If you could make your own unique
Charsi's Malice Sacred Armor

Req. lvl 61
Req. str. 205
Defense: 5225
+2 All Skills
+55 All Resist
+15 All Attributes
+15% Life Steal
+11% Mana Steal
-15% damage
Level 1 Sacrifice when equipped
Level 1 Iron Maiden cast on user when equipped
+50% monster damage
-15% attack speed
-10% attack rating
Socketed (2)

Good for a defensive guy, but who would actually use it??? :P
Quote:Adeyke and people like him get tons of questions exactly like this one by people who're apparently too stupid to play without Maphack, too stupid to read the Help file that comes with the program, too stupid to turn off the socket protection when they're using Maphack, and too stupid to realize that they're stepping before the firing squad when asking questions like that in forums like this.
Raziel,Sep 12 2003, 01:20 PM Wrote:How about some lame spell triggers?

1. An item that has -100% enhanced damage, so it deals 1 point of physical damage, but comes with 100% chance to cast level 50 FOTH and 100% chance to cast level 50 Holy Bolt on striking.  Call it "Divine Wrath" or something.

3. A throwing knife/dagger that has 100% chance to cast level 50 Fire Blast and 100% chance to cast level 50 Shock Web on attacking.

4. A runeword that has 100% chance to cast level 50 Stun on striking.  Yes, that's the Barbarian skill.  Oh and have it grant +1 to a random barbarian mastery or something similarly annoying.  And yes, for laughs, you might get sword mastery on your runeworded axe.

I'm done!  None of it is fair!
Those would be sick on a Blade Fury assassin.
TriggerHappy,Sep 12 2003, 01:37 PM Wrote:An 'Angel' fan, huh  ;)  ?
Glad someone caught the reference ;-)

On that note:

Gem of Amara
+10 To Light Radius
+15% Max Resist Fire
+25% Resist Fire

When worn with the full Trang-Oul's set:
+50% Resist All
+50% Max HP
Yeah, I had one a while back. An assassin bow... well here I go.

Swift Peril
diamond bow
(assassin only)
+170%-230% ED
+345-563 cold
+33 magic arrow
+100% attack speed
+30% walk/run speed
arrows freeze target
ect, ect.

You may add what ever u like to it, but I personly think that this idea is cool. :lol:
"if the bible has taught us anything,and it hasn't, is that boys should stick to boy sports and girls shoud stick to girl sports like hot oil wrestling."-homer simpson
Me-"OH MY GOD,OH MY GOD!!!! 1.10 WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WHAT!!!!!....I know what. Fix my computer."
The two best internet comics in the web, penny-arcade and El Goonish Shive. For you.. Also for you.
Raziel,Sep 13 2003, 02:20 AM Wrote:3. A 3 socket runeword that grants +20 to weapon block.

2. A runeword that has 100% chance to cast level 20 Corpse Explosion "when you kill an enemy" and does nothing else.  Works in all weapons.
3) How about a 4 socket runeword that grants +20 to weapon block ;)

2) "Necro in a bottle"
DroopingCactus,Sep 13 2003, 02:09 PM Wrote:Charsi's Malice Sacred Armor

Req. lvl 61
Req. str. 205
Defense: 5225
+2 All Skills
+55 All Resist
+15 All Attributes
+15% Life Steal
+11% Mana Steal
-15% damage
Level 1 Sacrifice when equipped
Level 1 Iron Maiden cast on user when equipped
+50% monster damage
-15% attack speed
-10% attack rating
Socketed (2)

Good for a defensive guy, but who would actually use it??? :P
Well, she would meet suffer my malice if she could make such an armor, yet screw up all my imbues :P

My max telekinesis sorc would use that armor without a problem, as would my double swing (still fast enough)/shout/Iron skin barb etc. Who cares about taking extra damage from monsters if they will never* hit you? (or if you already have some damage reduction gear/skill). Those +ves are useful to all chars, but the -ves only affect meleers
Dram of Minsc
Unique Throwing potion

Heavy Air
Unique Circlet
-10%Max res all to user & monsters

Unique ring
-100%gold find
+1 skills

Unique amulet
+1 Skills
7% Life Leech
+10 Life per kill
+50% damage
+10% Damage taken
-50% Max damage reduced
-50% Defense

Unique War Gauntlets
+80 Strength (<--Essentially 80%Enh.Dmg for meleers)
-40% FRW

Current stats + 5 cold damage to self per second

Quilted armor
18% Chance to case level 1 battle cry when struck
(-ves: Its only got one mod, and its a quilted armor)


Consists of
1) Wirts Leg
2) Wirts Leg

Set Bonus
+20 All skills (Sorc,Paladin,Amazon,Necro,Druid,Assassin only)


Consists of:
Sirians Cracked boots
(2 items) + 3 firebolt (sorc only)
(3 Items) +3 blaze (sorc only)

Lemmings Cracked sash
(2 items) +3 Leap (Barb only)
(3 items) -3 All skills (<-- suicidal enough yet? :P )

Boltys' Cracked wand
(2 items) +3 Bone spirit (Necro Only)
(3 items) +100% chance to cast confuse vs PvP opponent on spell hit

Set bonus
(2 items) +3 Inferno (Yes there are still flamers here...)
(3 items) +3 Chilling Armor (Gogo laser)
1 Charge of level 1 poison creeper
Quote:Lemmings Cracked sash
(2 items) +3 Leap (Barb only)
(3 items) -3 All skills (<-- suicidal enough yet?  )

I take offense at that! :angry: I deserve the cracked sash. I have a sash mule. I have every unqiue and set sash. I even have an ethereal version of the string of ears. I have every normal type (low quality, cracked... even superior with ED and another with more durability). (yes, I know I am pathetic.) Lemming gets a new item, Rags. Called Lemming's Torn Flesh of Souls. :lol:

My sash would have...

