If you could make your own unique
whyBish,Sep 26 2003, 09:19 PM Wrote:ROFL :D
[Image: tehroperitam.jpg]
Here's a couple I did a long time ago. Surprise, surprise, they're all bows:

Medusa's Spellharp
Gorgon Crossbow

Two-Hand Damage: 80-278 (179.2 avg dmg)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 47
Required Dexterity: 42
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+150-220% Enhanced Damage
+4 All Skills
All Resistances 50-60%
Ignore Target Defense
Regenerate Mana 15-20%
1-3% Chance to Cast slvl-7-10 Dim Vision upon Striking
Requirements -60%
Level 15-20 Clay Golem (40 Charges)

Chow Yun's Ghostwire
Demon Crossbow

One-Hand Damage: 83-150 (116.6 avg dmg)
Required Level: 71
Required Strength: 141
Required Dexterity: 98
Base Weapon Speed: [-60]
+100-150% Enhanced Damage
25% Faster Run/Walk
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Adds 25-75 Damage
Requires No Ammunition
Level 5 Slow Missile (20 charges)

M'erana's Blindstrike
Shadow Bow

(palette: Kuko Shukaku in full black)
Two-Hand Damage: 30-118 (74 avg)
Required Level: 52
Required Strength: 52
Required Dexterity: 188
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+90-100% Enhanced Damage
40% Increased Attack Speed
+(1.5/clvl) Dexterity (based on clvl)
1-5% Chance to Stun Target upon Striking
1% to Cast slvl-4 Cloak of Shadows on Attack
Adds 1-50% Magic Damage (+0.5%/clvl, to a Maximum of 50% Magic Damage at clvl-99)
-3-5 Light Radius

The stun effect is not unlike the barbarian Stun skill or werebear's Maul skill. The stun length is a hidden attribute, ranging from 0.5 to 2 seconds.

Adrianna's Glasscutter
Diamond Bow

Two-Hand Damage: (76-150) to (92-166) (84-158 avg)
Required Level: 61
Required Strength: 89
Required Dexterity: 132
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+100-130% Enhanced Damage
+ (0.75/clvl) 0.75-74.25 Minimum Damage (based on clvl)
+35-50% to Cold Skill Damage
Adds 100-150 Cold Damage (6-12 sec. duration)
Freezes Target +6
Fire Resistance +24-40%
+20-40 Energy

Saira's Guardian
Ward Bow

Two-Hand Damage: 80-186 (133 avg)
Required Level: 72
Required Strength: 72
Required Dexterity: 146
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+70-100% Enhanced Damage
All Resistances 20-25%
Damage Reduced by 5-10%
Adds 40-80 Damage
1-3% Chance to Cast slvl-10 Attract on Attack
40-50% Bonus to Attack Rating
Increase Maximum Life 5-10%
9-12% Life Stolen per Hit

Sadira's Blitzkrieg
Matriarchal Bow

Two-Hand Damage: 55-130 (92.5 avg)
Required Level: 75
Required Strength: 87
Required Dexterity: 187
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+125-175% Enhanced Damage
30% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 50-200 Lightning Damage
1% Chance to Cast slvl-10-12 Fist of the Heavens on Attack
8% Chance to Cast slvl-5-7 Static Field when Struck
10% to Maximum Lightning Resist
Lightning Resist 35-50%
+3-5 Light Radius
+1-3 Bow/Crossbow Skills
This is based on an idea Top and I had months ago, basically, customized sets. Take a basic set, give it good set bonuses, then create some "mini-sets" around it. These secondary sets would have decent bonuses, but when combined with the primary set...whoa Nelly.

For some practice, I've put together an all-elite barbarian set, with each configuration based on the three guardians of Mt. Arreat. (In a fit of non-imagination, nearly every piece is elite. I know a bit more about barbarians now, so I've been tweaking the pieces a bit here and there, but could use some help. Basically, I wanted to make the sets nice, but not too nice; I don't know if I succeeded or not.)

Yeah, this is a report. Help tweak it a bit, because you never know. maybe Blizz is watching... <_<

Ancient's Mountain: Barbarian set (all items tinted black)

Ancient's Peak
Destroyer Helm

Defense: 223-278 (varies) (Base Defense: 111-156)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 151
Durability: 45
+112 Defense
Fire Resist 20-25%
Cold Resist 20-25%
+2 Masteries (barbarian only)

Ancient's Wisdom

Defense: 1,010-1,105 (varies) (Base Defense: 410-505)
Required Level: 81
Required Strength: 158
Durability: 45
+600 Defense
30% Faster Hit Recovery
+200-225% Attack Rating against Demons
+250-275% Damage against Undead
+25 Vitality
+2 Combat Skills (barbarian only)

Ancient's Silk
Colossus Girdle

Defense: 211-221 (varies) (Base Defense: 61-71)
Required Level: 67
Required Strength: 185
Durability: 24
+150 Defense
+250-275% Damage against Demons
+250-275% Attack Rating against Undead
20% Increased Attack Speed
All Resistances 10%

Partial Set Bonus
8% Life Stolen per Hit

Full Set Bonus
8% Life Stolen per Hit
8% Mana Stolen per Hit
Increase Maximum Life 20%
+2 Skill Levels
All Resistances 30%

OK, that's the basic barbarian set. Now for the fun parts.

