Does this mean the patch is coming to the rest of us??

Edit: "wow" *not* as in "World of Warcraft" -- sorry for any confusion, I only play one game.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Another 1.10 question: has the Arreat Summit always been hosting the new 1.10 item stats, or did that just happen? I'm a bit out of the loop. :)
USEAST: Werewolf (94), Werebear (87), Hunter (85), Artimentalist (78), Meleementalist (76, ret.)
USEAST HCL: Huntermentalist (72), Werewolf (27)
Single Player HC: Werewolf (61, deceased), Werewolf (24)
Sweet only 2 years late! :P :P :P :P :P :P
Quote: Another 1.10 question: has the Arreat Summit always been hosting the new 1.10 item stats, or did that just happen? I'm a bit out of the loop. :)

They started hosting the new item stuff when they released the beta, except for the brief period where they updated it possibly accidentaly.

I hope closing the beta means that the patch is coming to the realms soon. On second thought, make that Real Soon ®. :blink:
Sir_Die_alot,Oct 20 2003, 05:47 PM Wrote:Sweet only 2 years late! :P :P :P :P :P :P
Correction not 2 years. LoD came out 1 and a half years ago.
"if the bible has taught us anything,and it hasn't, is that boys should stick to boy sports and girls shoud stick to girl sports like hot oil wrestling."-homer simpson
Me-"OH MY GOD,OH MY GOD!!!! 1.10 WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WHAT!!!!!....I know what. Fix my computer."
The two best internet comics in the web, penny-arcade and El Goonish Shive. For you.. Also for you.
Leah_heartsword,Oct 20 2003, 02:55 PM Wrote:Correction not 2 years. LoD came out 1 and a half years ago.
Odd I thought its release date was in June of 2001... Time flies when you are having fun I suppose. :lol:
I thought they would have released at least one more, considering the number of outstanding issues in 1.10s
It DID come out 2.5 years ago... Almost that long anyway - the release date I got from some of the shopping sites say:

Diablo 2 Expansion: Lord of Destruction
Release date:25 June, 2001

And 1.09 came out right about this time of that year, right? So this patch already ran for more then all others put together. In light of that, REAL SOON probably means sometime during Christmas =\

Perhaps we will see another patch beta, at least we really, really should, judging by, as whyBish pointed out, the sheer amount of bugs in the current one.
Quote:Perhaps we will see another patch beta, at least we really, really should, judging by, as whyBish pointed out, the sheer amount of bugs in the current one.

God I hope not. I wish that they'd just release the patch and be done with it.

I can handle a few bugs. I played Diablo 1 for years. The only thing I don't like is a vaporware patch.

As it stands, I haven't played D2LoD in months. I don't care for playing my 1.09 chars, as they will be toast with the new patch. I also quit playing the beta 1.10, as singleplayer gets old real fast.

I really want to play D2, but I don't see much point when the game is so broken due to being "between patches".

So bring on 1.10, regardless of the bugs. I can handle them. I just want to play D2 again.
Atlas, I think my months of stagnation are almost at an end. For the last two weeks I have been getting the urge to once again delve into the Diablo 2 universe (an urge I have not had for over two years, appropriately), and how queer could it be that the possibility of 1.10 looms just around the corner? I find that a bit too convenient if you ask me... as if coincidence and fate are driving me to play Diablo. At least it will give me a new hobby instead of the nostalgia I feel over current games (especially console games which I hate!).
"The true value of a human being is determined primarily by the measure and the sense in which he has attained liberation from the self." -Albert Einsetin
<cries as he is at collage>
What is this life if, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare.

No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
Quote: Hmmm,
I thought they would have released at least one more, considering the number of outstanding issues in 1.10s

People keep complaining about all of the bugs in 1.10s, but for me the only things I would like resolved are:

1. Fix the Zeal bug.
2. Make 'Delirium' not so powerful or make it made of rarer runes.
3. Tone down the scaling of corpse explosion.

