) and the new Paladin shields amount to a rare with gold text and a backstab PKer's item. <_< That Annihilus Charm is so bad I can't believe it's even real either. If there's anything in 1.10 that will kill 1.10 then that thing would have to be it.

And yet on the other hand somebody finally managed to dream up scepter ideas that suit more generic Paladin builds than the previous rubbish we've thrown to the vendors in the past.
The Redeemer
Mighty Scepter
One-Hand Damage: (143.5-164) To (185.5-332) (164.5-248 Avg)
Required Level: 72
Required Strength: 50
Required Dexterity: 26
Durability: 50
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+250-300% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Damage +60-120 (varies)
+50% Damage To Undead
+200-250% Damage To Demons (varies)
+2 To Paladin Skill Levels
-33% Target Defense
+2-4 To Redemption (Paladin Only) (varies)
+2-4 To Holy Bolt (Paladin Only) (varies)
+3 To Light Radius
Requirements -60%
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)&nbsp;

Astreon's Iron Ward
One-Hand Damage: (129.2-148.2) To (149.6-171.6) (139.4-159.9 Avg)
Required Level: 66
Required Strength: 97
Required Dexterity: 70
Durability: 70
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+240-290% Enhanced Damage (varies)
Damage +40-85 (varies)
+50% Damage To Undead
Adds 80-240 Magic Damage
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
Slows Target By 25%
Damage Reduced By 4-7 (varies)
+2-4 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only) (varies)
+10% Increased Attack Speed
150-200% Bonus To Attack Rating (varies)
(Only Spawns In Patch 1.10 or later)
A pity the drop chance is close enough to "never" it might as well be called Never.

I just have one other vomit inducing comment to make . . . :P

Two words:

1.) Werebarian
2.) Hydradin

*sprints to the toilet*
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
With these new items, I hope that the items will be easier to find and the monsters 104 times harder. But knowing that won't happen we can only pray.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Quote:Bonuses To Sanctuary
Cleansing: +7% Magic Damage Per Level

Soooo... not sure how this works, exactly (its either one of 2 ways, I figure) but it means "Heavenlicious" will be ressurected for ladder play. Amen.


As for the items, I can't say I mind anything really... its all pretty cool & innovative & has rekindled my interest lots (to say the least).

Too bad the hacks will PWN everything after about 4 days.

Really. Its depressing.
*Swarmalicious - USeast Hardcore
"A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men." - W Wonka

The Flying Booyaka and The Legend of Bonesnap
Hail Archon Wing,

I've not seen the actual site, as it's down at the moment, but are you saying a NEcromancer complete Natalya's Odium? A Necromancer holding an Assassin-only Claw weapon? Ah-ha, if this isn't Schlonglor playing a joke, I don't know what is...
May the wind pick up your heels and your sword strike true.
Just for you, Elric:

Trang-Oul's Guise
Bone Visage
Defense: 180-257 (varies)(Base Defense: 100-157)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 106
Durability: 40
24% Faster Hit Recovery
Replenish Life +5
+80-100 Defense
+150 To Mana
Attacker Takes Damage of 20

Trang-Oul's Scales
Chaos Armor
Defense: 787-857 (varies)(Base Defense: 315-343)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 84
Durability: 70
+150% Enhanced Defense
Requirements -40%
40% Faster Run/Walk
Poison Resist +40%
+100 Defense vs. Missile
+2 To Summoning Skills (Necromancer Only)

Lightning Resist +50% (3 Items)
Damage Reduced By 25% (4 Items)

Trang-Oul's Wing
Cantor Trophy
Defense: 175-189 (varies)(Base Defense: 50-64)
Required Level: 54
Required Strength: 50
Durability: 20
Chance to Block: 60%
(Necromancer Only)
+125 Defense
+30% Increased Chance Of Blocking
Poison Resist +40%
Fire Resist +38-45%
+15 To Dexterity
+25 To Strength
+2 To Poison And Bone Skills (Necromancer Only)

-25% To Enemy Poison Resistance (3 Items)
Replenish Life +15 (2 Items)

Trang-Oul's Girth
Troll Belt
Defense: 134-166 (varies)(Base Defense: 59-66)
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 91
Durability: 18
+75-100 Defense
Requirements -40%
Cannot Be Frozen
Replenish Life +5
+25-50 To Mana
+30 Maximum Stamina
+66 To Life

