11-09-2005, 11:14 PM
nobbie,Nov 9 2005, 04:04 AM Wrote:Can you explain why you've chosen not to maximize certain spells, i.e. why not 36 points in Shadow (max. Shadow Focus and max. Imp. Mind Blast) and just 15 points in Discipline (leave out the 3 points in Mental Strength (+6% increased Mana))?That's the DPS Spec I posted only with focused casting so I can give you some feedback on it.
The reason for the partial talents is because they're filler and better talents lie above. For example, for PvP blackout is better than Spirit Tap, so your first five points go there. Then you need 5 points before you get to Mind Flay. Of the 5 point talents, ISW:P is the best, so your first two points go there. Of what's left, 3 points in Shadow Focus are better than Shadow Affinity or Spirit Tap. This same logic explains the IMB.
4 dots in IMB mean you have a 6s wait between mind blasts. 5 dots means you have a 5.5s wait - it's really not that big a deal. Similarly, 10% less shadow resistance isn't all that stellar vs. 6%. 6% more mana means about 400 more mana points. That's another 900 hps. That's a pretty good deal. Mental Strength is really a good talent for a priest. I put IR in my list, but that's because I love Renew for PvP. :wub: YMMV.
I should mention that these are all end game PvP builds. When it comes to leveling, I would absolutely put Spirit Tap into the mix. It's pretty pointless in group play, though - even less so in PvP.