So, you say you're from Hungary, eh?
I hope some of you may be able to help me out with this.
I need the following phrase translated into English.

<Hub-Security> You are temporarily banned, wait some time (0 days 0 hours 57 minutes 58 seconds)
Insert an equivalent of $5 into your floppy drive and press ENTER
The reason is: emil cím hiánya

If you can translate it, please do. If you know of a website which translates Hungarian into English, please post the URL.

Thank you.

edit: This is also causing me some problems:

<[OP]Pilota> You are being kicked because: .wpk szemét. Pls keresd meg és távolítsd el.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Okay, let's see...

This is what I got for emil:

jellemileg alacsonyrendû ember -pigmy, pygmy (Huh? Ember was a pygmy?)
nemileg -sexually
nemileg felizgat -to turn sy on (This one confuses me...)
nemileg túlfûtött -oversexed
szellemileg -spiritually
szellemileg fejlõdik -to intellectualize
szellemileg zavart -disoriented

And here's what I got for cím:

cím - address, title, head

This is what I got for hiánya:

állandóság hiánya - impermanence
cselekvõképesség hiánya - incapacity, incapacitation
csín hiánya - inelegancy, inelegance
egybevágóság hiánya - incongruity, incongruence
egyetértés hiánya - jar, jarring
elegancia hiánya - inelegancy, inelegance
elõrelátás hiánya - improvidence
elõzékenység hiánya - inattention
fájdalomérzés hiánya - analgesia
fontosság hiánya - unimportance

I don't know how you would connect those together. Also, when I searched for the phrase of words I got no results. How do you know this language is Hungarian? Are you sure it is?
It's a Hungarian hub.

Perhaps he knew I wasn't Hungarian and just spouted of nonsense in order to throw me ;)

Edit: forgot to thank you for going to the trouble of replying to my thread :)

I have a feeling you "google'd" it, as I recognize parts of your post from the first online Hungarian-English-dictionary I found :)

edit#2: Eureka! Partial at least.

From the Dream Theater board:
"emil cím hiánya" means "missing of e-mail adress". (In case someone else wondered.)

Of course! I see it now. "emil" is "e-mail". How could I miss it?
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
This is what I was able to get from a couple of online translators.

wpk szemét. Pls keresd meg és távolítsd el.

Wpk- ???
Szemét- crud/rubbish
Pls- ???
Keresd- search for/searched for
Meg- added to
Távolítsd- distancing/distanced
El- aside/away

Hope it'll help somewhat.
That .wpk is probably a file type, not an actual word.

I know "És" means "and" (The 'After Crying' album "Föld és ég" is translated as "Earth and Sky").

Since there's a combination of english and hungarian in that error message i wouldn't be surprised if "pls" is short for "please".

Angel, could you post a link to that Dream Theater forum you mentioned please? I'm a fan of the group :).
Thanks for the effort. I seem to be getting a lot of different messages from the hub, but they always just kick me, they never ban me, and it seems that I continue to download even after I've been kicked, so I suppose it's not really all that important.

About the DT-forum. Here is the URL:
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Thank you.

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