Cold Resist +40% (2 Items)

Trang-Oul's Claws
Heavy Bracers
Defense: 67-74 (varies)(Base Defense: 37-44)
Required Level: 45
Required Strength: 58
Durability: 16
+20% Faster Cast Rate
Cold Resist +30%
+30 Defense
+25% Poison Skill Damage
+2 To Curses (Necromancer Only)

Partial Set Bonus
+18 To Fire Ball (2 Items)
Regenerate Mana 15% (2 Items)
+13 To Fire Wall (3 Items)
Additional Regenerate Mana 15% (3 Items)
Additional Regenerate Mana 15% (4 Items)
+10 To Meteor (4 Items)

Complete Set Bonus
+3 To Necromancer Levels
20% Life Stolen Per Hit
+3 To Fire Mastery
+10 To Meteor
+13 To Fire Wall
+18 To Fire Ball
+200 Defense
+100 To Mana
Regenerate Mana 60%
Replenish Life +5
All Resistances +50
Transforms into Vampire

Notes: This Set is designed for the Necromancer, however any class can wear the items in this Set except for Trang-Oul's Wing. Only the Necromancer can complete this Set. "Trang-Oul's" is the proper name for this set despite what the manual might say or other spellings you might have seen.

If you complete this set the Necromancer will transform into a Vampire in appearance. He will also get skills such as Meteor, Fire Wall, and Fire Ball. This set is certainly allows for some fun with other players.
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
The second quote was for a necro completing Trang's set.

I'm kinda disapointed in the Paladin shields - might as well be rares.

-- CH
Oops, I told myself I needed to two quotes. :P Anyhow, a Assasin using full natalya's gets an etheral look, while a necro using full trangs gets to be a fire sorceress.

Intrestingly, if you look at the sets Nat's set got the fewest enhancements. Aldur's got a lot stronger with 350% ed as its full set. (It's still not that much :P) and the IK and Griswold's sets have a slew of things dumped on it. But I always thought of Natlya's set to be the most balanced and usable (as a whole)
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
CelticHound,May 9 2003, 12:05 AM Wrote:The second quote was for a necro completing Trang's set.

I'm kinda disapointed in the Paladin shields - might as well be rares.

-- CH
Indeed... given their high level requirements and are vitually inferior to the Hearld of Zakurum in every way, it seems fairly depressing. :(
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Elric of Grans,May 9 2003, 06:54 PM Wrote:I've not seen the actual site, as it's down at the moment
Actually it's not down. You just have to sit there clicking "refresh" about a hundred times before a page shows, which isn't too bad. I was sitting there posting in this thread, finishing a sentence opening the other window, clicking "refresh" and going straight back to the post. Once in a while an Arreat Summit page would load. :lol:

*ahem* Anyway . . .

Some skill update notes for those who are having trouble accessing pages . . .

I was kind of hoping some of the Druid passive upgrade theory from the Summoning Tree might be brought into play, though not with the Sorceress who already had multipliers to play with. Here goes . . .
Quote:Bonuses To Fire Bolt
Fire Ball: +16% Fire Damage Per Level
Meteor: +16% Fire Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Inferno
Warmth: +12% Fire Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Fire Ball
Fire Bolt: +12% Fire Damage Per Level
Meteor: +12% Fire Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Meteor
Fire Bolt: +7% Fire Damage Per Level
Fire Ball: +7% Fire Damage Per Level
Infernot: +7% Average Fire Damage Per Second Per Level

Bonuses To Hydra
Fire Bolt: +5% Fire Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Ice Arrow
Frost Nova: +15% Cold Damage Per Level
Ice Blast: +15% Cold Damage Per Level
Glacial Spike: +15% Cold Damage Per Level
Blizzard: +15% Cold Damage Per Level
Frozen Orb: +15% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Frozen Armor
Shiver Armor: +10% Seconds Per Level
Shiver Armor: +5% Freeze Length Per Level
Chilling Armor: +10 Seconds Per Level
Chilling Armor: +5% Freeze Length Per Level

