Diablo II 1.10 Beta Test begins
Official thread for the first few day(s) of discussion, just to keep the forum as clean as possible.

Blizzard is offering a beta test for the Diablo II 1.10 patch! You can grab it right here.

Quote:Diablo II BETA Patch 1.10 is playable ONLY in single-player mode and ONLY via TCP/IP for multiplayer. You cannot play this version on Battle.net. If you install this patch, you will
not be able to connect to Battle.net to play Diablo II or Diablo II: Lord of Destruction

Set up Diablo II 1.10 TCP/IP games with your fellow Lurkers at the Pandemonium Fortress. Keep in mind that Blizzard is also asking for our help with catching bugs. Report any bugs you find on their 1.10 Bug Report Forum.

Oh, I want to mention as I already have in the Pandemonium Fortress as well: This is the perfect time to use the Lurker Lounge Chat Room.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Oh this is so cool!!!!

I just got creamed by slingers and burning dead in act V (hell). Missles were flying everywhere... along with the catapults! I guess now I'll have a reason to use those 23 skill points I've been saving...
Armageddon is the only elementaly skill you can cast in wereform.

Fireclaws gets some big synergy bonuses from the other skills.

I will have screens up of all the synergies for all the druid skills (with everything at L20 it is a test char who is 99) in a few minutes. I'll put up the URL then.

Edit: Raw shots are located here: http://web.umr.edu/~huilman/diablo2/druidskills/

Expect that to change to a photo album.

As a note synergies are listed even if you don't have points in the skills. I just thought since I had this one L99 char with all skills set to 20, that you might be interested in seeing what the fully synergized skills can do.

I don't have any other test chars at the moment, and I want to play a little so someone else can do the rest. :)

Edit2: No new posts since most people don't care. I cheated and used Dreamweavers phote album tool and have a better page (with named shots) up here: http://web.umr.edu/~huilman/diablo2/druidskills/
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
What an interesting symptom of Blizzard's dedication to their fans and to their products. Wow. Beta testing a patch for a game that's 3 years old. Sorry, it deserves one more: Wow.

PS: Oh, but yeah, I do have a mac and yes, my keyboard is full of drool.
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
1) I noticed that the level 1 damage for Plague Javelin hasn't been changed. In other words, it still sucks. Even with the synergy bonuses from poison javelin, I seriously doubt PJ can do anything against the suped up monsters. That made me sad and not want to play anymore.

2) While playing through the first few areas of the first act I noticed that rares dropped more frequently.

3) Then I decided "screw this...I'm not going to play this non-stop for the next few days so I can figure out all the changes they made." I'll just wait for the real thing to come out and read the documentation.

4) Then I reverted back to 1.09 and returned to the merry land of Battle.net :P
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
Lahve and peace!
I see the experience range cutoff is the "breakpoint" of when a player's position is approximated on the map by a client. Once you get that far away, no exp for you!

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
I took my lvl 50 single player barb out for a spin in Act I nightmare and I came to the following conclusions:

1. Something was done to mana leech. Nerfed somehow.
2. All monsters are stronger and hit harder.
3. There are uniques EVERYWHERE now, and at least half of them seem to have the "mana burn" attribute.
4. The drops already appear better.
5. My gambling didn't seem that great.
Dear Blizzard,

We love you. All is forgiven. Let's have a baby.

unless,Jul 3 2003, 10:31 PM Wrote:Dear Blizzard,

We love you.  All is forgiven.  Let's have a baby.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, so much for the July 4th weekends here, eh?
Welcome to the Lounge. Hope you brought your portable bomb shelter. - Roland
I have maxed HS on my level 73 pally. My shield has 163 def (base) with 52% block and 20-22 smite damage, and my total defense is 1545. When I cast HS, my shield still has163 def, but with 75% block and something like 89-100 smite damage... with my overall defense jumping to 7000+ ?! I guess the +370% def HS grants on a shield is instead applied on total defense. I can't believe this patch is in making for over a year and they haven't seen this....
[Image: lukesnewlightsaber.jpg]

