If you could make your own unique
I, for one, would like a unique Mithril Point, called the toothpick.

It would have really low durability (think: about 5), chance to blind target, 100% critical strike, ITD (it is small, so it would be hard for armor to keep it away...), 40% faster attack, +1 replenish life (fresh breath), 1% chance open wounds. (I was thinking a small % chance to cast confuse on demon kill, because wouldn't you be confused if someone were to slay a demon with a toothpick?)
The Dark Spark. A Necromancer's item, be it a wand or head, that imparts the "Shadow Bolt" spell that is cast by Greater Mummies. The opposite of the Holy Bolt, the Shadow Bolt harms the living enemy but has no effect on enemy Undead. It does have the additional effect of healing allied Undead, and hence gives the Necro both another ranged attack as well as a conscious means to heal Skellies and Revived.

That, and the name "Dark Spark" sounds cool. So cool, in fact, that the reitschwert I've bought and am awaiting delivery upon is to be named so.
Political Correctness is the idea that you can foster tolerance in a diverse world through the intolerance of anything that strays from a clinical standard.
I'm not looking for some infinite damage item, or even a weapon of some sort.

I'd have a ring which allows the wearer to open locked chests without keys, to open town portals without scrolls, protection from all monster curses, and a dozen charges of Invisibility.

One might call it, The Freedom Ring.

X-ray vision would be cool, a la Gauntlet, so one could see traps and explosive barrels, and empty trapped chests.

-= Heat Miser =-
...when you drink as much beer as I do; you gotta lift weights.
The Reaper
Battle Sword
One-hand Damage: 67.25 To 91.46
169% Enhanced Damage
+9 To Minimum Damage
25% Bonus To Attack Rating
12% Life Stolen Per Hit
15% Faster Run/Walk
10% Increased Attack Speed
+15 To Strength
-25 To Vitality
-25 To Energy
Drain Life -20
-3 To All Skills
10% Chance To Cast Level 5 Decrepify On Striking

A powerful weapon that grants immense offensive power. However, it contains so much evil power that it will drive mad any mortal touching it. Then the wearer enters insane rage and must steal life to avoid being consumed by the forces of darkness.
[Image: lukesnewlightsaber.jpg]

An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
The Rifle Crossbow

2000-4000 damage
50% chance of open wounds
50% chance of accidently killing your merc or allies if they are close to the targeted monster
+1 to light radius

A plague of exploding high-fives.
Personally I would like a TK-Ring.

The TK (TownKill)-Ring would allow you to act against PKs inside the town!

Sorry, just dreaming.

good hunting
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
t3h 1337 h4x0r
c0|055u5 |3l4d3
7w0-|-|4nd d4m4g3: 100000 70 200000
83573% 3n|-|4nc3d d4m4g3
4dd5 4235-6853 D4m4g3
450% |30nu5 70 4774c|< r47|ng
100% c|-|4nc3 70 ru|n g4m3p|4y 0n 3qu|p
45000% b3773r c|-|4nc3 0f g377|ng m4g|c |73mz
100% c|-|4nc3 70 p|55 0ff 07|-|3r p|4y3r5
0.0000000001% c|-|4nc3 70 r34|iz3 7|-|47 |3g|t 0wnz u
75% c|-|4nc3 70 c457 |3v3| 99 5ux0rz w|-|3n y0u d|3

(Edit : typo)
[Image: lukesnewlightsaber.jpg]

An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
uh... i translated most of that except the actual weapon's name.
...when you drink as much beer as I do; you gotta lift weights.
I wouldn't want any one item. Personally, I would change all the current uniques to possess a negative quality in addition to their positive qualities as a balance measure, such as D1 does with most of its "good" (and poor, for that matter) uniques. For example, a unique with +100% damage and +10 maximum damage might have a -10 Vitality penalty (cannot go below 1).

GET RID OF LEECHING ITEMS!!! Ever play Diablo 1? Well the game is much harder and more challenging with less leeching items, or at least a vastly lower leeching amount, like 1-3%.

I liked being able to wear items with +Strength and swapping them out for other items with +Strength instead of having to actually have the proper strength, as they do in D2. I don't like having what I consider a perfect set-up in D2 and having an additional 30 Strength over and beyond what I need because that Storm Shield gives +30 Strength, but requires more than anything I'm wearing (this is just an example of one of the ways it bugs me).

I like the idea of getting rid of rares and keeping only uniques.

