Do you like the Resident Evil-series?
I found it while perusing for something to do. It's a 125MB, 23 minute long videoclip of Albert Wesker detailing the storyline behind the first 3 games. He connects the pieces of the "trilogy" (I've never referred to it as a trilogy before) into 1 seamless story.

It can be downloaded here:

I'm a huge fan of the games and I never even knew this existed. It looks like some sort of anniversary thing. The only thing missing from this file is Wesker's comments on what happened during Codename Veronica. They show scenes from the game, but there are no comments from Albert. I wonder if they did this on purpose.

Anyway... it's a "must-see" for the fans of the games. It's 23 minutes of pure delight,

I never knew Ada was Wesker's agent, and I was not aware of Berkin's close relationship to Wesker. I also didn't know that Wesker was affiliated with another company than Umbrella.

Can't wait for the next game!
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Quote:...and I was not aware of Berkin's close relationship to Wesker.

Play Resident Evil 0 my friend :)
I have a PC and a Playstation2. Is there any way I can play RE 0?

Hmrf :(

Just checked RE 0 is a Gamecube-game. Bleh, it's not fair.

Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Well, crap.

I used to have this huge text file (a couple of megs, easy) that had plot synopsi (?) of all the Resident Evil games (it was made before RE 0, though), and went into some depth about the persistent plot elements.

I just deleted it in a recent cleaning fit, though. :(

I was pointed to it by someone here, though, I distinctly remember that. Mayhap we'll get lucky and have some linkage? One can hope.

I've always loved the Resident Evil franchise. It's rare that games have any sort of depth in planning, and even rarer that the threads persist and aren't outright ruined and/or ignored in sequels.

And the zombie dogs coming through the windows in RE1 scared the everlovin' crap out of me the first time I played... :ph34r:

Quote:Just checked RE 0 is a Gamecube-game. Bleh, it's not fair.

Sorry, but I'll go so far as to say I'm glad that someone has the guts to publish a console-specific game. Everything nowadays gets made for every console ("Coming soon to X-Box, Gamecube, Playstation 2, PC, and N-Gage!") and too often it shows, because every single version is crap that would have turned out better with more time spent devoted to a single console.

So yeah, RE 0 being 'Cube-only kind of sucks (because I'll never own a GC), but more power to 'em, I say.
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
'tis a pitty you'll never own GC, it's a great system. And the Resident Evil 1 remake on it is just amazing...
muffins for all!
I don't mind platform-specific games, but the Resident Evil series started out on the Playstation, and I feel it should've stayed that way.

I imagine the Nintendo-people are saying the same about Final Fantasy..
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
WarLocke,Sep 21 2003, 07:06 PM Wrote:I used to have this huge text file (a couple of megs, easy) that had plot synopsi (?) of all the Resident Evil games (it was made before RE 0, though), and went into some depth about the persistent plot elements.

I just deleted it in a recent cleaning fit, though.  :(

I was pointed to it by someone here, though, I distinctly remember that.  Mayhap we'll get lucky and have some linkage?  One can hope.

I've always loved the Resident Evil franchise.  It's rare that games have any sort of depth in planning, and even rarer that the threads persist and aren't outright ruined and/or ignored in sequels.
I may have been the one that pointed you to that synopsis. I remember reading it myself, and enjoying it a great deal. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find it again either.

Something else to note about how good the franchise is: the RE movie is the first game-to-movie adaptation that fit within the existing storyline for the game. It didn't even use any of the characters from the game, yet still felt like it belonged in the Resident Evil world.

Heck, I don't know of a movie that did anything like that for books or comics, either. Most are remakes of what existed in the other medium, sometimes with redefinitions of events and characters.

I saw the teaser trailer for RE2 (dubbed RE: Apocalypse) in the theater. It was very cool, a fake commercial, basically. I also saw the House of the Dead trailer, which looks like all it has in common with HotD is zombies, guns, and cheese. It doesn't even have a house in it, from what I saw in the trailer.

BTW, thanks Angel, for the link, I know I will enjoy this. I do hope they put Wesker in the next movie or game, he is my favorite character in the series.
Yes.. I just hope they don't turn him into another monster..

Just tried installing RE on my PC. It didn't fare too well. I got past the compatibility problems (I have XP, RE runs on '95) but everything was going so fast. The monsters and the characters were moving more than twice as fast as normal... very strange.