An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
Well, bosses now appear to regenerate hitpoints: my lvl 7 'zon is currently running round in circles trying to kill treehead thingmefist and not making much progress, despite a handy well and refilling shrine (which also seems to regenerate much faster than before).
I bet they HAVE seen it. HS now boosts your TOTAL defense!! Kewl. B)
I opened up the text files because I was wondering how all that stuff was reorganized and I found the following mod on the staff, Ondal's Wisdom:

addxp 5 5

So there's now magic find for experience? At least it's a low value... Of course the other stuff on this item (+2-4 to all skills, for example) would make it scary even without that.
Vash,Jul 3 2003, 08:22 PM Wrote:1) I noticed that the level 1 damage for Plague Javelin hasn't been changed.  In other words, it still sucks.  Even with the synergy bonuses from poison javelin, I seriously doubt PJ can do anything against the suped up monsters.  That made me sad and not want to play anymore.
!?! From the mpq, it looks like every point into Plague Javelin AFTER the first gives more than DOUBLE the amount it used to AND INCREASES THE DURATION!!! Plague Javelin only gets +2 sec duration per 5 levels. I say "only" because Poison Javelin gets +2 secs EVERY SLVL!! (with 8 seconds at slvl 1!).

Dare I say that you spoke too soon, Vash? ;)

I don't know just how much better the damage is each slvl for Plague Javelin because there is now 5 different 'levels' of damage increase, and I don't know the slvl breakpoints for them yet. To clarify, before there were 3 "levels" slvl 2-8, slvl 9-16, slvl 17+. Again, I don't know what the new breakpoints are, but I'm pretty sure that the final one is somewhere past slvl 23...

- Dagni

Edit: Oh, and Bolty, should I keep everything in here, or is it a good idea to have a separate thread in the technical discussion forum?
Holy Freeze dosent seem to work in PvP. It will do damage and will not freeze target. Havent testedon mosters yet. Maybe this is what its suppose to do?
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Also, when my friend, level 78 entered the game, and I was level 3, I got only 2 experience from my kills and zero from his kills, even when the monsters were my level! But whenhe left, i got full experience.
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Nasty Testicles
[Image: ignatzsig.gif]
I opened up Regenerator - Prayer 21, Clensing 2, Meditation 21 - and found Prayer's 'upgrade' is somewhat curious.

Pre-patch 21 Prayer would heal 22 life per pulse. It now heals 27 and has no synergy skill supporting it. Definite woop-de-doo territory right?

Get this:

Clensing 2 Heals +27 from Regnerator's Prayer Synergy

Meditation 21 Heals +27 from Regnerator's Prayer Synergy


EDIT: I just noticed the aura pulses might be at two seconds, making Prayer an extra 1.5 times more effective.

So a Paladin can now leave Meditation running and just regenerate both orbs. Kinda convenient, but didn't we really want a little more power to Prayer itself? I have yet to find out if Meditation and Clensing can do heal pulses without interferance from same auras, but I suspect they probably do.

I also looked at Holy Bolt. It looks a lot closer to the leaked version than that screen shot from a few days ago. This Beta version picks up +17% per level from synergies rather than the +50% per level that the screenshot had and the Healing is back to a conservative level too.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
It feels like life leech is also nerfed, but I think that's a result of the monsters hitting much harder. I took my werewolf out for a spin in Act V NM, and while earlier I was blasting through, the introduction of new monsters slowed me down a lot. Three words ... cold skeleton mages. Yikes. Have to get some cannot be frozen gear now. And I get hit a lot more now. A lot more.

Werewolf appears to get some bonuses from lycanthropy. I'm not sure what it is, but it's the only source of my new AR rating, which is roughly 400 more than it was before (3200 from 2800). I think that's the source, since nothing else has changed.
MEAT,Jul 4 2003, 04:33 PM Wrote:Holy Freeze dosent seem to work in PvP.  It will do damage and will not freeze target.  Havent testedon mosters yet.  Maybe this is what its suppose to do?
No that's consistent with all the information up until this point. I thought that would happen, but kept my mouth shut on the issue until I'd seen it.

Basically, it's just like Holy Shock now, but doing Cold Damage and it's that damage that does the chilling. This means Cannot Be Frozen works against Holy Freeze now, which is probably why your PvP opponent didn't turn blue. ;)
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War

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