Heya MongoJerry.

>People keep complaining about all of the bugs in 1.10s, but for me the only things I would like resolved are:

>2. Make 'Delirium' not so powerful or make it made of rarer runes.

I respectfully disagree here for a few reasons. First, the game does not make using specific weapons \ gears mandatory, for the exception of certain quest items\triggers like Khalim's flail. If someone thinks something is too powerful, then don't use it. I agree there might be a problem if a Windforce or a Grandfather is always \ nearly always dropped by Rakanishu, in normal mode. But from my scant playing experience, the runes needed for a Delirium helm isn't exactly dropping that frequently.

Speaking of frequency, I never liked the idea and practice of "balance by rarity". To paraphrase a bliz comment, I'm really not excited by a game that has "95% of the items players find are crap to make the 5% of the items they'll never find that much better by comparison."

I really liked they way they handled rarity vs power in D1. The most hard to find items are not always the most powerful. But usable items are not that hard to find. To me that opens up more choices for the players.

ps. Is it just me, or does Isenhart's case still drops by far too often like a bad house guest?
Quote:If someone thinks something is too powerful, then don't use it.

sure, the sound from someone that wants everything easy.

if there was a skill/item which killed monsters in 1 hit *cough* CE *cough*, then don't you think nearly everyone would use it? do you want to imagine what that would lead to? exactly the opposite of what blizzard is trying to do.

they want to remove everyone from playing just a few different builds with the same items and nothing else, i have no idea what went through their head with CE or the silly overpowered aura/curse runewords though.
>sure, the sound from someone that wants everything easy.

Maybe you should read the lines further down.

>if there was a skill/item which killed monsters in 1 hit *cough* CE *cough*, then don't you think nearly everyone would use it? do you want to imagine what that would lead to? exactly the opposite of what blizzard is trying to do.

I don't care what others use or don't use. It's their choice. Others increasing \ decreasing their challenge does not affect me personally.

>they want to remove everyone from playing just a few different builds with the same items and nothing else,

So what if someone wants to play a certain way? As long as it doesn't intrude on others negatively, why should you care how they put their points or what items they use or don't use?

ps. No, I'm not advocating "everything easy" or "everything hard". What I am advocating, is choice. If you or anyone else choose to read that as omg-buff\nerf this itamz-skillz-or else u suxxors blizzard! Well that's your decision.
Hammerskjold,Oct 22 2003, 03:55 PM Wrote:I don't care what others use or don't use. It's their choice. Others increasing \ decreasing their challenge does not affect me personally.
you mean you don't play online(or if such, only in passworded games) or don't trade at all?

Quote:What I am advocating, is choice.

why do i get the feeling that you're an all american which wants everyone the "choice" to have a gun in their home? your name tells me otherwise though.

why do you say this though, farther up?

Quote:I agree there might be a problem if a Windforce or a Grandfather is always \ nearly always dropped by Rakanishu, in normal mode.

isn't it the "persons choice" to farm/kill that monster then to get those great uniques? nobody's forcing you.

Quote:, I'm really not excited by a game that has "95% of the items players find are crap to make the 5% of the items they'll never find that much better by comparison."

but here's where that trading part comes in. yes, only 5% of what you get might be good for you, but to other people that percentage increases to 25% or more.

and that's where overpowered items/skills come in "which you don't care about": if everyone only wants 10 elite uniques and nothing else, then they won't bother trading for any of your 95%, and if everyone plays (CE) necros, then all items that give +to other classes but necros will be valued less.
The market values the items itself... This is why you'll pay more (generally via trade) for an item that is currently popular for cookie cutter builds than for less played builds.

I remember trading far weaker items for barbs/sorcs for incredible necro/pally stuff. If you've had to take economics at all, you should remember that an increase in demand (ie popular class) will increase the price of the item.

Anyways, i've always found that playing strong but not cookie cutter builds is cheaper and just as effective as playing the conventional powerhouses. Then you can trade all the good stuff for those of the 'herd' and accumulate good swag to build whatever kind of character you want.

Most people STILL won't pay necros though, so no worries.

Geez people. Just play the game and have fun.