Bonuses To Frost Nova
Blizzard: +10% Cold Damage Per Level
Frozen Orb: +10% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Ice Blast
Ice Bolt: +8% Cold Damage Per Level
Glacial Spike: +10% Freeze Length Per Level
Blizzard: +8% Cold Damage Per Level
Frozen Orb: +8% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Shiver Armor
Frozen Armor: +10 Seconds Per Level
Frozen Armor: +9 Cold Damage Per Level
Chilling Armor: +10 Seconds Per Level
Chilling Armor: +9% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Glacial Spike
Ice Bolt: +5% Cold Damage Per Level
Ice Blast: +5% Cold Damage Per Level
Blizzard: +5% Freeze Length Per Level
Frozen Orb: +5% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Blizzard
Ice Bolt: +5% Cold Damage Per Level
Ice Blast: +5% Cold Damage Per Level
Glacial Spike: +5% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Chilling Armor
Frozen Armor: +10 Seconds Per Level
Frozen Armor: +7% Cold Damage Per Level
Shiver Armor: +10 Seconds Per Level
Shiver Armor: +7% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Frozen Orb
Ice Bolt: +2% Cold Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Lightning
Charged Bolt: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level
Nova: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level
Chain Lightning: +12% Lightning Damage Per Level

Bonuses To Chain Lightning
Charged Bolt: +9% Lightning Damage Per Level
Nova: +9% Lightning Damage Per Level
Lightning: +9% Lightning Damage Per Level

The Paladin has a couple in the Defensive Aura Tree too.

Quote:Bonuses To Cleansing
Prayer: +2 Life Healed Every 2 Seconds

Bonuses To Meditation
Prayer: +2 Life Healed Every 2 Seconds
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Uber? What does this mean anyway? Is it perhaps the wrong spelling of the german word 'über' which would mean sth like over-powered, or what?

How and why did it develop? Were the first hackers, like, german?

Or am I completely on the wrong trail here... (?)

And why did it spread in that scale? Can class-specific Items be 'uber'? Or can only class-specific items really be 'uber'?

Would some of you more experienced lurkers there please enlighten me...

MfG Fragbait
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
Fragbait,May 9 2003, 07:46 AM Wrote:Uber? What does this mean anyway? Is it perhaps the wrong spelling of the german word 'über' which would mean sth like over-powered, or what?

How and why did it develop? Were the first hackers, like, german?

Or am I completely on the wrong trail here... (?)

And why did it spread in that scale? Can class-specific Items be 'uber'? Or can only class-specific items really be 'uber'?

Would some of you more experienced lurkers there please enlighten me...

MfG Fragbait

Uber Elite Unique Items
These items are exceptionally powerful and rare. They are even more rare than normal Elite Unique Items. They may have properties that do not appear on other Elite Unique items. Four of them are only available to Ladder Characters.

There are 6 Uber Elite Uniques: Tomb Reaver, Azurewrath, Tyrael's Might, Andariel's Visage, Crown of Ages, Stormlash.
Thx, so it is the correct spelling because it's Blizzard who calls them like that.

That answers pretty much all of my questions, I think.

Anyway, there are so many good and high quality items in DII for every class, there's no item that is generally considered as 'uber' for any class, is there?

This can be good or bad, but I know that in DI there were some really phat items... And there weren't as many uniques as there are in DII. Man, one can't even remember a half of them!

First time I found Shirotachi (Hellfire, I admit) or Messerschmidts Reaver in DI....


Those were the days...

But hold on.. Why were ? Where is my DI CD ???

>>digs into the mess and disappears...
Quote:You cannot pass... I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the Flame of Anor. The Dark Flame will not avail you, Flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow. You shall not pass.
- Gandalf, speaking to the Balrog

Quote:Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow, or it can crash! Be water, my friend...
- Bruce Lee

Quote: There's an old Internet adage which simply states that the first person to resort to personal attacks in an online argument is the loser. Don't be one.
- excerpt from the forum rules

Post content property of Fragbait (member of the lurkerlounge). Do not (hesitate to) quote without permission.
Archon_Wing,May 9 2003, 07:27 PM Wrote:
CelticHound,May 9 2003, 12:05 AM Wrote:The second quote was for a necro completing Trang's set.

I'm kinda disapointed in the Paladin shields - might as well be rares.

