does win2000 like d2?

does anybody know anything about troubles with running D2LOD with windows 2000.
(I hope this is the right first post).

My computer has a 1GHz athlon, and I believe 64 MB Ram. I play only single player or TCP/IP games over a crosslink cable) And basically is not a very good one, although D2 is the only program I have troubles with. (i don't play other games by the way).
I was running XP some time without troubles but recently D2 started crashing (which costed me my level 59 barb, my highest character up till now, it has an error on it now and does not open anymore))
So I decided to put win2000 on my pc again. In win 2000 the problems are worse, after a while it gives some error (something like c0000000008) when i start the game again, the whole computer reboots (after 5 minutes or so).
I used to have problems with the PC (broken motherboard and proccesor) but now everything is normally working again, so no hardware problems. I was wondering if any of you know something about these kind of diablo2 crashes and what are ussually the causes for this. And what is according to you the best windows in combination with d2? I hope somebody can help me out, thanks.

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