I personally object to the EQ-esque "camp sets of monsters for the ultimate uber l3wtz" that you absolutely must have to go anywhere near the "endgame" areas. Skill needs to play a part. Depending on "uber l3wtz" should never make or break the way a game is played. Diablo 1 got this right. All you needed was decent to-hit and good blocking for a melee character or decent magic rating for a magic user. No supreme equipment combo that you had to camp 24 hours a day to attempt to get to even stand a chance in hell\hell.

That's another thing I have noticed with quite a few of the character guides hosted "elsewhere" on the internet... they all advocate getting the best equipment with racing to level 99 and exclusive Magic Find characters included in the prerequisites. While I am sure that is interesting after a while, but what does it say about the game\character build when I have to find rare items just to stand a chance?

>you mean you don't play online(or if such, only in passworded games) or don't trade at all?

Yes. While I do have some realm characters, I only keep them around strictly for social occasions. Otherwise the majority of time I spent in D2 is on SP. Some of the points you raised I could agree with, IF D2 was a MMORPG that has a shared, persistent world. By the way, I rarely even trade between my OWN characters. (Though I have no problems if others do it.) So much for me wanting everything handed on a silver platter of godly ease huh?

>why do i get the feeling that you're an all american which wants everyone the "choice" to have a gun in their home? your name tells me otherwise though.

I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. You can tell what my country of residence is, along with my political opinions regarding guns simply from glancing at my online name? Quick, what color of shirt am I wearing?

>why do you say this though, farther up?

>I agree there might be a problem if a Windforce or a Grandfather is always \ nearly always dropped by Rakanishu, in normal mode.

Read that closely. Especially the "Normal mode" part. Now, read the "always \ nearly always" part as well. If it's any clue, I'd also raise some serious questions if EVERY monster in ANY difficulty always drops 1 single Eld rune as their ONLY reward.

>isn't it the "persons choice" to farm/kill that monster then to get those great uniques? nobody's forcing you.

Once you understand the above line, hopefully you'll understand that I have no problem with someone spending their own time as they see fit. Short of cheating or being a jerk to others obviously. I don't care if they spent 6 months or 6 minutes doing Meph runs or bare fisted boxing with quill rats. If it doesn't affect others in a negative way, go have a ball.

, I'm really not excited by a game that has "95% of the items players find are crap to make the 5% of the items they'll never find that much better by comparison."

>but here's where that trading part comes in. yes, only 5% of what you get might be good for you, but to other people that percentage increases to 25% or more.

You know what I didn't include in that created this confusion? The context. The comment wasn't in regard to trading with other people. It was in regard to just the item design alone, and rarity in terms of affix qualities.

To use a D1 example, a "Staff of Shadows" is one of the most rare item in the game. However it's not exactly the most powerful. The most tangible value it has IS it's rarity, more so than the mods it has.

>and if everyone plays (CE) necros, then all items that give +to other classes but necros will be valued less.

The minute I log on to and see -everyone- as a CE Necromancer, I'll buy -everyone- a round of drinks. Just name it, I got my choice of filtered or unfiltered tap water. Again, why should I care if everyone chooses to play a CE necro? I don't trade. I only use what I found or bought myself. More importantly, if I don't feel like playing a necromancer at that time, 100 or a 10000 others playing one won't persuade me to change my mind. And I'll be the only Paladin when I log onto Hmmm...I'd kind of want to see that now actually.

Attention everyone: Go play a CE Necro when 1.1 comes out please. ;)
But what if one wants to duel? You don't really have a choice in using the uber items if everyone else is using them, and they are so unbalanced and overpowered that you get 1 hit killed by a punch no matter how well you build you char.

About synergies: I don't like the sacrifice getting boosted by fanat, but I do like the spirit/spear synergies. I think that synergies should be given to skills that are similar, but have different situational uses. For instance: Teeth should (and does, but it is a little too far how it is...) do the least damage, since it is more spread out, so it is best against open areas. Spear should do average damage, since it is against enemies lined up, especially in closed areas. Spirit should do the most, since it can hit only one enemy, so it is best against bosses.
Heya Obi1.10Kenobi.

>But what if one wants to duel?

Well, it's kind of hard for me to duel others when I'm in SP mode. ;)

>You don't really have a choice in using the uber items if everyone else is using them, and they are so unbalanced and overpowered that you get 1 hit killed by a punch no matter how well you build you char.

