I have also returned, but...
...I doubt anybody remembers me. I was a huge LL surfer way back in the day, and posted semi-regularly. I've got one of the STSIs in there somewhere, as well. When Bolty decided to close this place down, I never thought it'd be back. But with all the 1.10 hype going on, I figured it was worth a look again. And behold!

Cheers, everyone! :D
Welcome back. :) . I don't remember you, but welcome back anyway! ^^ . Hope to see you around the forums.
Current project: Werebear (lvl 50)
Future projects: TMNT!!
Welcome back. :) . I don't remember you, but welcome back anyway! ^^ . Hope to see you around the forums.
Current project: Werebear (lvl 50)
Future projects: TMNT!!
Yes, it's a nice surprise isn't it, I know the feeling ^_^

The real kicker: Bolty re-opened (quite a few months ago), among other reasons I guess, because 1.10 was inminent at the time.

This guys are masters, no matter how many times they do it, we still belive them :lol:

Note: Nothing malicious intended, just poking a bit of fun to keep a good mood ;)
Hey! I returned too, a few months ago. I should get my own post.
bigritchie's post? There is nothing like a little attention whoring to add a pointless thread to the board.

On the other hand, welcome back, I remember your name from back in the dim mists of time. :D
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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