Other than these modifications, I can't think of a single thing more I'd change with uniques ;)
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Jedi Knight,Sep 11 2003, 10:21 PM Wrote:t3h 1337 h4x0r
c0|055u5 |3l4d3
7w0-|-|4nd d4m4g3: 100000 70 200000
83573% 3n|-|4nc3d d4m4g3
4dd5 4235-6853 D4m4g3
450% |30nu5 70 4774c|< r47|ng
100% c|-|4nc3 70 ru|n g4m3p|4y 0n 3qu|p
45000% b3773r c|-|4nc3 0f g377|ng m4g|c |73mz
100% c|-|4nc3 70 p|55 0ff 07|-|3r p|4y3r5
0.0000000001% c|-|4nc3 70 r34|iz3 7|-|47 |3g|t 0wnz u
75% c|-|4nc3 70 c457 |3v3| 99 5ux0rz w|-|3n y0u d|3

(Edit : typo)
So how long did it take to find that typo? :lol:
Don't worry. You won't feel a thing...until I jam this down your throat!
-Dr. Nick Riviera

Have you read the FAQ, Etiquette, or the Rules yet?
Jedi Knight,Sep 12 2003, 03:21 AM Wrote:t3h 1337 h4x0r
c0|055u5 |3l4d3
7w0-|-|4nd d4m4g3: 100000 70 200000
83573% 3n|-|4nc3d d4m4g3
4dd5 4235-6853 D4m4g3
450% |30nu5 70 4774c|< r47|ng
100% c|-|4nc3 70 ru|n g4m3p|4y 0n 3qu|p
45000% b3773r c|-|4nc3 0f g377|ng m4g|c |73mz
100% c|-|4nc3 70 p|55 0ff 07|-|3r p|4y3r5
0.0000000001% c|-|4nc3 70 r34|iz3 7|-|47 |3g|t 0wnz u
75% c|-|4nc3 70 c457 |3v3| 99 5ux0rz w|-|3n y0u d|3

(Edit : typo)
That is definitely the best "edit" message ever.

Scythe of the Slayer
Ogre Axe
+100% Enhanced Damage
25% Increased Attack Speed
+400% Damage vs. Demons
+400% Attack Rating vs. Demons
+400% Damage vs. Undead
+400% Attack Rating vs. Undead
Assassin, Amazon, and Sorceress Only

Pretty straightforward, but a nice special-purpose weapon.

The Shroud of Rahmon
Dusk Shroud
+200% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist -40%
400% Extra Gold From Monsters
33% Chance To Cast Level 12 Confuse On Striking
33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking
Level 6 Fanatacism Aura While Equipped

Not sure if it's balanced, but some definite plusses and minuses on this one.

I'll have to post my other idea later.
I'd make a Short Sword that can only be worn in the second slot and can act as a weapon and a shield.

Short Sword
One Hand Damage: 4 to 14
Chance to Block: Ama/Asn: 52%, Bar/Dru: 47% Nec/Sor/Pal: 42%
100% Enhanced Damage
Adds (4 Per Character Level) 4-396 Poison Damage Over 2 Seconds
50% Faster Block Rate
-100 Defense vs. Missiles
+(5 Per Character Level) 5-495 Attack Rating (Based On Character Level).
50% Chance of Open Wounds
Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse*

*Yes, I stole this from D&D :D
So how long did it take to find that typo?

There was still a word that resisted to leet speak, so I had to translate it ;)
[Image: lukesnewlightsaber.jpg]

An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
Here's some cross-class lameness:

1. An item that grants +1 to fire/coldghtning mastery and +1 to energy shield. Oh, and nothing else. And to really annoy everyone, make it a helm.

2. An item that grants +1 to evade/dodge/avoid.

3. A 3 socket runeword that grants +20 to weapon block.

4. A Necro-only item that grants +20 to shadow bolt (as mentioned above - really cool idea).

4. A bow that grants +1 to strafe.

How about some lame spell triggers?

1. An item that has -100% enhanced damage, so it deals 1 point of physical damage, but comes with 100% chance to cast level 50 FOTH and 100% chance to cast level 50 Holy Bolt on striking. Call it "Divine Wrath" or something.

2. A runeword that has 100% chance to cast level 20 Corpse Explosion "when you kill an enemy" and does nothing else. Works in all weapons.

3. A throwing knife/dagger that has 100% chance to cast level 50 Fire Blast and 100% chance to cast level 50 Shock Web on attacking.

4. A runeword that has 100% chance to cast level 50 Stun on striking. Yes, that's the Barbarian skill. Oh and have it grant +1 to a random barbarian mastery or something similarly annoying. And yes, for laughs, you might get sword mastery on your runeworded axe.

