puzzled about a question
This might not belong in this particular part of the forum, but I have no idea in which it does belong. So feel free to move it mr. admin

My boyfriend asked me a question about single player 1.09 Diablo II ( which I don't play enough to know what he is talking about).
I hope you can help me find the answer, because I don't even know where to begin searching: items? events? bugs?

The character in question in a level 30 barbarian, currently playing nightmare games.
For some weird reason he seems to loose points on resistances. Worst affected resistances ( i.e. the ones not compensated by res giving items) are down to -20 already.

As I have no idea what could be causing this, I'm giving you a lot of info on the barbarians stats and stuff ...
here I go:
str 70, dex 80, vit 66, energy 43
attack damage: 128-229, attack rating 495, defense 623, stamina 162 life 317, mana 72

items he is wearing:

superior full helm socketed with emerald and amethyst
gemmed flail socketed with ruby, saphire, emerald and topaz
glorious plate of equilibrium
gothic shield of deflection
sharkskin gloves of chance
jade ring
blood loop ( ring)
amulet of defiance
mesh boots of fortune
infernal sign ( heavy belt)

btw infernal sign is that a set item or something like that?

what boyfriend wants to know even more than what is causing his resistances to drop is whether it can be fixed or the damage is permanent.

Thanks for taking the time to read this
I hope someone can give me a hint on the problem
It is permanent, basically. Nightmare and hell have resistance penalties, -50 for nightmare and -100 for hell IIRC. Returning to normal difficulty is the only way to remove it.

You get +10 from doing the scroll quest in act 5, which reduces it to -20/-70 by the time you get to hell act 5... but it is still a major pain.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.
By the sounds of things, this is D2 Classic. A level 30 Barbarian is decidedly less common in Nightmare LoD. ;)

The default resistances for Classic are:
Normal: 0%
Nightmare: -20%
Hell: -50%

And you were a little off on the Lord of Destruction figures:
Normal: 0%
Nightmare: -40%
Hell: -100%

But yeah. -20% is natural for Nightmare level in Classic D2.
Heed the Song of Battle and Unsheath the Blades of War
yes it is Diablo 2 Classic
Thnx for the answers !
at least now he knowe what it is :)

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