My computer died
Roland,Jul 28 2005, 03:41 AM Wrote:Do you want an honest answer?

It sounds like your PSU blew, and took your motherboard (at the very least) with it. Could also be the CPU (in addition to or instead of the motherboard). And if it is the motherboard, there's no real telling what ELSE might have gone with it.

Set aside a couple hundred bucks and invest in a new Motherboard. If that works, you may want to think about a new CPU just to be safe. If it doesn't work, you'll be getting a new one anyway. :P

Of course, there IS the potential for "other" issues to be causing this - like you improperly hooking up the PSU, the Power Button wire not being connected properly, etc. But, given what you described, I'd say it's bye-bye Mobo and PSU.

Oh, dammit.

Great time to be a jobless teenager.

Gyeh. At least I can access the internet. But unless I can convince the owners of the other computers hanging around here to lose a computer (and have a temporary upgrade in the form of transplanted RAM/harddrive), then none of that crazy 'World of Warcraft' stuff for me. ><

Messages In This Thread
My computer died - by Bob the Beholder - 07-28-2005, 03:06 AM
My computer died - by Roland - 07-28-2005, 03:41 AM
My computer died - by Bob the Beholder - 07-28-2005, 03:55 AM
My computer died - by Yrrek - 07-28-2005, 05:48 AM
My computer died - by Griselda - 07-28-2005, 06:18 AM
My computer died - by whyBish - 08-03-2005, 11:11 AM

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