If they fix those three things, then I'd be happy with 1.10. As it is, 1.10s is such a better game than 1.09. Any additional bugs or balance issues they fix would be gravy.
*cough* exponential mana recovery/crushing blow/chance to cast bug
*cough* next delay misfeature

The majority of the problem with 1.10 is the BALANCING. Blizzard's pretty much washed their hands with skill balancing at this point, but it's the worst thing about the patch. Armageddon and all druid summons are the best example. The utterly broken imbalances of the assassin skills is another. You have many skills that have synergies to beef them up, which still perform subpar even after 60-80 points of investment. Most skills that have synergies require that the synergies all be maxed for the skill to be useful, pigeonholing you into a handful of skills.
Dark_Mutterings (Necromancer)
Doug_Winger (Wearbear)
Heroic career and 1.10 aspirations cut tragically short because NOBODY CAN DO ANYTHING WITH A 22.2K CONNECTION WHY DOES GOD HATE ME.
Quote:Blizzard's pretty much washed their hands with skill balancing at this point, but it's the worst thing about the patch.

do you remember the screenies with the synergies for FoH/HB/BH? those were released before the first patch was(but the synergy numbers was from the patch after), the reason for that is (is most likely that) the older one was more stable.

when they released the second patch they (most likely) already had a newer version up, with most likely changed synergies and balancing as well, so we have no idea what the current balance is on synergies.

hopefully nearly all skills will have synergies(look at jab/fend/impale and cry), and mana cost is figured in more ways than just level, since an increase with damage of 1000% should have a slight effect on the mana cost.

also you can complain how much you want about synergies, but when you think about it there are more viable skills(if only for a class or two) than there were in 1.09.
Pren,Oct 21 2003, 04:56 PM Wrote:Most skills that have synergies require that the synergies all be maxed for the skill to be useful, pigeonholing you into a handful of skills.
I think Blizzard did this on purpose, so you would have a hard time suriviving with characters putting points into many different skills, while rewarding players who restrict themselves to master a specific art. Of course, the additional power would then be balanced by the fact that they wouldn't survive as easily on their own. So this would make it tougher to solo in Hell difficulty (something I recall Blizzard said during the days of D2 beta should be extremely hard), and encourage party playing, where a team could be master of several different arts, maybe even if both chose to play Fire Sorceresses for example. The higher level you are, and the later difficulty you play in, the larger difference will the synergies start to make as you put points in them. Coincidentally, the more Blizzard probably wish to encourage cooperative play, so we don't once again get solo players slaying hordes of monsters in Act 5 Hell. Yes, they probably will once again due to bug exploits and overpowered duped items, but it's a try. :)

At least that's what I think is what Blizzard had in mind.
<span style="color:orange">Account: jugalator // <span style="color:orange">Realm: Europe // <span style="color:orange">Mode: Softcore (kinda inactive nowadays though)
Loyal Diablo fan since 1997 :-)
DeeBye,Oct 21 2003, 05:04 PM Wrote:So bring on 1.10, regardless of the bugs.&nbsp; I can handle them.&nbsp; I just want to play D2 again.
Fine for S.P. where you can mod in balance, but what about realms? Every dog and his merc will have a crescent moon... who needs dupes. And as to hoping that they have just magically fixed all of the issues, and don't need any outsiders to confirm this, well :lol:

Should the 'final patch' for D2 be released early to satisfy the impatient and the gullible?
Quote:Every dog and his merc will have a crescent moon... who needs dupes.

Do you think that Crescent Moon really unbalances the game? I see that killing monsters may be faster, but at 50% hit points they're still alive and kicking. Kind of they like kicking hard <_<

Now, give me a 20% Chances to Cast Level 13 Decrepify on Striking and we would be talking :)
[Image: 37671-NicatorSig0326.jpg]

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Quote:Should the 'final patch' for D2 be released early to satisfy the impatient and the gullible?

"early"? As far as 1.10 goes, early went out the window a long time ago.

As much as I want to, I just can't get into playing D2 these days. 1.09 is doomed, and 1.10 is on eternal hold. There is no reason to invest any time building characters, which is the whole point of the game (for me, at least).

I hate buggy patches as much as the next guy, but I also like playing D2. Given the choice, I'll take a buggy D2 over a comatose D2 anyday.

Know what would really spark my interest? Blizzard should launch the ladder realm right now, for 1.09. Let players create 1.09 characters that will have to eventually play under 1.10 rules (whatever they may finally end up being) in a virgin realm.

Just give me ANY REASON WHATSOEVER to play D2.

There is more to Crescent Moon than just static. With dragon talon /double swing/zeal/fury you can get of plenty of fast C/L, and cruel ITD etc. on top.

Whereas chance to cast decrep would only be good if the weapon was high base damage to begin with.
Quote:I hope closing the beta means that the patch is coming to the realms soon

Personally I doubt it. Why would they stop the beta process which aims at collecting bug-reports and then turn around
and release the patch right away. I expect another few weeks delay for the final 'cleanup' at the very least.
The way bliz goes would be surprised if they dumped it on the realms before xmass.

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