Mon most likely to drop...
Looking through the extracted mpq files how can I find the monster most likely to drop a (insert base elite item). Rather than doing endless meph runs, wouldn't it make more sense to kill the monster with the best chance of dropping the items I'm looking for. (Even though of course meph and baal can drop most, but they are getting nerfed I think, plus I dont want to go through all the other crap he drops.)

Edit: spelling
Bloodstar6078 @ USWest
Yeah, that's the $10,000,00.00 question :lol: AFAIK there is no way to see this information directly in the text files (or the DLLs for that matter). You need a program to analyze the information and figure it out for you, since you can see the treasure classes but not specific item probablilities. You cannot see the TCs that actually contain the items, as these are generated by the game at runtime.

There are several drop calculators for 1.09. Two I can think of right off the top of my head are the Hammerman drop calc and Mjan's drop calculator. There is also a script at the statistics site which will calculate this for you. Mjan uses the actual text and tbl files to do its calculations - I don't know if anyone has tried it with the 1.10 files yet. There are some new columns in the files so it will probably not work. If I get time in the next couple of days I will try it myself and post the results here, but I will be surprised if it does work.

Once 1.10 final comes out, I'm sure people will be making or updating programs to analyze the drops. It would not surprise me if the drops we see in the beta are NOT the final ones. And of course, on the realms Bliz can tweak the files any way they like...there is no guarantee that drops on the realms are the same as off, even in 1.09.

"Don't sweat the petty things, it's more fun to pet the sweaty things."
This site is pretty good:

I'm not sure I buy this theory. If say, the Smith is the top monster for shakos he still drops gold shakos (ie Harleys) less than a monster with a better quality drop

Also you generate more shakos relative to high level monsters by eliminating high level items from the equation - more breastplates, less Windforces

To massively over-simplify if an end game monster drops 1 hydra bow, 2 shakos and 7 breastplates per ten drops; eliminating the hydra bow means your chance of a shako improves from 2 in 10 to 2 in 9

Not really desireable though

Still, whatever you decide, good hunting :)

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