-- CH
Indeed... given their high level requirements and are vitually inferior to the Hearld of Zakurum in every way, it seems fairly depressing. :(
The Herald? :huh: They're inferior to any old 4 socket exceptional Paladin Shield with 4 Perfect Diamonds in it, never mind HoZ! :unsure:

But that was to be expected and totally in keeping with the Paladin equipping ethos since version 1.00. ;) Every time new items are released for the Paladin they have always been layed out in a very cruel joke.

- Unique Scepters never drop and are inferior to Unique Swords anyway.
- Rub salt in the wound by putting +1 and +2 Barbarian skills on everything else that's of any use.
- + Skills on Magic and Rare Scepters make the item impossible to use due to repair costs. Best use? 35K sale to a vendor.

- Tempt Paladins with an easy to make Holy Thunder and laugh hysterically when they try to repair it. :angry:
- Make three new exceptional scepters that never drop and assign the weakest to the meleer's and the heaviest to a caster build thus forcing him to either invest in otherwise unnecessary Strength or simply shop for something better. :blink:
- Make sure that most traditional Charger weapons in new Unique versions have Barbarian and Druid skills on them.
- Add a perfect Charger set. Then stick a Barbarian hat on it. :(
- Give a free quest reward shield at the end of a game that's vastly inferior to a 4 socket Pally Shield.
- Make a kick-arse Paladin set for the one or two players who have found a use for the Defensive Aura Tree and prefer not to attack anything.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
Nah, only a Stormshield can really complete with a Herald. The 4D shield does often more resist, but it's really only more useful in certain situations. (Maybe act 4)

After all, the herald offers 75% blocking, and faster block, plus +2 Paladin skills and 2 combat skills which makes you kill better. I suppose it's a matter of preference, but with the 69-72 resist you can get with it (socketed with a diamond or um rune.) is usally enough since you have other equipment. +20 Str helps you equip other stuff and +20 vit is what I consider sort of a resistance to all types of damage.

Of course the 4D shield has to have more resist. Wouldn't it be pretty silly to throw in something that makes everything of its type redundant? *Cough* Titan's Revenge.

The two shields I have seen so far don't have any outstanding mods.

But, I will have to agree. The unique scepters are medicore and pretty bad for melee and the top set cannot be found. And is not that great unless you have tons of godly jewels.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Well, as someone who likes to sit down and plan complicated build ideas it looks like there's going to be plenty to keep me happy

I'm already wondering how many different skill points I can stack into making just one fire skill as strong as possible while also wondering if the game is playable with only Fireball

Some of item changes strongly imply changes in the way the game works - such as the +10 hydra shield. Multi-classing? Or just using Todesfalle Flamme?

One thing I really am wondering though - does this imply the patch will be out this weekend?
You misread my post.

I wasn't claiming that a 4D shield was better than HoZ (although for some of my Paladin builds that's actually true).

What I was saying was these new Paladin shields compete with a bog standard everyday 4D shield. ;)
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
1) None of this was supposed to be released. (someone's gonna get a lot of flak tomorrow morning).
2) Quite a lot of it is wrong. WAY wrong.

Bah, very well, maybe I need some sleep :P I've never actualy had an HOZ, so needless to say, I've been rather obsessed about it since I started playing D2x, kind of saw it as this godly shield I had to have and err...nothing could beat it! Which is not true, but it's hard to kick that mentality.

It's as mind-boggling as finding a magical amulet that can be worse than Tancred's weird. (with a level 20 req) I think they're just running out of ideas so they randomly slapped some mods on them. Of course it's rather hard to think about it since you have too many items . I personally would prefer one of those shields to have the likes of deadly strike or some huge bonus to smite. ;)

And like any crappy rare, they have ridicolous requirements.
With great power comes the great need to blame other people.
Guild Wars 2: (ArchonWing.9480) (ArchonWing.1480)
Give me a break. A necromancer will supposedly turn into a "vampire"? I thought no character artists were working on the patch?

I just feel sorry for the people that actually NEED to upgrade in order to play online. I KNEW there was a benefit to single player!

Quote:Quite a lot of it is wrong. WAY wrong.

Edit: Oh, ok, ok. I can calm down a little. Perhaps there is light at the end of this disaster. Actually, the only thing that really has me is that none of the new elite uniques are from Classic Diablo.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

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