So I'm looking at the monstats from the mpq, and..
I am utterly confused. The hps listed for hell difficulty are lower than those for NM and Norm. A great deal lower, in fact. Is there some sort of internal hp multiplier or hidden universal resist built into the engine for hell? (I see nothing in the resists or in difficultylevels.txt, other than the leech nerf and a new cleverly hidden CE ultra-nerf).

One overwhelmingly crappy discovery of mine, though, was that almost every monster in the game has some degree of blocking now. Slow swingers are pretty screwed in Hell.
Great truths are worth repeating:

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 21:9

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 25:24
GenericKen,Jul 12 2003, 06:01 AM Wrote:One overwhelmingly crappy discovery of mine, though, was that almost every monster in the game has some degree of blocking now. Slow swingers are pretty screwed in Hell.
Yeah, i noticed that through my own playtesting and it really irritates me. Sure, i don't mind if monsters get to block... some of the monsters. When you have guys like Claw Vipers blocking (Disclaimer: my memory is a touch fuzzy, but i don't belive Claw Vipers actually block) you know something isn't quite right.

At least i won't be too affected since i'm a speed freak.
Monsters with noRatio=1 will take their values straight from the monstats.txt file. Those with noRatio=0 will adjust the relavent stat with the factors from monlvl.txt (use the "-L" columns for the SP/LAN games). Example
Hell Diablo (the one for act 4, not the Diabloclone)
monlvl factor L-HP(H) for a level 94= 7217
actual HP used in game 1577*7217/100=113812 (drop the fraction)

So the hell monster should be typically ending up with more HP even though some of the number look lower at first glance.

Blocking. The values that you see in blocking will only be used if the monster has a shield AND blocking animation in the files. UNLESS they are set to NoShldBlock=1 in monstats.txt, in which case they can block reguardless. Most of the blocking values that you are looking at will not get used by the game due to NoShldBlock=0 and the monster lacking either a shield or the blocking animation even if they are displayed with a shield (Iron Wolves for example do not have a blocking animation at least as of 1.09).
Ruvanal,Jul 12 2003, 12:21 PM Wrote:Monsters with noRatio=1 will take their values straight from the monstats.txt file.  Those with noRatio=0 will adjust the relavent stat with the factors from monlvl.txt (use the "-L" columns for the SP/LAN games).  Example
Hell Diablo (the one for act 4, not the Diabloclone)
monlvl factor L-HP(H) for a level 94= 7217
actual HP used in game 1577*7217/100=113812  (drop the fraction)

So the hell monster should be typically ending up with more HP even though some of the number look lower at first glance.

Blocking.  The values that you see in blocking will only be used if the monster has a shield AND blocking animation in the files.  UNLESS they are set to NoShldBlock=1 in monstats.txt, in which case they can block reguardless.  Most of the blocking values that you are looking at will not get used by the game due to NoShldBlock=0 and the monster lacking either a shield or the blocking animation even if they are displayed with a shield (Iron Wolves for example do not have a blocking animation at least as of 1.09).
Holy crap man. That's pretty sick.

Did they ever fix that hp overflow bug? Hell Izzy on players 7 or 8 would glitch the system, since it pushed his health over 65k hp and monster hp was represented with a 16 bit number.
Great truths are worth repeating:

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 21:9

"It is better to live in the corner of a roof
Than in a house shared with a contentious woman." -Proverbs 25:24
a very strange thing happened to me today.

Hellbovine's mlvl is 28/61/81 in monstats.txt
MooMooFarm's lvl is 28/64/81 in levels.txt

I wanted to mod the bovine's HP via the monlvl.txt.
First, I changed normal bovine's mlvl from 28 to 27 and moded the L-HP in the line "level=27"
in monlvl.txt,it works well.The bovine's life is correspondent to the 27 in monlvl.txt.
Then I changed the L-HP(N) in the line "level=61",it did nothing to nightmare bovine.......
Then I changed the L-HP(N) in the line "level=64",bah,it works to nightare bovine!

Why mlvl=27 normal bovine obey "level=27 line" in monlvl.txt and mlvl=61 nm bovine only obey
"level=64 line"?Note that the "level=81" line works very well to hell Hellbovine.
Forgot to say,I entered the MooMooFarm by WayPoint,not the red door.

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