noob questions ...
**edit** haha, what a badly written post, sorry :(

but .... could someone give me a quick explanation of synergies please? :)

Thanks :)
i d o n t n e e d f a i r y t a l e s t o p r e t e n d
i d o n t n e e d h e r o e s t o d e f e n d
Meteor, for example, has fireball as a synergy skill. Adding to fireball will give your meteor a boost (while I don't have the exact numbers on me, it's some % more damage per skill point spent in fireball).

So, basically, synergies work exactly like the sorceress masteries -- one skill adding some bonus (usually more damage, but not always) to another skill. However, the synergy skill also retains its "normal" use.

"Life is sacred and you are not its steward. You have stewardship over it but you don't own it. You're making a choice to go through this, it's not just happening to you. You're inviting it, and in some ways delighting in it. It's not accidental or coincidental. You're choosing it. You have to realize you've made choices."
-Michael Ventura, "Letters@3AM"
Quote:So, basically, synergies work exactly like the sorceress masteries

Except that skill points from items or Battle Command don't help you with the synergies.
Quote:Except that skill points from items or Battle Command don't help you with the synergies.

I haven't done my 1.10 homework here put it would make more sense that the synergies work like any other part of the skill and therefore will be effected by BC and + skills items. Although maybe I am wrong.
Stupid is as Stupid does.
Other people have done their homework. There are some "synergies" that use the full skill bonus, but the vast majority of them count only the points that were actually assigned. These synergies thus do not benefit from +skills equipment.

It really is a balance issue. If +skills affected synergies, +skills equipment would be really overpowered. Or, if they took this into account when balancing it, not having +skills equipment would leave you really underpowered.

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