The 1.10 World Event
I was reading teh Bnet forums and came across a forum for the 1.10 World Event. They've got some good ideas going in there. I personally like the idea about the biblical reference:

Q u o t e:
I have heard at least one person with a theory of the World Event in which 12 Stone of Jordans have to be sold to the merchants. Why 12 you ask? Because of the biblical referense to the leaders of the 12 tribes of Isreal placing 12 stones on the shore of the Jordan river to remind all the generations to follow of the deeds of the believers. The screenshot showed 9 stones sold but that did not mean the event was triggered yet. The biblical links run throughout the game Baal, Mephisto and many others. This quest would follow the theme. Once the Stones are sold then the Diablo Clone will most likely be released and have to be defeated once again. Even this could be explained in the book of Revelations when the devil is released from Hell or the Burning Lake to face his final defeat. Worth consideration.

I also believe that the world event has somethign to do with either the 'rust storm' or the ladder dump. Blizzard never gave a cold cut date for the ladder dump so that supports the dumping of the ladder characters---which would be a major change b/c of the influx of "ladder only" equipment

I think that the fellow lurkers should start a thread up on this topic and see if we can figure it out.
[font=Arial size=3]If 'I think therefore I am' is true, then is 'I think not, therefore I am not' true?[/font]

Virginia Tech is the best damn school in the country! I'm not too sure about the cities though....
Sound like someone watched to much Matrix.

Being that the church is Diablo isnt Christian(or Hebrew), the 12 tribes thing seems like a dead end.
knowing blizzard the "world event" is probably somewhat akin to the chat gem and the Reziarfg... hot air to amuse blizzard staff.
Reading the BattleNet forums makes my brain hurt.

And in all those posts, nobody guessed that the "ROP" treasure class might mean "Realm Only Play".

[Image: cool.gif] Hi, channel1 :

Sorry to contradict your remark that NOBODY posted that ROP meant something else.
One of my MANY posts in that particular thread (World Event puzzle thread.... 7/11/2003 7:28:15 AM WEDT), said just that...[Image: lol.gif]
There are quite a few really interesting patterns of thought in that thread...[Image: wink.gif]

Unfortunately, many posters at the forums just cannot handle a real forum-discussion. Many threads turn into a 1 on 1 chat-show...[Image: frown.gif]


[Image: winxp.gif]
Ferality - Life is what's taking place while you're busy building your chars.

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