I'm not a duelist, and the only "matches" (if you can even call them that ) I've ever been in are informal ones. Strictly just for laughs type of tournaments. I do read some pvp guides from time to time just out of curiousity.

I'm from the camp of belief however, if a player chooses to go on the serious dueling\pvp circuit, they should know what they're getting into. I don't necessarily mean the specific equipment. But more on the agreed rules of that environment. Things like what are "acceptable" equipment choices and limitations (in my eyes) would be part of that. Forewarned is fore-armed as they say.

But since I'm mostly a pvm player, what others decide to do in a pvp match don't affect me.
Hahaha, Hammerskjold, I see where your comming from, but don't you think thats a little one-sided on your part? Sure, you mostly play Single-Player, thus "uber" items are indeed a persons choice, however there are also a good amount of players who enjoy the realms and since this is the case, a little balance is expected, wouldn't you agree? I hardly think it's unfair for other players to ask for, or even demand balance in D2 when they've waited over 2 years for the patch that was promised long ago. If they're like me, they probbably think this will be one of the last patches for a LONG TIME before any more or released and they want it to be right and balanced. Besides, if you've waited this long, you can wait a little longer :P .
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
Quote:But from my scant playing experience, the runes needed for a Delirium helm isn't exactly dropping that frequently.

Everyone else has talked about the rest, so I'll just comment on this point. No, in fact, the runes to make Delirium are quite common. My character, Gunter, came *this* close to making a fully untwinked 'Delirium' crown in just one pass through the game. The rarest rune in the word is an Ist which can be dropped by the Hell Countess (rare) and the Hell hellforge (more common). Even if one doesn't make some hell hellforge rush runners, enough people on bnet will, and it should be relatively easy to trade equipment or runes that you don't want for the Ist that you do want. (For example, Gunter could have traded his Gul rune that he didn't need to someone wanting to cube up to rarer runes for the more common Ist).

I notice that the Arreat Summit has made a change to the info on the 'Delirium' runeword, though, in that it adds the word "(stun)" next to the Delirium effect. Does this mean that in the final 1.10 release that instead of turning into a stygian doll, you'll get stunned for a significant period of time? That would be a significant drawback, although you could still put your 'Delirium' item on your mercenary.
Heya MEAT.

>I see where your comming from, but don't you think thats a little one-sided on your part? Sure, you mostly play Single-Player, thus "uber" items are indeed a persons choice,

I guess I should try to make that more clear. The significance of a players' decision to use or not use those super itamz to me, is directly related to the availability of that item. I could say, "Pfft, if I found a WFarce, I won't use it, hell I might even sell it to Charsi just for laughs." But in the context of SP at least, it's borderline meaningless. WForce might as well not exist in SP due to it's relative rarity. On the polar opposite, if the -only- thing vendors sell \ monsters drops ARE WForces, it becomes equally meaningless. The only decision left is to go bare handed, use the WForces (Kind of hard unless you're an Amazon with the Magic Arrow skill, considering for this situation you will never find arrows.) or write to Bliz about a new technical bug.

>however there are also a good amount of players who enjoy the realms and since this is the case, a little balance is expected, wouldn't you agree?

I totally agree. What I never liked, was basing one type of balance appropriate for multi, and haphazardly applying it for solo. Or vice versa. A global solution for a local problem just seem to create more problems.

>I hardly think it's unfair for other players to ask for, or even demand balance in D2 when they've waited over 2 years for the patch that was promised long ago. If they're like me, they probbably think this will be one of the last patches for a LONG TIME before any more or released and they want it to be right and balanced.

Hey I agree with you on this one too believe it or not. If it means another delay of 6 months to get everything right, I can wait. I'm a fairly patient guy, at least I like to think so.

ps. MongoJerry mentioned that from Gunter's experience, it's very likely to have the necessary runes for a character that runs through Hell mode at least once. To me, that's a good thing in regards to the validity of a player's choice. Not because it means just because a player could have it, they -will- use it. But because it is a realistically attainable item, the decision to use or not use it becomes more significant. But hey that's just my opinion.
Hammerskjold,Oct 23 2003, 12:39 PM Wrote:Quick, what color of shirt am I wearing?
*Places hands on temples*
*Deep frown*
*Furrows brow*
The great whyBish needs palm crossed with silver first :P
whyBish @ Oct 22 2003, 09:18 AM Wrote:???

