Makes sense.
Of course the demonologist went that way with the frost mage simply because I wanted a demonologist. :) There wasn't a lot of planning it was just I want to do this and the mage wanted to go frost. That was that. :)
But like I said I don't really want to build two warlocks the same way. I get great joy out of building the character. I don't like to respec to try something completely different. I only really respec to tweak if I can help it. I like my alts and I can have 50 so I'm using them. :)
But without a warlock or a mage over 30 and only my experience of tanking for warlocks and mages and my personal opinion of tank things that are getting AoE'd if you have any option to do so at all to do so I went that route. :)
I know that priet mage combo and AoE even elites pretty and I figure that Voidy should still be able to hold at least one mob through the AoE (or at least most of it) to help out. But I keep forgetting Hellfire hurts you too so it's a little different for the priest to keep you up. :) I'll blame it on just getting hellfire now and still prefering to stack the weaker rain of fire with the Blizzard because that just looks cool and generally you don't need that much extra DPS since you are mixing the blizzard in with it. :)
Just more to think about for me.
So that got me thinking about a 3 tree build that does go 31 into demonology. Partly because I love improved corruption as well as improved life tap and partly because with a shadow priest around I still see shadowbolts tearing up single targets and while I won't have the super high crit chance to get those procs all the time having the chance to amp up a mind blast would still be fun. :) Plus I like the extra versatility of having the faster cast immolate and shadow bolts and getting shadowburn. That seems like a good skill to have. I give up the improved drain talents but with a priest around (even if they are shadow) I think that's a sacrifice I can make. I thought about giving up improved corruption and life tap and doing a 31/20 demonology/destruction but 7 more points in destruction over what I had didn't seem to add as much value as improved corruptoin and improved life tap would. I could be very wrong. A 31/20 demon/affliction seemed better than a 31/20 demon/destruction as well if I don't split.
So now that it looks like I'll probably be going demon and changing the other to a fire build and I've linked a build that seem to appeal to what I know I like now I'm looking for feedback on that. :)
Very likely go with Swirly's build for the fire lock with the mage and I could still put the points in voidy there as well if I wanted. So yeah that's the other question he has 5 floating points in this build. I'd be with a frost mage with that. I'm wondering about aftermath. Sure the mage would be slowing them but since that duo would be all about kiting and the more you slow the easier it is to kite. I wonder how the daze and chill stack as well. And there is improved voidy there that could be done too you get a stronger voidy shield and you get a voidy that tanks nasty single targets better and then the other two in improved healthstone (because more healing without a healer around never hurts).
Comments on that?
Edit: I've got a 3rd solo lock right now who it looks like will be my deep affliction tree build now because of tweaking the other two. :)
Of course the demonologist went that way with the frost mage simply because I wanted a demonologist. :) There wasn't a lot of planning it was just I want to do this and the mage wanted to go frost. That was that. :)
But like I said I don't really want to build two warlocks the same way. I get great joy out of building the character. I don't like to respec to try something completely different. I only really respec to tweak if I can help it. I like my alts and I can have 50 so I'm using them. :)
But without a warlock or a mage over 30 and only my experience of tanking for warlocks and mages and my personal opinion of tank things that are getting AoE'd if you have any option to do so at all to do so I went that route. :)
I know that priet mage combo and AoE even elites pretty and I figure that Voidy should still be able to hold at least one mob through the AoE (or at least most of it) to help out. But I keep forgetting Hellfire hurts you too so it's a little different for the priest to keep you up. :) I'll blame it on just getting hellfire now and still prefering to stack the weaker rain of fire with the Blizzard because that just looks cool and generally you don't need that much extra DPS since you are mixing the blizzard in with it. :)
Just more to think about for me.
So that got me thinking about a 3 tree build that does go 31 into demonology. Partly because I love improved corruption as well as improved life tap and partly because with a shadow priest around I still see shadowbolts tearing up single targets and while I won't have the super high crit chance to get those procs all the time having the chance to amp up a mind blast would still be fun. :) Plus I like the extra versatility of having the faster cast immolate and shadow bolts and getting shadowburn. That seems like a good skill to have. I give up the improved drain talents but with a priest around (even if they are shadow) I think that's a sacrifice I can make. I thought about giving up improved corruption and life tap and doing a 31/20 demonology/destruction but 7 more points in destruction over what I had didn't seem to add as much value as improved corruptoin and improved life tap would. I could be very wrong. A 31/20 demon/affliction seemed better than a 31/20 demon/destruction as well if I don't split.
So now that it looks like I'll probably be going demon and changing the other to a fire build and I've linked a build that seem to appeal to what I know I like now I'm looking for feedback on that. :)
Very likely go with Swirly's build for the fire lock with the mage and I could still put the points in voidy there as well if I wanted. So yeah that's the other question he has 5 floating points in this build. I'd be with a frost mage with that. I'm wondering about aftermath. Sure the mage would be slowing them but since that duo would be all about kiting and the more you slow the easier it is to kite. I wonder how the daze and chill stack as well. And there is improved voidy there that could be done too you get a stronger voidy shield and you get a voidy that tanks nasty single targets better and then the other two in improved healthstone (because more healing without a healer around never hurts).
Comments on that?
Edit: I've got a 3rd solo lock right now who it looks like will be my deep affliction tree build now because of tweaking the other two. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.