All Paladin group
Hail Lurkers!

I have been wanting to do something for a while. I would like to make a paladin party with non -hackers, and friends. I would like to get 5-8 paladins together, and play only together through the game. We can all max different skills.

1.) fanatasism
2.) conviction
3.) Might
4.) concentration
5.) holy freeze
6) salvation
7) thorns

or any combo of anything.

I would be willing myself to max one of the "inferior" skills like prayer or might.

I think it would be a blast to play through the game with a group of Paladins, with each of us maxing different skills.

I normally play on Useast, but I would gladly make a account on another realm to play together.

Any takers?
Would it include mercenaries? Like a might merc, holy freeze merc, thorns merc... :)
I would max concentration. I am on USWest, but I wouldn't mind USEast.. :)
Quote:I think it would be a blast to play through the game with a group of Paladins, with each of us maxing different skills.

It is. Even "established" paladins can enjoy this to great levels. My gaming group does this on a semi-regular basis, in fact. Mercenaries are always a boon, as well.

A couple of points to consider:

You should have more than one member using Fanaticism. The extremely limited radius of the skill tends to lend itself to multiple "emitters" to overlap their diameters. This is in direct opposition to the single needed emitter of Concentration, who can affect cooperatives three screens away, practically.

Might, in all reality, is already occupied by someone's Act 2 Mercenary. While it takes awhile to get to Act 2 Nightmare to hire the fellow, it also take awhile to get to act 30 for some of the aforementioned skills.

Holy Freeze, one again, is a Merc position. Considering it doesn't need to be NEAR maximum to effect great advantage, a merc would seem to be the more appropriate body to emit this one.

Salvation will be sufficient ~ slvl 6-8 for most anyone in the game. That being the case, another aura might be chosen for more investment while waiting for 30. Or, perhaps, this could be your Might Paladin while waiting for the Greizmen of Nightmare. Once his "primary" is covered, he could begin to function as your Salvation-ist.

Thorns. Well, I suppose. I've never been an advocate of thorns. Between Holy Shield, blocking and defense, isn't the whole point to MINIMIZE the chance of being tagged? Perhaps this might be taken on by your Conviction-ist before he starts to invest points in his REAL aura.

Five seems like a more than adequate number.

In my group's paladin games, we always tend to have two Fanatics trying to run alongside the group, giving maximum coverage. The Concentration-ist and Conviction-ist stick to the main body. Everyone else are treated as Shock troops, and generally bicker about what secondaries they're going to use (Defiance, Holy Shock, Sanctuary, etc. etc.).

Always fun. We term ourselves the HoZers (equipment and geographical influences), but welcome most everyone into the game that wants to look shiny and emit themselves. ;)
Garnered Wisdom --

If it has more than four legs, kill it immediately.
Never hesitate to put another bullet into the skull of the movie's main villain; it'll save time on the denouement.
Eight hours per day of children's TV programming can reduce a grown man to tears -- PM me for details.
I have level 80 paladin, i would like to go vengence/ conviction i had to much fun with my resist pally, you need me, tell me and i will be there.

i would be happy to start another paladin with you guys
[Image: chandelier.gif]
[Image: greyson.jpg]
[Image: demtorch.gif]
I've actually been thinking about the same exact idea for the past few days.

I'm *TheSeatbelts on USeast.

I am also willing to max out one of the crappier skills.
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!

I'm game for an APT, although I only play east now. If you guys decide to go that way count me in. Thanks.

'Me not that kind of Orc' - lazy peon
I'm normally on west under the names:

But I can always come onto easy to play a team, since we'll be starting new characters.
Of course the advantage of having 8 pallies is that, with flashing, one can have 16 auras between the pallies, and with the 6 available on guardsmen you can have another 6, for a sum total of 22 auras spinning round everyone's feet.

wait... I can't help thinking that there's something wrong with that...


(p.s. I'm the the GMT time zone)
Hail dmen-bigritchie,

Your conception of an all paladin team for the ladder is a bit jaded from 1.09 IMO. You must now consider that most of the passive skills add damage and attack (supposedly) and with synergies, who knows how the different skills will interact? Your suggesting a build based on 1.09 statistics, but in 1.1, a lot will change. I recommend knowing the aura statistics once 1.1 comes out and then coming up with a game plan before implementing it and being disappointed.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
I have always been interested in trying an all Pally group. Would anyone be interested in playing Hardcore Ladder characters?

I play on USWest, but would create an account on USEast if needed, since I'm such a nice person.
Illiterate? Write for free help.
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=medium][COLOR=blue]hey i think its great my accont is the same as this one and i play east. i will de either hloy shock or the thorns and here is the list ofoffensive auras for 1.10. notive that might boosts alot of the auras.

"if the bible has taught us anything,and it hasn't, is that boys should stick to boy sports and girls shoud stick to girl sports like hot oil wrestling."-homer simpson
"if the bible has taught us anything,and it hasn't, is that boys should stick to boy sports and girls shoud stick to girl sports like hot oil wrestling."-homer simpson
Me-"OH MY GOD,OH MY GOD!!!! 1.10 WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WHAT!!!!!....I know what. Fix my computer."
The two best internet comics in the web, penny-arcade and El Goonish Shive. For you.. Also for you.
I don't know if I missed the wagon (I'm posting like 3 weeks later. =/) But if it hasn't started yet, I'm up for it.

Usually go by *Coca, on USEast
"Oh dear god, i don't feel alive when you're cut short of misery (raise forth lost cause)
will you pray it be the end? give a look surprise wide eyed to me (raise forth lost cause)"

~Coheed & Cambria
i'll also be glad to join if i haven't missed the starting of the group. My accout on East is *punkslapshot14* or if you want to e-mail or msn me it's **.

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