There is more to Crescent Moon than just static. With dragon talon /double swing/zeal/fury you can get of plenty of fast C/L, and cruel ITD etc. on top.

I think I make a mistake by not using bolds. Yes, I know Crescent Moon is kind of uber. But I was talking about how deadly monsters are now. Range and fast melee monsters attack and/or surround melee characters dropping the red ball pretty fast.

I can't drop their AR, but least Decrepify slows them enough to receive hits/time at 1.09 fashion, while enhancing my own damage to challenge their higher hit points.
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Quote:By the way, I rarely even trade between my OWN characters. (Though I have no problems if others do it.). So much for me wanting everything handed on a silver platter of godly ease huh?

all i can call you then is ignorant. then it's more like 99.9% what you get is junk to you, wow, you're mindset is great!!!!

majority of the changes are for multi-player only, so you shouldn't be complaining, you should visit phrozen keep and try the tons of mods(for 1.09 too, since 1.10 doesn't seem to effect you much) that exist, many of which do nearly what you want, like median(which mirrors a lot of thing from d1, and has 16 passive skills for each player, for things like mana per kill, fire resist, gold find).

Quote:Quick, what color of shirt am I wearing?

hmm, something boring, ordinary colours, with no style, since your name is boring(aka your last name)[/stereotypical]
>By the way, I rarely even trade between my OWN characters. (Though I have no problems if others do it.). So much for me wanting everything handed on a silver platter of godly ease huh?

>all i can call you then is ignorant. then it's more like 99.9% what you get is junk to you, wow, you're mindset is great!!!!

If that was true, can you explain why I have the runes necessary for a "Crescent Moon" on one of my characters, knowing full well it will most likely rock the Casbah if I transfer it over to one of my other characters with an Act 2 merc. Yet I chose NOT to trade it?! You're absolutely right, "Crescent Moon" is a crappy item to me. I will hold out until I get a real weapon like "Eternity", or "Breath of the Dying". And NOT transfer that one either.

>for 1.09 too, since 1.10 doesn't seem to effect you much)

Not only are you an excellent mind reader, you seem to be able to read the contents of my hard drive. Must be some magical bliz elf who downloaded the 1.1s patch to my computer while I was asleep then. All I can tell you, is you have a promising career in show business, I recommend you follow the footsteps of the amazing Roy Horn. Or perhaps the Cirque de Soleil. Your ability to leap into conclusions, delusions, and still continue talking with your mouth full of foot puts those acrobats and David Blaine to shame.

>with no style, since your name is boring(aka your last name)[/stereotypical]

You're right, I haven't properly introduce myself. How rude of me. Let's correct that right now.

Hello all!

My online name is Hammerskjold. Don't let that foreign sounding name throw you off though, I'm a red blooded All American guy through and through. If I was anymore American I'd be an Indian. Hahaha, I'm just kidding, those reds are A-OK by me. Honest injuns!

My real name is Jackson W. Smith. The "W" stands for Washington. But folks round here can just call me Jack. Here is an old photo of me. (I'm the guy on the right. The guy on the left is mini-me. I'm just foolin, the guy on the left is the result of my college part time job. I was in the ROTC as well as some amateur modeling circuit. One day a modelling company called Hasbro called me up, and the rest is as they say, my 15 minutes.)

I have some bad news for the ladies of the LurkerLounge. I'm happily married. I made an honest woman out of my high school sweetheart, Betty Jane Crocker. And we got the rings and the kids, and the 12 year mortgage to prove it. Here is a pic of my better half. (It's her college grad photo, bottom row on the right hand corner. I told her no woman of mine needs some fancy schoolin while I'm bringing the bacon, but I decide to make the little lady happy. Besides with her out of the house, I got more time with my other hobbies now. More on that later.)

Betty managed to pop out 2 young strapping lads, Jefferson Lincoln Smith (Jeff for short.) and Wilson Woodrow Smith. (We just call him Wil around the dinner table. As in "Will you please put down that football and eat your meatloaf!") Here is a rare picture of them sitting still.

So enough with the ole ball and chain and the 2 hungry mouths I gotta feed everyday. What do I do and what are my hobbies? I am an independent contractor \ project manager working with the armed forces right now, involved in establishing key infrastructures like "McDonalds" and "Pizza Hut" in places such as Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, and Kerplakistan. That's all I'm at liberty to say right now, since I signed a NDA. It's a hard job, but it's worth every second of it when I see some poor Kerplakistanian kids smiling, after having their very first Big Mac.

