Just curious, do anyone have managed to make a build where lifetap is an important component? Also i could like to ask how it interacts with blood golem.
I made a smiter who used lifetap charges to leech, but other than that no. I believe it interacts with blood golem the same way as it does with the rest of your summons, they damage monsters you get life?

I've built several kinds of melee style Necros, and of course they all profit directly from Life Tap :-)
Usually it is enough to push it no more than to sLvl4 (with items) about, because the effect doesn't increase, only the range becomes wider - and that would badly interfere with other curses.

In all other builds LT is the curse of your choice, when
- your melee party members/hireling attack nonleechables*
- your melee party members/hireling come into trouble reasoned by attitude^^
- you want to give extra safety to your melee party members/hireling reasoned by foresight

As for the BG, LT works firstly like with other minions, he deals out damage and thus gets healed - plus some healing for his master.
But along with IM the BG is much safer to play, because all golems do only slow attacks with pathetic damage.
so long ...

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