Weird bug...
Okay, my level 50 barb has come across a very strange and annoying bug. I don't know if this is known already, or if it appears with other weapons or not, so if this has been posted before I apologise.

Basically, he recently started using Todesfaelle Flamme, the unique Zweihander, when it became available after killing the ancients at level 46. Since then, from time to time the game seems to decide that I am not wearing it, and I do damage and leech appropriate to not using a weapon at all. I am, however, still using the weapon according to in-game graphics, as well as the character screen, which displays my damage as 272-632 with concentrate.

On top of this, when the bug occurs and I quit the game and head back to channel, I am not wearing a weapon.

I assume this is in some way related to weapon switch, but it often seems to be triggered without hitting "W", and when I head back in to game I am still on the correct weapon tab. I have tried this with another weapon on the second tab, as well as with the second tab empty, and it doesn't seem to make any difference.

So far I haven't noticed this with any other weapon, and it is sometimes corrected by quitting and rejoining the game (although that seems to have stopped working now).

Any ideas?
Your answer is in the AB thread that you started in the technical forum.

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