Speaking of Resident Evil, I uploaded a little somethin' somethin'
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Ah, the infamous Wesker's Report 1. Capcom made and released in a vain attempt to answer several questions and close certain plotholes, but it wound up creating more than it was designed to address. Head on over to GameFAQs and download T. Wilde's/President Evil's Plot Analysis file (A mighty fine read, and one I recommend anyone with an interest in the series should look at) to see why it's disliked. Edit: I believe this is the file you're looking for WarLocke? You'll be pleased to know that the author still updates it regulary, and has just in fact completed the summary of Resident Evil: Dead Aim.

There was a second report, Wesker's Report 2, that was released on Capcom of Japan's site. Five sets of ten images of Wesker talking about his time in the Arklay labs, discussing the stories of Lisa Trevor and Alexia Ashford in particular. IMHO, it's a better report than the first report, even just because of the (Frankly disturbing) artwork. You can read a translated version at Resident Evil Horror.

Still, I would like to download the first report and see it for myself. No such luck on this connection, I'm gonna have to wait until I get back to university next month.

Edit 2: Ooh, ooh, Angel... You have some of the Resident Evil sound files? Any chance that you have The Final Form of G (I believe) And the operatic piece played as the Mr. X appears to the B-game character on the train platform after it has metamorphasised into a fully-fledged Tyrant? Been looking for them forever, or at least a way of converting the PC port's sound files into a playable version, with no luck either way.
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
Quote:I believe this is the file you're looking for WarLocke?

Holy crap, it is! I don't think the copy I originally had was from GameFAQs, but this is definitely the same file, with more crunchy RE goodness. Thanks. B)

Eh. 473k? Guess I exaggerated the size a bit. Still, a lot of text can fit in a 473k file. :blink:

Oh, and linkage:
[Image: 9426697EGZMV.png]
Try I'm quite certain I've found the opera-piece and the first, second and last transformation of the G-virus.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
WarLocke,Sep 22 2003, 06:28 PM Wrote:Holy crap, it is!  I don't think the copy I originally had was from GameFAQs, but this is definitely the same file, with more crunchy RE goodness.  Thanks.  B)

Eh.  473k?  Guess I exaggerated the size a bit.  Still, a lot of text can fit in a 473k file.  :blink:

Oh, and linkage:
President Evil is an insightful gamer. I read his analysis of Silent Hill II (which defintely needs one by the way) and I was blown away. I enjoyed his guide as much as the actual game (and I loved the game.)
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[wcip Wrote:Angel,Sep 22 2003, 05:01 AM] Speaking of Resident Evil, I uploaded a little somethin' somethin'
Oh my god! Freaking LOVE this song. I played that game so many times, and EVERY time I had to sit and watch the credits just to hear this song again.

Thanks :)
WarLocke,Sep 22 2003, 06:28 PM Wrote:Oh, and linkage:
I don't believe direct-linking to files works. You can, however, link to the game FAQ page and point out to folk what file they need to get.

And President Evil is a rather insightful writer, though he never actually wrote a stitch for the Plot Analysis. That is the work of Thomas Wilde, English Major, who used much of President Evil's original Resident Evil Thesis to base the work for the analysis. Pres had to quit since he became a professional strategy guide writer for (I believe) Prima. Any strat guides by Dan Birlew are his work.

Oh, and he is deeply sorry for the FFIX guide apparently. It'll never happen again :)
When in mortal danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.

BattleTag: Schrau#2386
NiteFox,Sep 23 2003, 07:06 PM Wrote:And President Evil is a rather insightful writer, though he never actually wrote a stitch for the Plot Analysis.  That is the work of Thomas Wilde, English Major, who used much of President Evil's original Resident Evil Thesis to base the work for the analysis.  Pres had to quit since he became a professional strategy guide writer for (I believe) Prima.  Any strat guides by Dan Birlew are his work.

Oh, and he is deeply sorry for the FFIX guide apparently.  It'll never happen again :)
I may be misinterpreting your post, but Dan Birlew did write the first Plot Thesis. However, legal issues prevented him from continuing and Thomas Wilde picked it up.

His webpage, where you can always find the most updated version: Elsewhere

And direct linked to the .txt in question: RE: Plot Thesis

Edited: because my ubb/html code skills ain't what they used to be...
I spoke to a friend of mine, and his girlfriend is now en route from another city with both RE1: director's cut and RE2. I can't wait. This is going to be great!
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
3 hours, 39 minutes.. what the hell?

I thought I making great time, and still I was over 1 hour away from rocket launcher with infinite ammo. Oh well.. I did manage to save both Rebecca and Jill, and I plan to do the same with Chris and Barry when I do the Valentine-campaign... It'll be easier with Jill, as I'll be starting out with the magnum with infinite ammo!

Take *that*, you big-ass mutated snake!

Love the end theme to Resident Evil.. "Still dawn".. great piece!
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile

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