Sashed Crack's Cracked Sash (I have one of those, too)
14 to all stats
-1 to AoA skills
+4 to "attack"*
(2 items) Gives all quill rats the ability to ressurect other quill rats and raises their attack damage by 250 (that ought to learn you!)
(3 items) Holds 10 potions (diagonally: 4, 3, 2, 1)
(full set) -100% resist to being a noob. ;)

*The regular attack skill that everyone starts out with.
works only in body armour

+400% enhanced damage
level 1 teleport
cannot be frozen
-100% poison length

-50% cast speed
-50% attack speed
0% run/walk

With the 0% run/walk, wouldn't your character not be able to move? I suppose that's why there's the level 1 teleport, but you cant use that in town. When you went into a game, you'd have to just stand there. Maybe a 1% run/walk would work?
Quote:With the 0% run/walk, wouldn't your character not be able to move?

doh :D

for town you could always take it off.
Flying Dirk
17 to 52 throwing damage
2 to 12 normal damage
+4 to dexterity
+50% damage vs. undead
+66% to attack rating vs. flying creatures
20% chance of reversing/reflecting missle weapons when thrown
1% chance of level 50+ creature reflecting weapon back
2 sockets
stack count = 1
returns to user after thrown; can't switch weapon set while in air
normal attack speed

-= Heat Miser =-
...when you drink as much beer as I do; you gotta lift weights.
Obi1.10Kenobi,Sep 11 2003, 03:45 PM Wrote:wouldn't you be confused if someone were to slay a demon with a toothpick?
Yes, that would be as puzzling as seeing someone slay a dragon with their bare hands.

On that retro note, I suppose my unique would be:

The Ring of Thieves
50% MDR, clvl req 209
"He's got demons? Cool!" -- Gonzo, Muppet Treasure Island

"Proto-matter... an unstable substance which every ethical scientist in the galaxy has denounced as dangerously unpredictable." -- Saavik, Star Trek III

"Mom! Dad! It's evil! Don't touch it!" -- Kevin, Time Bandits
Scorpion Kiss
Chained Hand Scythe
50 to 100 normal damage
80% chance of open wounds
75% chance to stun target
-10% attack rating vs flying creatures
+133 to attack rating vs demons
1 socket
moves target creature adjacent to character
useless against swarms, itches, etc....
20% chance of lvl 50+ cold enchanted unique to freeze character
target range of 15.0 yards
100% chance of character yelling "Get over here!"

-= Heat Miser =-
...when you drink as much beer as I do; you gotta lift weights.
Saturn's Spinning Prism
Spiked Shield
77 durability
65% blocking chance
+123 defense against missles
+10% faster walk/run
+05% chance of finding "perfect" gem
randomly reduces one resistance to 7% each start
increases other resistances to +77%
+1 to light radius
20% chance to freeze creature when struck

-= Heat Miser =-
...when you drink as much beer as I do; you gotta lift weights.
The One Ring -

100% Chance to Cast Lvl 80 Dim Vision on Hit / when hit
100% Chance to Cast Lvl 80 Attract on Hit / when hit
-15% Health each time equiped
-15% Mana each time equiped
11% chance of item name changing to "My Precious"
i just noticed i had +damage on the stone armour instead of +def :D now i know how blizz messes up things..

trick or treat

short sword

+250 strength
+250 dexterity

-20 all skills


required strength +500
required dexterity +500
500% enhanced damage
+20 all skills

full set bonuses:
-40 all skills

the brute
body armour

+1 battle orders
100% chance to make barbarian death sound when hit
100% chance to make barbarian leap sound on movement
100% chance to make barbarian attack sound on attack
100% chance to make barbarian find item sound when picking up an item

now how many people could stand that ^_^

+500% gold find
generic set aura when equipped

-90% max equipped gold
lvl -50 vigor when equipped


+4 assassin skills
-50 light radius
+10 thorns
+10 iron maiden
transforms to huntress when equipped
open wounds when equipped
One odd thing about the Shadow Bolt, though: if you render the game in Direct3D, whenever a Shad Bolt is in flight, it has a very small light radius, which allows you to see it inbound and whatnot. But that creates a confusing mixture of ambient shadow encasing a band of light, filled with another shadow.

When I played the game in DirectDraw, the Shadow Bolts have no light radius. Since Greater Mummies inhabit indoor areas only, this creates the visual effect of a Shadow Bolt "melding" out of the darkness surrounding your character— suddenly and without warning (since the Shadow Bolt is invisible in the surrounding dark). A much cooler effect.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
I think that Bill Roper needs an item named after him (Shaefer's Hammer, Messerschmidt's Reaver...). It would be called Roper's Swift, and it would be a Bill. :) What mods do you think he should have?
Level 5 Dodge
Level 5 Avoid
Level 5 Evade

"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin

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