Good party idea for 1.10?
i am speculating on this party of at least 3 ppl. One is a paladin meatshield, with vengeance and conviction. Acting as a meatshield. And perhaps having holy fire as a tertiary skill to act as a monster magnet to draw them to him in large clumps. And he will null elemental imunities. Fire and lightning to be certain, cold may be too difficult.

A sorceress, specializing in static field, fast casting it! Aiming to get a huge radius as possible. And counting on the pally to null lightning imunity.

And lastly, a necromancer, using amp and CE. And who nulls physical imunities for the pally, allowing him to leech, and empowering his own CE. And the pally empowers the fire half of CE with his aura.

The pally draws enemies close with holy fire. The sorceress keep zapping enemies brutally, and to ensure they stay at half health. the pally changes to conviction and easilly slices through the weakened defenses. And negated resistances. And monsters dying quick from the sorceress halving their life. And as each monster falls, the necro blows them up, adding to the carnage.

a fourth char could be a singer barbie. He would benefit from the necro's amp too, and could stun the foes.
I can think of many comboes that will compliment each other better.

Paladins are not exactly great tanks - low hit points. And this team has no BO or Oak Spirit. Even with amp an avanger wont leach much. Nerco skels actually make far better tanks.
Skellies tank like crazy in 1.10

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