Quote:When I say I don't even trade within my own characters, you seem to conclude that this is because I have nothing of value to trade.

no, what i meant was your argument about "95% is junk", which with (even just self) trading can be reduced to a smaller amount.

*will read the rest of your post(s) tomorrow*

do you have to write that much? :lol:

Quote:and assuming my online name has any relation to my way of thinking didn't help either.

i'm sorry, the [sarcasm] tag seemed to be bugged at that moment, mr muppet. :P

Quote:most of the changes are for multiplayer, however bliz themselves say SP and D2Classic will have some significant changes as well.

really? i'd love to see some quotes of that.

d2classic :lol: wasn't the closing of the chaos santuary enough proof that they don't give a squat about it?
adamantine,Oct 23 2003, 04:14 PM Wrote:
Nechtán Wrote:» Adamantine : it is considered twelve-year-oldish to post a link to your own mod...

oh sorry, where did i do that? right, you didn't even check the link, since it's so twelve-year-oldish. my mod is by no means finished, and i'm not trying to copy d1(if it wasn't apparent by my posts, sorry), and i don't even have a forum up for it.
Sorry. ;) I actually tried the mod you mentioned last month, didn't like it at all (he didn't even test it properly). So I thought, the only people who put up links to crappy mods would be the mod makers themselves.

But if it is not your mod, I apologize. :) (says to himself » Way to make a first post, Nechtán...)
>most of the changes are for multiplayer, however bliz themselves say SP and D2Classic will have some significant changes as well.

>really? i'd love to see some quotes of that.

Re: D2 classic and possible 1.1 changes.

"Are all of the changes in the patch expansion only?

Bill Roper: At the very least, monster balance and skill synergies will be applicable to both Diablo II and Lord of Destruction. Some of the other changes may apply as well, but I would have to look again."

Now obviously certain things have changed recently, so take that with a grain of salt. Bill Roper is no longer with Bliz, and even though it's safe to guess changes will trickle down to D2Classic. Nothing is guaranteed until 1.1 goes live for real. I don't like to assume things. ;)

As for SP. It wouldn't make much sense if after this beta, the 1.1 changes will only take effect for multiplayer, and 1.1 SP will pretty much play identically to 1.09. Unless there's a drastic last minute change, last I heard most of the 1.1 changes includes SP, TCP\IP, and Open. Not just the new Ladder Realm. At least that's what I remembered the unfalliable GFrazier once said. Keep in mind he once said the Burizado is exempted from the upgrade recipe. (Granted he did correct himself later.)

ps. That's Mr. Muppet Smith.
Please read the rules and ettiquette links on this forum, and please write like something other than a Wanker. You might want to check out Nicodemus Phalcon's old link to the "How to write like a wanker" send up in order to get a sense of what is wrong.

Hammerskjold, with his funny little biographical sketch, is having you on. :D He is using hyperbole, an old device in humor, by taking your myopic posts in this thread and having some over the top, tongue in cheek, fun with them. Since you went out on a limb and made a number of what appeared to be unwarranted assumptions about him, he chose to make humor out of it rather than flame you for it. Pretty nice guy, as I see it. :D Funny too.

Not sure why you wanted to start a food fight with Hammerskjold, but since I have on occasion done something similar with others, let me end with this:

You reap what you sow.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Hammerskjold Wrote:It wouldn't make much sense if after this beta, the 1.1 changes will only take effect for multiplayer, and 1.1 SP will pretty much play identically to 1.09.
no, but what i meant is the changes are tailored for multi-play:

* huge life regen. this is to make sure that a monster which would take 8 players 1 minute to kill won't be killable by 1 player, because when that player has damaged the monster 10% in 1 minute, it has also regenerated 10%.

* general hell difficulty. as it is since most people play 1.10(s) in single, they find that only a few builds(without uber items) can survive hell. which in multi-player isn't true: you just need to play/trade with some other people and everything's fine.

* high amount of immune monsters = high chance that you won't be able to kill a large portion of the hell monsters with a single build.

i could mention more, but that's enough for me.

Nechtán Wrote:Sorry. I actually tried the mod you mentioned last month, didn't like it at all (he didn't even test it properly).

well, the same for me, but i can still see that others might like it. i haven't *loved* any mod i've tried so far, uninstalled all of them after act 2 normal or earlier.

i still liked his more than any other, for the single reason he didn't add any horrid creatures(ie ripped from bad looking games) to it.

re: grammar queen: i was wondering when you were gonna explode on that. for being swedish i find i type better english than most natural Capital english speakers. if that's what you want to call wankish, then so be it.

i'm more graphical than typographic: not a poet in any way. i have never ever heard of hyperbole, sorry.

i also found btw that all (who you addressed) did was missunderstand me, and what others were saying(or ignored most parts of it).

edit > it seems editing posts with named quotes breaks them completely?
Your unwillingness to meet Jarulf's and Leshy's standards, among dozens of others from varied nations, is noted. What a pity that you choose to be sloppy, since your English is in general quite good. Wank away.