My hobbies, well playing "Diablo" for one. This amazing thing about this game is there is no single correct way to play it. It's as flexible as it is fun. About the only thing that can rival it are the amazing people that plays this game. Every player of this game I've seen so far are not only the most open minded folks, but their reading comprehension skills are through the roof! I mean it as a compliment when I say, these people are truly hooked on phonics.

When I'm not chasing Diablo and Ball to build up my massive hoard of virtual treasures, I indulge in my other passion. Reading. "Guns and Ammo" has some great articles, and really good pictures. After I'm done reading many magazines about guns, I like to load some magazines for my many guns. Me and the boys bagged this beatiful trophy just last spring with my AR-17 custom fitted with a night scope.

Me and Jeff got good some good shots in the left, but Will unfortunately just ruined the meat on the right by going full auto. Most rabbits just don't have that much body mass to take 3 full clips of 5.56 calibre. Guess it's back to the shooting range to brush up on your Marksmanship 101, Will. Though I gotta admit Will is showing great promise on the technicalities of turning a semi-auto weapon into a fully automatic one.

Well that's about it. My favorite colors are the Red White and Blue. My favorite Stooge is Curly. And my favorite ethnic food is this newfangled thing called "Arby's". Otherwise it's good old fashioned meat loaf and potatoes, steak, and mom's apple pie. Oh I also love golden retriever puppies. They taste just like veal when you pour some steak sauce on it.

Nice to meet your acquintance Loungers.

Sincerely, J. W. Smith.
» Hammerskjold : :lol:
» Adamantine : it is considered twelve-year-oldish to post a link to your own mod on a forum that has nothing to do with mods.

<sarcasm>One helm that is more powerful than any other helm for 80% of the characters in the game. If anything will kill 1.10, that thing would be it. Just compare the 1.10 uberness of one helm to the nearly infinite diversity commonly seen in 1.09 builds. The apocalypse is upon us! </sarcasm>

All they did was replace the previous uber builds with new uber builds :

Weapon : BotD or Windforce, CtA on weapon switch
Shield : Stormshield
Armor : Stone, Enigma or Shaftstop
Belt : String of Ears
Amulet : Atma's Scarab
Rings : doesn't matter
Gloves : Laying of Hands
Helm : Delirium
Boots : War Travelers

The problem is not just Delirium, it is Blizzard's mentality. Nerf Delirium if you want, but you will have to nerf the 20 other super-uber-itamz too, and the 150 other almost-super-uber-itamz. Nerf everything! Even the damned Darkglow is better than a rare armor. Any rare armor. Nerf Darkglow!

Nerf Magefist!
Nerf Spirit Shroud!
Nerf Snowclash!
Nerf Frostburn!
Nerf Crow Caw!
(yes, if Stone and Enigma and Shaftstop and Skullder's Ire and Arkaine's Valor and Tyrael's Might did not exist, people would still rather use Crow Caw than a rare armor. Any rare armor)

The bottom line : not Delirium is too powerful, but everything is too powerful. Bashing Delirium as if it were the spawn of Satan is a bit nearsighted IMO ; if Blizzard listened and delired Deletium in 1.10 final, there would be "some green Halloween mask" to take its place, and if they were to delete that one as well, "the purple Halloween mask", and if they deleted that one, the "green potato bag", and if they deleted that one, Andariel's Visage.

And in all honesty I must say I would rather wear a Delirium helm of my choosing than any of the awful unique ones. Rares would be even nicer, of course, but we all know what Blizzard thinks of rares.
Hammerskjold: i'm not sure if you're joking, or if you're taking what i'm saying far far too seriously.

Quote:>for 1.09 too, since 1.10 doesn't seem to effect you much)

Not only are you an excellent mind reader, you seem to be able to read the contents of my hard drive.

1.10 = changes geared towards multiplayer = not something i guessed you like very much.

Nechtán Wrote:» Adamantine : it is considered twelve-year-oldish to post a link to your own mod...

oh sorry, where did i do that? right, you didn't even check the link, since it's so twelve-year-oldish. my mod is by no means finished, and i'm not trying to copy d1(if it wasn't apparent by my posts, sorry), and i don't even have a forum up for it.

