Bad link
Clicking on the "Forum" link in the "ABOUT · CHAT · COMMUNITY · FORUM · NEWS" menu below the Lurker Lounge logo while viewing the D1 Griswold's shop forum gives an Internal Server Error, or at least it does for me. (The other links seem to work fine, as does the forum link when viewing other forums.)

p.s. Feel free to delete this post once you fix the problem or decide that I'm hallucinating.

I just tried it, and was greeted with the same error (500 Internal Server Error). You are not hallucinating.

Unless I'm also hallucinating your reply. ;)
In addition, the link to Spirea's page no longer works.
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
TheCla, Vash, thank you kindly for the info - both should now be fixed! (how the *bleep* did the Diablo 1 forum re-gain the old forum link?)

Bolty's List of Stuph That he has Yet to Fix:
1) Old forum (a matter of cgi configuration)
2) Site search engine (same as above)

Dare I tempt fate by claiming that everything else is working?

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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