*tips cap to your multilingual skills*

I can better understand why you did not "get" the humor in his post about Jackson Washington Smith.

As to your calling Hammerskjold ignorant, that's for you two to sort out, and it seems that you both continue your dialogue. Far be it from me to pee in your Cheerios any more than that.

EDIT: added after thinking a bit longer. :blink:

1. Hyperbole is a form of humor that uses overstatement, or taking things to ridiculous extremes.

Quote:i also found btw that all (who you addressed) did was missunderstand me, and what others were saying(or ignored most parts of it).

Then you might want to look a bit harder at why you were allegedly misunderstood. It probably started with the issue of discussing Realms and SP in the same context, which is one of the fundamental problems of the game's balance in the first place.

3. As to the tags:

Quote: edit > it seems editing posts with named quotes breaks them completely?

I too have run into that. What you may want to do before you hit "post" is try to be sure that what you cut still have nested tags.

What I do is use the manual method. From the quote being used, select the text within the quote via copy and paste, and then hit the "quote" button or the "I" or "B" or "U" buttons. That way, I don't let the forum software think for me, I know exactly which quotes I am re quoting.

That too will help avoid confusion.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:I can better understand why you did not "get" the humor in his post about Jackson Washington Smith.

Nor did I :( Hey, I'm peruvian :) Can somebody help me on that?
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Quote:Hey, I'm peruvian  Can somebody help me on that?

I really can't help you from being Peruvian. I don't think many things in this world can change where you come from:)

But i'm from New Zealand and I also don't have a clue on most things in this thread :P
"The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it cleaves the air, and then, imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy blow!"
Re: " Hello all!

My online name is Hammerskjold.


... eh, I could have told them all of that... if only my palms had been crossed with silver first :P
I look forward to the heavy defeat of the Tongans tonight!

Greetings Draconis.
>... eh, I could have told them all of that... if only my palms had been crossed with silver first

Heya Whybish. Oops, make that The Great Whybish.

I'll make it a cool gold Spanish Doubloon piece, if you can tell me what my lucky numbers are for this week's Superball Lotto. And, what color and type of underwear am I currently wearing. (Boxer, briefs, thongs, etc.)
Draconis,Oct 23 2003, 10:42 PM Wrote:I really can't help you from being Peruvian. I don't think many things in this world can change where you come from:)

But i'm from New Zealand and I also don't have a clue on most things in this thread :P
Hey, Draconis, I started this thread and *I* have no clue what's going on.

And I'm not from New Zealand, nor do I have on any underwear. It doesn't help.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Quote:and *I* also don't have a clue on most things in this thread  :P

Well, so far this thread has 1584 hits. And I know that at the very least 2 people here understand eveything what has been written :P Although some of us are missing the fun :(
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
sure about that? did it become that long with 2 people's mutual understanding ?
What Hammerskjold did was take a comment from adamantine, where certain assumptions were made about Hammerskjold's background and personal character, and reply completely tongue in cheek with an over the top, silly, illustration of how he is the man who first modeled the GI Joe doll, who married Betty Crocker (a famous American cookbook author) and how he and his son "hunt Bambi" which is a bit of sarcastic American anti environmentalist whacko sick humor. To whit: I like to hunt deer. Environmentalist whacko: How could you kill Bambi Hunter: He tastes good when sauteed in butter, why do you ask? The reference to the Muppets is more of the same, however, some folks refer to their children as Muppets (I don't) in an endearing way.

The references were made to particular American "cultural" (or commercial) icons, so it would not surprise me if a non American might not see the humor the same way an American would.

What Hammerskjold was doing was lampooning adamantines assumptions about who and what he is.

Speaking of Peru, is life better for most folks now that President Fujimori is gone? Or is it a case of

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Quote:(Boxer, briefs, thongs, etc.)

Did not need that before coffee settled in, thanks for nothing. :D
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Thanks for the explanation :) That was what I understood but wasn't sure if that was funny por United States people (hey, I'm american too, the way greeks are european too :P ).

Quote:Speaking of Peru, is life better for most folks now that President Fujimori is gone? Or is it a case of

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."

Third World dictators and thieves, like Fujimori, exist because there is a large number of corrupted people at high and low level positions within the government and 'Justice' system. They allow such 'presidents' because they can take advantage undisturbed. Those 'presidents' can be removed, but the people behind them are a whole different story. It is a 'cultural' matter, or in other words, a lack of culture issue.
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Hammerskjold,Oct 24 2003, 04:19 PM Wrote:And, what color and type of underwear am I currently wearing.  (Boxer, briefs, thongs, etc.)
*Furrows brow*
*Rubs temples*
... the horror, oh the horror
Wait, come back spirits...

Eh, I don't think I should've asked them to find that out :P
whyBish,Oct 22 2003, 03:57 AM Wrote:Every dog and his merc will have a crescent moon... who needs dupes.
I think I missed what the problem with Crescent Moon is... anyone care to point it out? :lol:

Edit: Umm... nevermind. I was thinking you were all talking about the amulet Crescent Moon, not the runeword. :blink:

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