Question on Paly Aura and Item Abilities.
The rune word weapon BEAST gives a level 9 fanatacism aura. I'm wondering if this stacks in any way with a paladins innate fanatacism ability.

For example, say you're using might normally, but the weapon gives you a level 9 fanatacism aura. will you be projecting a level 20 fan. aura or just a level 9 one along with the might aura? Will your skill points factor in with the weapon?
It gives you a level 9 fanat no matter what your skill level is. You would also have the might aura active.
What if you're using fanat with it on?
Bloodstar6078 @ USWest
I believe the one with the highest skill level will win out.
If both auras are the same, then each aura will be active for some time (not sure if 3 or 4 seconds), and then continuosly replaced by the another.
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

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