Talic's Protection: Barbarian set (all items tinted red)

Talic's Burning Brand
Highland Blade

One Handed Damage: 70-198 (Base Damage: 22-62)
Two Handed Damage: 214-307 (Base Damage: 67-96)
Required Level: 49
Required Strength: 171
Required Dexterity: 104
Durability: 100
Base Weapon Speed: [-5]
+220% Enhanced Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 150-250 Fire Damage
5% Chance to Cast Level 15 Blaze When Struck

Talic's Herald

Defense: 300-315 (varies) (Base Defense: 95-110)
Required Level: 43
Required Strength: 77
Durability: 88
Chance to Block: Pal: 82%, Ama/Asn/Bar: 77%, Dru/Nec/Sor: 72%
Paladin Smite Damage: 16-30
+205 Defense
+30% Increased Chance of Blocking
+(0.5/clvl) 0.5-49.5 Strength (based on character level)
40% Faster Block Rate
Magic Damage Reduced by 10-15

Talic's Wedding Ring

Required Level: 62
+1 Barbarian Skills
Fire Resist 50%
3-5% Mana Leech

Partial Set Bonus
200-400 Fire Damage

Full Set Bonus
200-400 Fire Damage
+50 Defense
+200 Attack Rating
10% Chance to Cast slvl-20 Fireball on Attack
All Resistances 20%

Full Set Bonus when joined with Ancient's Mountain
Barbarian sprite changes to look like Talic
300-600 Fire Damage
+50 Defense
+200 Attack Rating
10% Chance to Cast slvl-20 Fireball on Attack
All Resistances 20%
Absorb 10% Fire Damage
Whirlwind Speed Increased 25%

When the set is joined with Ancient's Mountain, the set is given the name of the secondary set. In this instance, Talic's Protection.

Madawc's Vision: Barbarian set (all items tinted gold)

Madawc's Rage
Winged Axe

Damage: 39-196 (Base Damage: 11-56)
Throwing Damage: 25-210 (Base Damage: 7-60)
Required Level: 62
Required Strength: 96
Required Dexterity: 122
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+250% Enhanced Damage
40-60 Magic Damage
50% Open Wounds
+1-3 Throwing Mastery

Madawc's Fury
Flying Axe

Damage: 49-215 (Base Damage: 15-66)
Throwing Damage: 55-211 (Base Damage: 17-65)
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 96
Required Dexterity: 122
Base Weapon Speed: [-10]
+225% Enhanced Damage
5% Life Stolen per Hit
5% Mana Stolen per Hit
+1-3 Axe Mastery

Madawc's Grasp
Ogre Guantlets

Defense: 120-129 (varies) (Base Defense: 62-71)
Required Level: 64
Required Strength: 185
Durability: 24
+58 Defense
20% Increased Attack Speed
Lightning Resist +(0.5/clvl)%
+1-3 Double Throw
+25 Strength

Partial Set Bonus
+100 Magic Damage

Full Set Bonus
+100 Magic Damage
Replenish Quantity [30]
50% Pierce
50% Chance to Stun Target upon Striking
All Resistances 20%

Full Set Bonus when joined with Ancient's Mountain
Barbarian sprite changes to look like Madawc
+100 Magic Damage
Replenish Quantity [60]
50% Pierce
50% Chance to Stun Target upon Striking
All Resistances 20%
20% Increased Attack Speed
Absorb 25% Lightning Damage

Korlic's Majesty (all items tinted blue)

Korlic's Step
Myrmidon Boots

Defense: 160-169 (varies) (Base Defense: 62-71)
Required Level: 65
Required Strength: 208
Durability: 24
+98 Defense
40% Faster Run Walk
Fire Resist 15-20%
+1-3 Leap Attack
+1-3 Increased Stamina

Korlic's Mark

Level Requirement: 67
+2 Barbarian Skills
Lightning Resist 33-50% (varies)
1-200 Lightning Damage

Korlic's Eternal Rule
Great Poleaxe

Damage: 214-424 (Base Damage: 46-127)
Required Level: 63
Required Strength: 179
Required Dexterity: 99
Durability: 55
Base Weapon Speed: [0]
+175% Enhanced Damage
20% Increased Attack Speed
Poison Resist 75%

Partial Set Bonus
+100 Attack Rating

Full Set Bonus
+100 Attack Rating
Damage Reduced by 30%
All Resistances 20%
+5 Polearm Mastery

Full Set Bonus when joined with Ancient's Mountain
Barbarian sprite changes to look like Korlic
+100 Attack Rating
Damage Reduced by 30%
All Resistances 20%
+5 Polearm Mastery
+125% Enhanced Damage
5-10% Chance to cast slvl-10 Hurricane upon Striking
Absorb 15% Cold Damage


Oh, and by popular request (because I have a long memory sometimes)...

