Grim Question
My werewolf just equipped Grim's Burning Dead. One of the attributes is 50% Target Defense.

Does this reduction in target defense work against bosses? Is the reduction bugged in 1.09 like Eth so that it is really a total reduction in target defense? How does reduction of target defense stack if it is on more than one item?

Thanks for any help. I thought I saw Grim's Burning Dead mentioned in a thread last spring, but I can't find it.

Edit: I can't spell "equipped".
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
I never noticed any additional difficulty with bosses.
It is only 50%, not broken.
Never had more than one item.
I used a Pul in it, to go with Laying of Hands.

I'm pretty sure I outlined the build plan under a "Poledruid" post on Diabloii over a year ago.
I admit I don't frequent diabloii (except the front page), but if you have a link I'd like to see the build, please. I'd particularly like to know why you went with damage and AR to demons over speed.

Grim's works rather well. I must say the damage is greater than with Vidala's Barb. Unsocketed it is not very fast. I think it is good enough that it is worth putting something into it. I found my first ruby jewel of fervor the other night. That would get the damage up to +209%. It would be that or a shael, and I am open to suggestions.

The ruby jewel of fervor should give 8 frame hunger and 6 frame fury, and a sheal (acording to The Dragoon's calculator) would be no better. Am I missing something?

If Armageddon never works in wereform I will be feeling rather stupid with this fellow, but I can always start another wolf.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
the 1.10 changes page on AS says this:

Quote:* The erroneous action of the "Reduce Defense" modifier (which had shown in the item pop-up as "x% Target Defense") has been corrected. It now no longer sets the target’s Defense equal to the percentage, but properly reduces the target’s Defense by the percentage. The display has been corrected to say "-x% Target Defense". The modifier’s effect is reduced by one half when player characters, SuperUniques, hirelings, and Act-end bosses are targeted.
Well, at least with the value of 50%, the math should be pretty simple either way.

I am thankful for the information about bosses. This means "reduce defense" is potentially better than ITD. I still don't know how reduce defense items stack. I assume the reduction percentages would simply add?

By the way, it turns out I *was* missing something. Grim's has a level requirement of 45. If I stick the Ruby Jewel of Fervor in, it will go up to level 66. My werewolf would be very disappointed.

Since I can't start a new poll, should I:

1.) Socket with a Realgar Jewel of Fervor (level 45) for damage +200%?

2.) Leave unsocketed till level 66, and hope that with 1.10 I can upgrade Grim's to a Giant Thresher?

3.) Socket now with the Ruby Jewel of Fervor and give to my melee sorceress with her maxed fire mastery?

Currently I am leaning towards answer one. I would have something like a Sturdy, Strange, Smoking, Cruel, Crimson, Ruby, Condensing Grim Scythe of Alacrity (in effect), Razors, Ease, Simplicity, and Piercing (more or less). All for level 45.

And then there are always those plus three to necromancer skills!
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
ITD > 50% defense (which is the same as -50% defense).

There is probably only one "poledruid" post.

What you socket is not as important anymore, since it can be removed. I have no idea why you think a Ruby Jewel adds 200%. You must mean 20%, hmm, I used to throw away anything under 35%, Ruby jewels are common.

You should lookup PUL and in what monster class Act Bosses belong.

Damage>> speed in this build, the idea is to stun. Once stunned, you merely need to hit again prior to (hit recovery ending+ time to launch attack). In actual gameplay, minor speed improvements are generally worthless or even have negative costs.

1.10 will upgrade Grims, I used PUL+Grims until I was able to create a Silence GT. Most of your questions can be worked out using the CubeMod.
Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:ITD >  50% defense (which is the same as -50% defense).
Last I was aware, ITD had no effect on bosses. (50/2)% reduction is better than 0% reduction. If ITD now works on everything, I would want to use a Jah.

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:There is probably only one "poledruid" post.
The very few times I've tried I have not been able to access the diabloii forums. If you have the link I would gladly try again. I doubt anyone here (or very few here) would complain if you would be so kind as to cut and paste your post.

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:What you socket is not as important anymore, since it can be removed.
True, if and when the patch comes out.

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:I have no idea why you think a Ruby Jewel adds 200%.
I have no idea why you think I said a Ruby Jewel adds 200%.

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:You should lookup PUL and in what  monster class Act Bosses belong.
I keep a rune chart on my desk for reference, but I really don't need to look up Pul or in what class act bosses belong. I asked a serious question; I expected better for an answer.

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:Damage>> speed in this build, the idea is to stun.  Once stunned, you merely need to hit again prior to (hit recovery ending+ time to launch attack).
One would have to do a lot of damage in one hit to stun most act end bosses. If Laying of Hands with a Pul in Grim's will do that, you may be onto something. I'd like to see the details and the numbers.

There was also some discussion as to whether damage to demons or at least Laying of Hands was bugged with some attacks. I am not qualified to comment. However if you will share your build I'll make the effort to try to find the post.

I did anyway. It was a link to the Basin that Tommi posted here. Unfortunately the link does not work for me right now:,and,sanctuary

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:In actual gameplay, minor speed improvements are generally worthless or even have negative costs.

Is the difference between 6 frames and 8 frames minor? Diablo has high blocking. What if you miss three times out of four?

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:1.10 will upgrade Grims, I used PUL+Grims until I was able to create a Silence GT.
Both nice. I have the Giant Thresher waiting, but I don't have all the runes.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
To address edited sections of your post:

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:I have no idea why you think a Ruby Jewel adds 200%.  You must mean 20%,  hmm, I used to throw away anything under 35%, Ruby jewels are common.
I asked:

"Socket with a Realgar Jewel of Fervor (level 45) for damage +200%?"

My Grim's Burning Dead has +178% damage. My Realgar [not Ruby] Jewel of Fervor has +22% damage. My Grim's Burning Dead socketed with my Realgar Jewel of Fervor would (I think) yield damage +200%, and be usable at level 45.

I have found only one Ruby [not Realgar] Jewel of Fervor. Parenthetically I have technically found more than one Ruby Jewel of Fervor, but the second was the other kind of Ruby. Don't blame me if that is confusing.

Ferengi,Sep 20 2003, 03:13 AM Wrote:Most of your questions can be worked out using the CubeMod.
I'm sorry, I have no idea what CubeMod is. Iolair responded the same way to your suggestion in another thread, but as far as I know, you never answered.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
LavCat,Sep 20 2003, 09:59 AM Wrote:I'm sorry, I have no idea what CubeMod is.  Iolair responded the same way to your suggestion in another thread, but as far as I know, you never answered.
it allows you to upgrade items and get any kind of unique using like health pots in the cube.

*points *
Quote:The modifier "Ignores Target Defense" no longer acts upon SuperUniques, hirelings, and Act-end bosses. Its lack of effect upon player characters and unique monsters remains unchanged.
LavCat,Sep 20 2003, 09:59 AM Wrote:I'm sorry, I have no idea what CubeMod is.
There is a very handy function to easily resolve such issues on every forum.
It begins with an "S", and only has 6 letters. Nearly always found at the top of a thread as a hyperlink.

You must do some work in order to claim knowledge.
I'm sorry, I should have been more explicit. I should have said "I have no idea what CubeMod is beyond the three references found in my search."

Thank you for your help.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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