Bruce Almighty
Just returned from the movie Bruce Almighty and I just have to recommend it, the movie was hilarious and made me laugh like I didn't laugh for a long time :).

P.S The movie is not for serious moods/persons, you wish to see it, come with a light headed attitude (after all, it IS Jim Cary/Carey/Kary/Karey although it's not as near as the lunacy that was in Ace Ventora)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
I saw Bruce Almighty too this week. I see why it is so popular :) . It kept me laughing from beginning to end. :lol:
USEast- *x8_tuy

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The anchor part is the best one. I saw it twice. Once with my sister and cousin, and once with my parents.

By that I mean the news anchor.
I don't think that part would be half as funny if it weren't for Steve Carell.
Is grace enough to build a bridge once burned, to fill that which is hollow with the substance of virtue,
Though the wings of a dove have wiped a tear from my eye, my tongue has fanned the flames of transgression,
But love suffers long and rejoices in truth, and this imperfect creation is striving none the less for that which is eternal...

- Hopesfall - The Broken Heart Of A Traitor

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