Bul-Kathos' Children Set Bonus when joined with Ancient's Mountain
5% Chance to Cast Level 3 Static Field When Struck
Prevent Monster Heal
All Resistances 10%
10% Maximum Poison Resist
10% Maximum Cold Resist
10% Maximum Lightning Resist
10% Maximum Fire Resist
Aegis Veil

Unique Shield
Defense 500
Str required 120
Lvl required 50
Immune to Poison
+ 40 to all resistances
Half Freeze Duration
Chance to Block: 85%
300% damage dealt back to attacker.
Well, I must say, this unique item creation thing is quite interesting indeed. B)

Anyway, here's a unique item I came up with to counteract the "Holy" nature of most items:

Soul Gorger
Unique Item - Rune Sword
8% Life Steal
250% Enhanced Damage
50% Chance of Deadly Strike
50% Chance to cast Level 10 Weaken on Strike
-2 Life Drain
-6 to Light Radius
35% Chance to cast Level 15 Lower Resist on Strike
+100 Magic Damage
+100 Fire Damage

Well, that's it for you :D
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!Wink
Nice picture with the "Bill".
I wonder if they made one for Geoff Fraizer? Heck, he's already got a monster named after him (Reziarfg), so a weapon would help follow the tradition.
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!Wink
Since a bunch of old Diablo I stuff got resurrected for Lord of Destruction, then why not go for the uberest of uber items, and toss in the old Diablo I "gets a sucky affix also when you get that unique." Griswold Edge and Knockback, anyone?

The Obsidian Amulet of the Heavens:

31-40% Resist All
+11-15 to all attributes
12% chance, when struck, to cast Inner Sight (on you) at slvl = your clvl / 5

Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac

31-40% Resist All
+16-20 to all Attributes
7% penalty to experience gained

And of course

Godly Plate of the Whale
Elite Full Plate Style of Armor.
DR in the 2000 range
-25% requirements
+ 2 life per clvl
+ 9 DR per clvl
0.3 per clvl Physical Damage Reduced
0.2 per clvl Magical Damage Reduced

12 % chance when struck of casting Attract (on self)
NPC's refer to you as a "Cheating Pubbie" during conversations in Town.

For example: Cain says "Hello, Cheating Pubbie, stay a while and listen."

Let's make it interesting, shall we? :)
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:NPC's refer to you as a "Cheating Pubbie" during conversations in Town

LOL! At first, I was thinking, "why?" but then I thought back to D1, and remembered... That item can't drop!! :) And since it is elite full plate mail, it might as well never drop. :P
Here's one runeword:

6 Socket Weapons

+2 to All Skil Levels
700% Enhanced Damage versus Other Players
+10 to All Attributes
1-100 Lightning Damage
5-30 Fire Damage
15-45 Cold Damage
50 Poison Damage over 4 Seconds
100% Increased Attack Speed

Decent Elemental Damage, emphasis on lightning (from Ort), nice statistics bonus, and of course, the highlighted 2 skills/+damage to other players/huge IAS for those people getting bored with Diablo.


Buena Suerte.
In war, intelligence is the single greatest commodity.
How about making a series of legendary weapons huh? Once combined or transmuted, they'd make an apocalyptic weapon capable of mass destruction!! You could have a set of 3 (All unique elites): A Balrog Blade, a Mythical Sword and a Devil Star, representing each of the sides in the Sin War.

Here's the layout:
For Hell - Wrath of the Three (Devil Star)
666% Enhanced Damage
Adds 300-600 Fire Damage
Level 15 Fanaticism when equipped
+25 to all attributes
12% Life Stolen per hit
+600 to Attack Rating
Level 30 Fire Golem (50 charges)
100% chance to cast Level 30 Chain Lightning Upon Attack
Adds 200-400 Cold Damage
Adds 500-800 Lightning Damage
100% Chance to cast Level 20 Weaken Upon Attack

For the Mortals - Alliance of the Horadrim (Balrog Blade)
+100% to all resists
+500 Life
+500 Mana
400% Enhanced Damage
10% Mana Stolen per hit
Adds 400-600 Magic Damage
250% Damage to Demons
250% Damage to Demons
+2 to all skills

For Heaven - Heaven's Gilded Purifier
500% Enhanced Damage
+4 to all skills
+300% Chance to Find Magic Items
Socketed (4)
500% Damage to Demons
300% Damage to Undead
Adds 700 Magic Damage
+20-30 All Resists Absorb
+30 to all attributes
Level 10 Redemption when equipped
Level 15 Conviction when equipped
+5 to Fist of the Heavens
Life Regeneration +10
Mana Regeneration +400%

Yeah, that's all I can think of for now.... :D
Black Lightning:
- Hell's thunder
- It'll strike anywhere
- It'll come down any time
- It'll hit ANYTHING...
(Run for the hills!Wink

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