The Golden Bird
OK, so for some reason, I go out, kill a unique monster, and I get... a magic ring and a scroll of id... No figurine. So I go talk to everyone in town, and no one talks to me about it... It doesn't even show up in my quest log. So, I get my sorc to make a game, then rejoin it with my char that is having problems. I talk to the townsfolk and the seem to not even know what I am talking about. I kill the first unique I find, and he drops the figurine. I try to talk to Cain about it, but he justs tells me why I am in Kurast... Meshif doesn't say anything, Hralti doesn't, even Ormus doesn't say anything... (All of this with the figurine in my inventory...) I look in my quest log and it doesn't even show up as active... :(
I finally talk to old Alkor, and he, being the nice chap he is, decided to give my the potion, and even let me keep the bird! :) I look in my quest log, and it is done...

(I seem to have problems with quest items... first the horadric scroll staying in my inventory until I drop it in act 3, now this... What next? Keeping the hellforge hammer after smashing the stone?)

Note: I have screenshots of this incident (many...)

//edit: hewkd awn fonikz lernd me gewdr inglish
though i can't say anything about the problems there may be when creating the game with another char (as u did) i, too, have to run around a while and kill several uniques before the figurine drops...
Yeah, there's a stupid (?) trick some guy invented while playing on\

Apparently, he had a duplicate of the Golden Bird as you do, or something like that, and managed to keep on finding Golden Birds over and over again. So, he gets loads, and then completes the quest multiple times-thus, obtaining around 20 potions of +20 permanent life :o !

Again, I think I read this somewhere, so it might not be true. By the way, this is not about hacking in any way; to all the people out there...
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!Wink
The happy little hermit guy has been nice enough to let m keep the bird several times. I could never do anything with it however, such as get another was just there.

I think it is a tracking device, NPCs are evil...
"Once you have tasted flight,
you will forever walk the earth with
your eyes turned skyward, for there
you have been, and there you will
always long to return."

-Leonardo da Vinci
Quote:I think it is a tracking device, NPCs are evil...
Nah. When Larzuk finally gets around to inventing the internal combustion engine, you can stick those little golden birds on the dash of your car. Think of it as the Sanctuary equivilent of a Buddha.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
If this is a realms game, hang on to it, or give it to a friend. :)

If it is SP, keep it in your inventory and see if it stays in there after you finish the act. :) Would be interesting to hear the outcome.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
One other bug, also related to a dupe fix is that you miss out on this quest if you talk to Alkor for your potion with your inventory full

Frustrated players have actually deleted their characters because of this after trying Blizzard support
Obi, I've had this happen twice myself and luckily got the option both times. I gave it to my friend who was in the game but not yet to that act yet. The wierd thing was that his quest log also said that it was completed, but I never heard back if he was able to get the potion from Alkolor. I dunno, mucho wierdness. Maybe it's supposed to be a momento that you can keep on your mantle at home when your character retires. ;)
Play 7L!

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