Real quick question
I was just wondering about even more slang :angry: what is twinking? and if anyone else knows the slang. I know most of it. Like pvm, pvp, clvl, slvl, etc. I know spell abbreviations. i just need to know any others anyone knows so it can be easier for me. cause this shiznat confuses me.
please and thank you

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
-Sir Stephen Henry Roberts
Twinking is the act of gifting items (most notably high-powered, but the term applies to any gifting) to a new or low-level character. It's very similar in nature to "rushinng" - the act of dragging a low-level character through the game quickly, before its time.

The most common example of this is decking out young characters with high-end Uniques, so as to speed them along through the game. Twinking is frowned upon by most in the legit community, but it is not as serious an offense as, say, using MapHack. While it does detract from the overall goal of the game (and, very often, the enjoyment of the player and of those who play with someone who twinks), there are many who do it, even if they are firmly against the use of hacks, cheats, dupes, etc. It's one of those "gray areas", when it comes to legitness. Basically, though, if you twink, you won't be considered an outcast, although some most definitely frown upon you and your actions.
Roland *The Gunslinger*
My question here is would it be twinking if your playing Hell with your barb and you find the Ribcracker that would be nice for your sorc and you keep it for her until you play her again??

Edit: My sorc is in NM
I will make weapons from your bones--Smith
"I am pond scum"--Bull Shannon from Night Court
The last one is a line in the show. It is a very funny line. You have to watch the episode to understand the phrase.
Roland,Jun 17 2003, 12:23 AM Wrote:The most common example of this is decking out young characters with high-end Uniques, so as to speed them along through the game. Twinking is frowned upon by most in the legit community, but it is not as serious an offense as, say, using MapHack. While it does detract from the overall goal of the game (and, very often, the enjoyment of the player and of those who play with someone who twinks), there are many who do it, even if they are firmly against the use of hacks, cheats, dupes, etc.
I always twink out my characters, just because I hate playing through normal difficulty. The game isn't even any fun to me until nightmare, when I actually have skills that I can put points into (also, harder = more fun).
"Twinking is frowned upon by most in the legit community,"

I dont think thats accurate, although there is probably no way to tell.

I know in the heyday of D2 I played with many lurkers and twinking was common. I even think the average D2 player was legit(many legits have quit though thanks to hacks), and it seemed to me the majority of players I used to see twinked.
Twinking is not nearly as big a deal as it used to be.

If I remember correctly, version 1.08 added level requirements to unique items. Until then, you could equip a level 1 noobie character with any unique as long as the character met the strength and dexterity requirements.

As an aside to my aside, my project with D2/X is to work characters "tuned" to the different Sets. Since it is unreasonable to find all parts of a Set with a single character in a reasonable amount of time, it is obvious that my style of play requires transferring items between characters. It isn't a "cheat", and if anything, it is a handicap to a character in the later game to have a low-level set equipped. On the other hand, it is interesting to work out ways to overcome the shortcomings of different sets with different character classes.

I think it depends on who you're playing with

If you're in a group of people who are also twinking it hardly seems to me to degrade the play experience. After all trading is unquestionably an intended part of the game experience and there doesn't seem a huge ethical distinction between getting an item from another player or getting one that one of your other characters has found

If you're with someone who has just started it's rather crass to load up with your low level sets and stats charms while they are still struggling with their Bardiche of Worth

It's quite common to see no-twink groups or characters where people have agreed to play with what they turn up as they play. Even there the standards may vary - they might farm Mephisto for items or gold find to gamble while others will be strictly questing their way through the game

Roland, with respect, it seems strange to me to imply that the Lounge frowns upon twinking when there are many discussions of items. For instance, the what's the best weapon for a druid thread revolves around Hellslayer and IK Maul - these are not no twink weapons

Many many people's builds here clearly use high end gear - that just doesn't turn up in no twink
I am, as far as I know (traded a few items...), playing legit but also "twink" my characters every now and then. I don't really see a problem with that, and I don't like to throw away gear for character A since it was found by character B. If I happen to find a very nice Herald of Zakarum, I'll give it to a Paladin or perhaps even start a Paladin who can use it. I guess the only other way to not twink in this case is to either keep it on your character even if he can't use Paladin Shields, or trade it. That would be soo annoying so it would take away the fun for me.

I wouldn't say twinking detract from the overall goal of the game either. At least I am still playing and enjoying the game, and that's my goal with the game.

However, I have a few characters that are completely non-twinked and these can be fun too in a way. But I would feel far too much "locked in" in the long term to enjoy only playing these kind of games.
<span style="color:orange">Account: jugalator // <span style="color:orange">Realm: Europe // <span style="color:orange">Mode: Softcore (kinda inactive nowadays though)
Loyal Diablo fan since 1997 :-)
A good explanation of twinking.

Surely it is a personal decision? the most legit player I have met, and also the richest, and the bloke whos played the longest tweaked his chars. That is the point in mfing, to find nice unis to kit out your chars. Allthough leeching is wrong, and I think the huge majority of the legit comunity feels this way.
What is this life if, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
And what is pvm, pvp?
I think everyone is missing one big glaring detail. Twinking means giving gear to other characters who wouldn't otherwise be able to find it themselves. If you give an IK maul to a Druid who is in Act 5 hell, there is no problem - no twink. It is possible for that character to find it, it only dropped for a different one. Twinking would be giving your level 24 sorceress in Act 2 the Wizardspike you just MFed off Hell Mephisto.

Of course, things can get complicated. What if you give that same druid a full set of elite uniques? Obviously it would make him overly powerful. Is this twinking? The character is able to find all that stuff on his own, so what's the problem? But he sure does look like a twinkie, doesn't he? Well, this goes back to where you got the full set of elite uniques. If they came from thousands of MF runs, then it probably depends on whether or not you think MF runs are cheesy or not. Same as if you traded for them or bought them.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
I think you are making a new extra tight definition of twinking.

Twinking is giving gear to a newer character from a older higher lvl character(IMO)

Its not that the new guy couldnt have found some of the items(although thats possible), its that he didnt. For instance I might like to twink with SoulFlay, I think its possible to find it in act 1 or at least 2, but odds are that everyone of my characters i make wont find it - so I twink it. I have actually found many nice uniques with low lvls - but I sure wouldnt count on it.

Im not saying that twinking like me is a good(or bad) idea, just that its not stretching the game as much as some people say.
I think that "no twink" means a very specific and strict rule that you don't transfer good items onto a character to power them up. At all. Ever

I agree fully with arguments along the lines of "what's wrong with giving a high level character high level items?"

Imo, there's nothing wrong

Hence I usually twink

It's a point of semantics (word-meanings) rather than ethics I think

Incidentally we have a lot of no-twink groups and no-twink characters over at the Amazon Basin and I'm quite sure this is how the rest define "twink" too

Ultimately though you just need to agree with the group of people you're playing with what you mean. As long as you all have the same understanding of what you're allowed to do you should have a good play experience

As for the arguments about twinking being moving items onto a low level character from a high level character can I point out a hole in the logic? Usually people who twink move the items from a level 1 mule - that hardly means they're no-twink ;)

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