Quote:...on a forum that has nothing to do with mods.

if there are mods which does what a person wants the game to, and that person doesn't play multi-player(and thus, 1.10 doesn't effect them much, and playing a modded game doesn't effect his normal playing experience), isn't that related to the thread, if not the forum?

i'm sorry if i brought it up: this is a thread about whining of blizzard's mistakes: which maybe mods have fixed near 100%. i still shouldn't mention any though, we should continue whining about mistakes which blizzard will never fix.

if you don't want me to link to PK because if that site is counted as "hacking" or something like that, then...although disturbed, i can understand.

i never heard of that place ever untill some 6 months ago, and i think it's a shame not more have discovered it(and mods, like median, which is a masterpiece). just think of them as free expansion packs.

Quote:Bashing Delirium as if it were the spawn of Satan is a bit nearsighted IMO

ok, correct me if i'm wrong, but one of the curses on that monstrosity make the monsters do absolutely...nothing. considering all the extra damage (especially ranged) monsters do and the ramped up AI speed, this is overpowered since it disables it all, even with that only affix.
>Hammerskjold: i'm not sure if you're joking, or if you're taking what i'm saying far far too seriously.

Well I'm the father of 2 muppets, do you think I'm joking? On a more serious note, let's review what started this. I replied to MongoJerry's opinion with my own. Then out of nowhere you seem to claim I'm all about the ph4t lewt and killing every monster with 1 hit ch-easy-ness. I tried to clarify that to me it was a matter of a player's choice. I try to state again my point was just because someone -can- wear or obtain an item or use a skill, that doesn't automatically mean they always will.

When I say I don't even trade within my own characters, you seem to conclude that this is because I have nothing of value to trade. Or that I somehow think unless it's a super duper itamz, it's somehow beneath me. Oh yeah, the "ignorant" remark and assuming my online name has any relation to my way of thinking didn't help either.

(What really riled me was instead of asking me what kind of style I like playing, you just go ahead and assume away. For your information, I'm a big fan of the old D1 style of playing "purist". That is to use only what the character finds or bought by themselves. My D2 Paladin just recently found an "Iron Jangbong" that would fit perfectly on my younger Sorcie. But since I chose to adhere to my own self imposed rule, that staff didn't go anywhere except to the nearest vendor. I suppose if I was on TCP\IP at the time I could give it away. This doesn't make me some sort of saint, or a devil. It's just an arbitrary self restriction on a video game.)

So being the hot headed "American" that I am, I am naturally put on the defensive. How would you react if someone doesn't bother to carefully read what you are saying, and instead go on the attack based solely on their own assumptions? It took you a few post until you finally -asked- me if I even play much on the realms.

>1.10 = changes geared towards multiplayer = not something i guessed you like very much.

As I said before, although I play mostly on SP, that does NOT mean I am ONLY about the SP. I have a few Realms characters, and chances are I probably would have some Ladder Realm characters when 1.1 comes out for real. (Mostly for kicks, or whenever I feel like hanging out with some friends. Last I looked there was no requirement to be on Realms other than the game, a net connection and a valid CD key.) Yes most of the changes are for multiplayer, however bliz themselves say SP and D2Classic will have some significant changes as well. But all this is really besides the point. I'd appreciate it if instead of assuming what I do or don't like, you just ask me.

I really think we got off on the wrong start, and I have neither the interest or the time to continue going around in circles calling each other names. If you feel that I'm the embodiment of everything you despise, real or imagined, then we can both just ignore each other in peace.

If however you are interested in having a real discussion, with both of us carefully listening to each other's opinions, and not fall back on our assumptions when we are unsure. I'm game. Life is too short for petty disagreement over semantics and a video game. Even if that game is Diablo. So I'll leave the ball in your court. You're free to ignore me, or accept my hand in a gesture of peace.
I'll shake hands with you two ;)

Hammerskjold, I can understand your position, and I guess you can understand multiplayer guys too. Most people just don't enjoy watching someone killing in no time at no risk because an item unbalanced the game.

I play both single and lan/realms and I know that as single I can choose what items will be in the game. As multiplayer, I can not; other players bring what they want.

Your choice of ignoring some items to keep up the challenge and fun, isn't available to realm players.
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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