Amazon Basin Down Again?
TaMeOlta,Jan 12 2005, 08:57 PM Wrote:UnTaMeAble
Not even by TaMeMithear? :D

Anyway, yes, thank you and lots of hugs! :wub:

I promise to try not to cause too many problems for you while I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms. :ph34r:
<span style="color:orange">Account: jugalator // <span style="color:orange">Realm: Europe // <span style="color:orange">Mode: Softcore (kinda inactive nowadays though)
Loyal Diablo fan since 1997 :-)
Any guesses on when it comes back up, when the major server maintmence will happen, and about how long that will take?

Another one here who has PM's to read.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Well well, the Basin shall invade again!

We can always find refuge with our comrades :D!

Ran off to the Amazon Basin
We done did broked it good!
Minionman,Jan 12 2005, 05:39 PM Wrote:Another one here who has PM's to read.

At least you GET PMs. :whistling:
At least we have the channel bot on West up. Thats a big plus. :) Hopefully, wt will be soon to follow.
Comes a time when you're driftin'
Comes a time when you settle down

Neil Young
*twitch* *twitch*

Thanks, Bolty, for the hospitality. LL is, as always, a great place to come, especially for those of us suffering from withdrawal.

In worlde we ware kast for to kare
To we be broght to wende
Til wele or wa, an of tha twa,
To won withouten ende.
Come by the fire and sit back, relax and enjoy your stay :)
"Turn the key deftly in the oiled wards, and seal the hushed casket of my soul" - John Keats, "To Sleep"
Wanderering aimlessly through the infinite corridors of the Internet
Thinking about what to do with the Basin down
I stumble upon this place


I miss my Basin (snif), but this place is pretty cool too.

Nice to meet you all,

*Looks around for the cookies. :blush:

Edit: Ack, special Lurker Lounge avatar doesn't match background color.
Edit 2: Ack, Ack, background color changes every other post. Must re-think this avatar thing.
Edit 3: :rolleyes: Okay, changed to an old one with a frame. I'm stopping now. Sorry to bother you all with my avatar neurosis :wacko: .
Funny... it was a Lounge outage that got me hooked on the Basin in a first place. I never left here though, just kept on lurking.... :shuriken:

/wave to the other refugees. :D
nobbie,Oct 27 2003, 01:52 AM Wrote:Are the Amazon Basin and its forums down again? I can't access them at the moment ...

Yeah I registered here just now mostly so I could ask you guys. I know that some basiners come here so..
the ab forums have been unavailable since tuesday night afaik
It's Not The Look That Counts Because Survival Is The Most Important Thing.
First of all: Thx LL for the support in those Dark days :wub:

But I do have a question:

With AB down and WT also, is there a backup for Game paswords ?

Well I guess PM is out of the question wright now, so I hope it is not a confidential question :(

Thx Kami
Kami,Jan 13 2005, 06:05 AM Wrote:First of all: Thx LL for the support in those Dark days&nbsp; :wub:

But I do have a question:

With AB down and WT also, is there a backup for Game paswords ?

Well I guess PM is out of the question wright now, so I hope it is not a confidential question&nbsp; :(

Thx Kami

AB goes down and the LL gets more members, cant be all bad ;)

when WT goes down just use the old pw untill its up again. if you dont know that then just make a private pw game. if i recall the last time WT went down for a long time you could get a temp pw from the channel mods. there is also public games :blink: you never know but you can still find some fun people there to game with. thats also a good way to find new people that may want to join the AB. play with people in public games, if they seem like someone that would like to play in fun coop games tell them about the AB and to have them read the forums (when up) its always good to bring in new blood.
Only play PoE now.

I cant stand this, all those random thoughts going to waste
This is getting serious.... It’s getting so bad, I might actually start <gasp> working soon at this rate. :unsure:
The double whammy of AB forums and the Wow servers being down is just not right.

Thanks lurkers for putting up with us
We love you :wub: ,

but we miss OUR home :( !

Thanx again for putting us up (or putting up with us...)

Is there any news? :huh:

"People are strange, when you're a stranger." J. Morrison
SOB :(
I gots them shake thingys...

Good luck and godspeed Weasel :D
im really gald we have a second place to call home and im glad you guys/gals are putting up with us.

::Brings in a Cart of Cookies, Brownies, and a couple Barrels of Cider::



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