Waypoint Madness
I recently started a new paladin, and had a weird exprience with the Spider Forest waypoint. When he cleared out the Forest, including the spider cavern, he had not yet found the waypoint. I figured it was easy to miss, so I went through the whole area again, twice. He had still not yet found the waypoint, so I quit the game and came back into the same game with my higher level barbarian, who already had the waypoint.

I figured that I could go to the waypoint, see where it was in relation to town, then use that information to get the waypoint with my paladin. Turns out that the waypoint was right next to the spider cavern. I figured I had missed it with my paladin, so I came back into the game with him. He went to the spider cavern, and there was no waypoint anywhere.

I came back in with my barbarian, went to the waypoint and dropped an item on the waypoint. I came back in with my paladin, and there was no waypoint, no item. I brought the barbarian back and dropped another item in town. I also explored the spider forest more. His map was completely different than the paladin's. When the paladin came back, there was still no waypoint, but the item the barbarian dropped was in town.

This was all on USEast. Anybody have any idea what is going on here?
Well for one, the spider forest waypoint is next to the Arachnid Lair, not the Spider Cavern.
"The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then, imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
Well the waypoint will be next to the Arachnid Lair not the Spider Cavern every game. Are you sure that you were looking in the correct area with each character? You might have wanted to run the barbarian all the way back to town to get a better lay of the land in the Spider Forest.
I ran the barbarian all the way back to town, and it seemed like the map was completely different, so I really couldn't get a lay of the Forest. I'm not sure if the paladin was near the arachnid lair or the spider cavern, I just saw a hole in the ground and assumed it was the right one.

Thanks for the information.
...Waypoints really piss me off. I hate having to spend 30 minutes running around through that damn forest. I actually hate having to move out of an area I took the WP to. I hate the underground passage. If I get the scroll of Inifus and go to Tristram forgetting to get the WP for the dark wood, I punch my monitor and kick my box. All of that just reminds me of everything I hate and D2, and most of my characters stop there.

I love it when people play Diablo 1 and complain about how they can't run while I rejoice! I garuntee I can walk down to level 16 faster than they can run through the acts. Yea, you run along with your "baba" or BoS "assa" - as for me, I'll teleport.

On a related note, what would I need to change to make various WP default - just like the one in town?

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!

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