I'm done! None of it is fair!
Time Warp
Mirrored Boots
Defense: 59-68
40% Faster Run/Walk
25% Faster Cast Rate
30% Faster Hit Recovery
20% Faster Block Rate
20% Chance To Cast Level 1 Teleport When Struck
+25 To Dexterity
+3 To Charge
-25 To All Resistances
Damage Increased By 8%
Level 7 Decoy (12 Charges)

(Assassin Only)

This makes the attacker fast and nimble, but comes at the price of being more suceptible to enemy attacks. If such an item existed I think it would be fun, and it involves using some strategy.
[Image: lukesnewlightsaber.jpg]

An elegant weapon for a more civilized time. For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times, before the Empire.
Quote:The Shroud of Rahmon
Dusk Shroud
+200% Enhanced Defense
Fire Resist -40%
400% Extra Gold From Monsters
33% Chance To Cast Level 12 Confuse On Striking
33% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking
Level 6 Fanatacism Aura While Equipped

An 'Angel' fan, huh ;) ?
Well, here's a nice unique I would put in

Soul Warden
Colossus sword
250-300% enhanced damage
25% increased attack speed
10% increased chance of block
+1-99 to strenght (based on char lev)
+1-99 to max damage (based on char lev)
All resists +20
Lev 1 redemption aura when equipped
(yellow color)
Jedi Knight,Sep 12 2003, 03:21 AM Wrote:t3h 1337 h4x0r
c0|055u5 |3l4d3
7w0-|-|4nd d4m4g3: 100000 70 200000
83573% 3n|-|4nc3d d4m4g3
4dd5 4235-6853 D4m4g3
450% |30nu5 70 4774c|< r47|ng
100% c|-|4nc3 70 ru|n g4m3p|4y 0n 3qu|p
45000% b3773r c|-|4nc3 0f g377|ng m4g|c |73mz
100% c|-|4nc3 70 p|55 0ff 07|-|3r p|4y3r5
0.0000000001% c|-|4nc3 70 r34|iz3 7|-|47 |3g|t 0wnz u
75% c|-|4nc3 70 c457 |3v3| 99 5ux0rz w|-|3n y0u d|3

(Edit : typo)
The goggles, they do nothing!

Ah well, since I hate to waste a good name from the other thread.

The Leveller of Men
200-300% Enhanced Damage
50-100 Cold Damage
Prevent Monster Heal
+10-20 Mana After Each Kill
Level 10 Raise Skeleton (5 Charges)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
I think it would be awesome if you could imbue uniques with attributes tha tonly occur when you ocllect all the pieces, a la set items. For instance, if you collect two Bartuc's Cut-throat, for instance. My idea would be

The Poking Stick
Spiked Caned

100% enhanced dmg
50% increased mf
adds 1-100 lightning dmg
adds 50 cold dmg
decreased walk/run speed (it's a cane.......get it?)
decreased attack speed
100% chance to cast lvl 20 blizzard on strike
50% chance to cast lvl 25 meteor on strike
25 % chance to cast lvl 30 fist of the heavens on strike
6 sockets (oh yeah!)

The Devil's Fire Poker
Brimstone Blade

adds 100-200 fire dmg
100% enhanced dmg
adds 50% to mf
100% chance to cast lvl 20 hydra on kill
3 sockets
hit blinds/confuses/openwounds/poisons monster

and....when both are collected, you get

200% enhanced dmg
150% to mf
100 lightning/cold/fire dmg

I wanted the weapons to be good by themselves, and great when combined!
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. At least you'll be a mile away from them and you'll have their shoes." ~?

Stonemaul - Sneakybast, 51 Rogue
Terenas - Sneaksmccoy, 1 Rogue

Sword of Omens, give me sight beyond sight!
maerd yrrej ognom eht*

works only in cracked caps
required level -100%
every single aura at lvl 20 when equipped
+20 to every single skill except your own class'
100% chance to cast every single curse at lvl 20 when struck
100% chance to cast every single curse at lvl 20 on hit
+20 max resist all
+345 resist all

* d00dish for liek uh gr8 r00nw0rd

slightly more seriously though, i want like Meat that uniques have just as powerful negative as positive abilities. and not 20 of them either, just 1-3!

hydra bow

400% enhanced damage
+3 amazon skills
knocks target back

knocks yourself back
25% chance to cast phasing when struck
1% chance to die when struck

raven frost

cannot be frozen
+10 max cold resist

-10 max fire resist
-50 fire resist

silks of the victor
ancient armour

+200% enhanced defence
+1% defence when you level up

-10% defence when you die
-50% defence when user is changed

bone visage
required level: 90

+10% life stolen per hit
+10% mana stolen per hit
required level -100%
required strength -100%

cannot interact with npcs
character reset to 1 when equipped
25% damage to undead

works only in body armour

+400% enhanced damage
level 1 teleport
cannot be frozen
-100% poison length

-50% cast speed
-50% attack speed
0% run/walk

i would add these to my mod if the modifers were possible ;)

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